10号电视台重组,Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Tim Bailey这些家喻户晓的名字将被裁掉
10号台对新闻部进行大规模的重组, 有岗位被裁剪,专题栏目被砍掉。
知名播音员Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Natarsha Belling 和长期以来播报天气的Tim Bailey 据信在裁员的名单里, 成了裁员的牺牲品。
10号台新闻主任Ross Dagan 说:” 这些令人痛苦的变化反映出媒体行业最近几年的状况,也反映出所有媒体公司提高效率的必要性。“
悉尼,布里斯本和珀斯的新闻也将在悉尼制作, 墨尔本和阿德雷德德新闻将在墨尔本制作。
Studio 10 栏目将继续在周一至周五德早上8点至中午播出, 但是一些播音员,记者和员工将被裁员。
The Project 将不受这些变化的影响。
就在5月份,刚刚两年前开通的网上节目10 Daily关闭了, 包括:娱乐,生活方式。
2017年,曾经叫做Ten Network Holdings 进入自愿破产管理, 后来被美国广播公司CBS 接手。
CBS 去年2月与Viacom合并。

Natarsha Belling, Tim Bailey and Kerri-Anne Kennerley are among high profile names cut from Network 10 in its latest restructure.
https://www.9news.com.au/nationa ... b-babe-040302b58d86
Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Tim Bailey among high-profile names cut from Network 10 in latest restructure
Jobs have been cut and bulletins axed as part of a large restructure of the news department at Network 10.
High-profile presenters Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Natarsha Belling and long-time weatherman Tim Bailey are believed to be among the casualties of the most recent cuts.
"These painful changes reflect the state of the media industry in recent years and the need for all media companies to achieve new efficiencies," Ross Dagan, 10's director of news content, said.
The network will overhaul its nightly 90-minute weekday news bulletins, which will now be broadcast from Sydney and Melbourne.
The Sydney, Brisbane and Perth bulletins will be produced in Sydney, while the Melbourne and Adelaide bulletins will be looked after in Melbourne.
The weekday weather report will move to a national model.
Some local reporters, crews and camera operators will remain employed in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.
Studio 10 will continue to air from 8am-midday on weekdays, but some presenters, journalists and staff have been cut.
The Project will not be affected by any of the changes.
In May, Network 10 closed its news, entertainment and lifestyle website 10 Daily, just two years after its launch.
In 2017, the company formerly known as Ten Network Holdings went into voluntary receivership and was later acquired by US broadcaster CBS.
CBS merged with Viacom in December last year.
https://www.9news.com.au/nationa ... b-babe-040302b58d86
10号电视台的东家也是美国控制的, 澳洲媒体哪家不是被美国控制的?
仅有ABC , SBS 吗?
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