人们担心, 随着反疫苗人士网上活动最近几天大幅蹿升,反疫苗人士有可能攻击新冠疫苗的存储中心。
早先监测到这些人士的互动每天大约200次, 但是最近这种动向已经增加到每天6000次。
上周在墨尔本反疫苗人士举行了抗议示威, 就在昨天大约200人在卫生部长亨特(Greg Hunt)外举行了和平抗议。
某些反疫苗人士的担忧中, 有人担心COVID-19 疫苗或许改变一个人的DNA。
澳洲已经有大约30,000 人接种了新冠疫苗,但是也有小插曲发生。
因为医生没有接受合适的培训, 上周昆士兰的两名老人接种了超过推荐剂量的疫苗。
在墨尔本一个老人院因为接收了多出一倍的剂量, 125剂疫苗被扔掉。
而其它的老人院居民相信本应该上周就能接种疫苗, 却空等着。
新州卫生厅长Brad Hazzard 说, 虽然联邦政府出了差错,谈论由州接管疫苗接种为时过早。
他说:“ 公平地说,需要给联邦政府时间。”
“你能预料到,在这个百年一遇的情况下, 总会有不顺畅的。“

https://www.9news.com.au/nationa ... e-80f7-f5e21d61f0e7
Fears vaccine hubs could be 'targeted' as online chatter spikes
It's feared anti-vaxxers could target COVID-19 vaccine storage hubs, with online activity from protesters spiking in recent days.
A special team of AFP detectives has been appointed by the Federal Government to watch the online interactions of the anti-vaccination "movement".
Previously, those interactions had measured about 200 a day, but recently that had skyrocketed to 6000 a day.
An anti-vaccination protest was held in Melbourne last week, while yesterday, a peaceful protest with about 200 people was staged outside Health Minister office.
Among the fears of some anti-vaxxers is the idea that the jab could alter a person's
"It's basically about informed consent," one of the protesters outside Mr Hunt's office said yesterday.
Almost 30,000 Australians have been vaccinated already, but the rollout has not been without its dramas.
Two elderly people in Queensland were given an overdose of the vaccine last week by a doctor who had not had the proper training.
And 125 doses of the Pfizer vaccine had to be tossed out in Melbourne after an aged care home received more than double the supply of required vials.
Other aged care residents have been left waiting after believing they were set to receive the vaccine last week.
But NSW Health Minister said despite the federal bungles, it was too soon to talk about the states taking over vaccine delivery.
"The fair thing to say is we need to give the Federal Government time," he said.
"You've got to expect that in a one-in-100-years situation that there will be hiccups."
https://www.9news.com.au/nationa ... e-80f7-f5e21d61f0e7
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