

维州州长Daniel Andrews不排除第4阶段的封城限制延长到9月13日之后。周日,该州新增114例新冠病毒病例,11人死亡。










理性党(Reason Party)议员Fiona Patten说,她促成了一项协议,该协议将延长议员六个月的时间,条件是议员每4周应听取简报。









编译来源: Herald Sun
原文链接: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/cor ... 4bbb0c01b760f609137

It is unlikely metropolitan Melbourne will come out of stage four restrictions in two weeks, according to Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth.

He said it was “hard to see” restrictions being lifted on schedule, given the coronavirus numbers still being reported in Victoria.

The state recorded 73 new cases and 19 deaths on Monday, but the death toll jumped by 41 after aged-care facilities reported new deaths in the weeks leading up to August 27.

“I have to be honest ... with the people of Victoria,” Dr Coatsworth said.

“I think that we’re going to have to see the numbers down where they’re controllable.

“That is the numbers that you are seeing in NSW and Queensland at the moment.

“You can see the effort that it takes to control numbers between about five and 10 per day.

“I think we need to see what happens to the numbers. I think the numbers need to be a lot less than they are now.”

A deal to extend the government’s state of emergency powers by six months is also up in the air after a group of crossbench MPs declared they would not support it.

Public health authorities are to assess infection data over this week as they work to determine what rule changes will be possible when the current limits are scheduled to end in a fortnight.

Mr Andrews said it was still too early to say whether Melbourne would then be able to move back into stage three.

“Before then though we will be able to give people a clear sense of the different stages that will be a feature of the weeks and months to come,” he said. “We will give people as much certainty and as much notice as we can.”

Mr Andrews said he understood every Victorian wanted to know what the government’s next steps would be, but he said case numbers were still too high to open up and to finalise a strategy.

“At 100, 94, at 114, whatever the number, we simply could not open up,” he said. “Those numbers would explode, we would finish up in perhaps an even worse situation than we have been in recent months.

“We cannot fritter away all that good work and sacrifice.

“Once we see these numbers fall further, we will be able to talk in more definitive terms. We all wanted this second wave to be defeated but it needs to be defeated properly.”

There will be a crucial vote in the Victorian parliament on Tuesday as the Andrews government attempts to push through a Bill to extend its state of emergency powers.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten said she had brokered a deal that would grant an extension for six months on the condition MPs were briefed every four weeks.

But it’s unclear whether the proposal has enough support from other crossbench politicians in the upper house, with many declaring they would not support a six-month extension.

“I’m confident that as parliament sits next week we’ll get both a set of arrangements that protect public health but also give us the legal certainty to have a plan to open up,” he said.

“A plan that runs for a considerable period of time.”

Mr Andrews said Victoria’s state of disaster, due to expire Wednesday, was likely to extended pending advice from the Emergency Manager Commissioner and Emergency Services Minister.

Of the 11 deaths recorded on Saturday, nine were linked to aged care outbreaks.

There were 472 Victorians in hospital being treated for coronavirus — 25 in intensive care and 11 on ventilators.

The state’s 2830 active cases include 406 healthcare workers and 127 in aged care.

Infections in regional Victoria continue to fall, with 166 active cases recorded.

There are 55 active cases in Geelong — an increase of three — while Bendigo and Ballarat have not recorded any new cases, with 10 and six active cases respectively.

Just three infections were listed as mystery cases, taking the state’s community transmission total to 4226.

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