
据世纪报报道,受害者表示,性侵犯来自于一些顶级的私立学校,如Melbourne Grammar, Ivanhoe Grammar, Geelong Grammar, Yarra Valley Grammar和Marcellin College。
据悉,此事源自两周前,悉尼女学生Chanel Contos发起一项请愿,多名年轻女性与男性留下匿名评论。如今,学校与州政府被敦促解决此问题。
教育厅长James Merlino表示,他已要求教育部与Contos会面,共同探讨学校加强性教育同意的方式和州政府的改善措施。
Geelong Grammar的校长Rebecca Cody说,如今的当务之急是保障学生的人身安全,以及安排辅导员协助曾是受害者的学生。
一名来自Monbulk College 2012校友的匿名证词表示:“我认为我被强奸了好几次,但是直到我20多岁才知道这是性侵。现在公开自己的经历实在是太痛苦了,我被剥夺了接受谘询的机会。如果我们能阻止孩子经历我的故事,还为时不晚。”
在周末,墨尔本一些最负盛名的天主教学校包括St Kevin’s College、Parade College、St Mary’s College、St Joseph’s College及St Bernard’s College表示,请愿书迫使他们采取行动,并表示他们将与家长一起解决这个问题。
受害者证词来自以下中学: Our Lady of Mercy College in Heidelberg, Geelong Grammar, Princes Hill Secondary College, Yarra Valley Grammar, Geelong High School, Emmanuel College in Point Cook, Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College in Geelong, Monbulk College, Oxley College, Cathedral College in Wangaratta, St Columba’s College in Essendon, Upwey High School, St Leonard’s College in Melbourne, Canterbury Girls Secondary College, Mentone Girls Secondary College, Eltham College, Chaffey Secondary College in Mildura, Strathmore Secondary College, Ballarat High School, St Catherine’s in Melbourne, Aquinas College in Ringwood, Sacre C?ur in Glen Iris, Salesian College in Sunbury, Emerald Secondary College, Northcote High School, Catholic College Sale, Caulfield Grammar, St Monica’s College in Epping, Mount Evelyn Christian School, Haileybury College, Viewbank College, Melbourne Girls Grammar, St Joseph’s College in Geelong和Methodist Ladies’ College in Kew。
一些受害者指名性侵犯来自以下学校: Brighton Secondary College, Melbourne Grammar School, St Kevin’s College, Brighton Secondary College, Berwick Grammar School, Emmanuel College in Altona North, Melbourne Grammar School, Marcellin College in Bulleen, McKinnon Secondary College, Geelong Grammar School, Camberwell High School, Whitefriars College in Donvale and Wesley College.。
全国性侵犯,家庭和家庭暴力谘询专线:1800 737 732
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