如果1名乘客的体温超过37.5C或者有新冠病毒症状, 他们就会被转移到一个单独的处理区域,此时将做拭子采样。
新州卫生官员Kerry Chant说,在等待检测结果的时候,他们将被送回家或者他们任何的住所,只要他们不要把病毒暴露给出租车或者Uber司机。
在等待结果的时候, 这些人还可以送到一种“健康酒店”的地方。
这种酒店是三月份最初为不能在家自我隔离的人士设置的, 后来用做收容归来的国际旅客。
从7月份开始, 这种酒店也用来收容有症状的人士或者无有效许可证进入新州的人。

https://www.9news.com.au/nationa ... f-ba3f-e5f6853db3d6
What happens if a passenger has symptoms?
If a passenger has a temperature over 37.5C or they have coronavirus symptoms, they are moved to a separate processing area where a swab may be taken.
They are then transported home or to wherever they are staying in a way does not expose a taxi or Uber driver to the virus while they are waiting for results, Dr Kerry Chant said.
There is also a "health hotel" where people can be taken to while awaiting results.
The accommodation was initially set up in March for people unable to self-isolate at home and has since housed returning international travellers.
From the start of July, it has also been used to house people who have been symptomatic or who are entering NSW without a valid permit.
https://www.9news.com.au/nationa ... f-ba3f-e5f6853db3d6
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