一艘装载医疗物资的货船遭遇巨大海浪后, 40个集装箱掉落海里, 现在澳洲的东海岸有外科口罩冲上了岸边。
星期天在新州海岸边, 悬挂新加坡旗帜的APL England 号货船在从中国前往墨尔本途中把货物遗失在了大浪中。
昆州海事安全总经理Angus Mitchell 对9号台说:“ 在那些失踪的40个集装箱里面有医用口罩,汽车零件,家具,各种东西。”
这只货船目前在离阳光海岸的Moreton Ba y 抛锚停泊,海事安全官员正在检查。
澳洲海事安全局(AMSA)运营总总理Allan Schwartz说, 适航性检查将有助于确定这艘船是否能被安全地带进布里斯本港。
Schwartz 先生说:“我们接到医用物资(口罩)在Magenta 海滩和The Entrance 之间冲上海岸的报告。 这个信息已经传达给新州海事部门。 这与残骸的漂流模型吻合,也与货船的载货单内容一致。”
“ 在受掉落集装箱影响的海域, 似乎没有危险物品。澳洲海事安全局正与货船代理确认究竟是哪些集装箱掉进了海里。”
Mitchell先生说;“ 有 6到7个集装箱伸出了甲板外, 我们要查清楚里面装了什么货物, 怎样确保在去布里斯本的路上不要掉下去。”
三月份在疫情期,医务工作者报告说, 全球范围内口罩和其它医疗设备短缺。
据估计, 这艘船最快在今晚或明天早上将进入布里斯本港。
APL 英格兰号 货船在距离悉尼东南75公里的地方遇到波涛汹涌的大浪, 暂时失去了动力, 导致货船左右摇晃。
几十个集装箱翻滚掉下了 2公里深的水里, 另有74个集装箱受到损坏,还导致9个集装箱从右舷伸出头来。
澳洲海事安全局的飞机星期天在出事水域搜索集装箱和货物残骸, 一无所获。
2016年的时候,APL英格兰号(当时为不同的经营方)曾经在汹涌的大澳大利亚湾(Great Australian Bight)汹涌的海里丢失了 37个集装箱。



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Surgical masks wash ashore on East Coast beaches after 40 shipping containers fall from APL England
Surgical masks have washed ashore on Australian beaches after a cargo ship carrying medical supplies lost 40 containers in giant ocean swells.
Singapore-flagged container ship APL England lost the cargo in large swells on Sunday off the NSW coast while en-route from China to Melbourne.
"In that 40 (missing containers) there's surgical masks, there's car parts, there's furniture, all kinds of stuff," Angus Mitchell, General manager of Maritime Safety Queensland, told 9News.
The ship is currently anchored in Moreton Bay, off the Sunshine Coast and is being inspected by maritime safety officials.
Investigators are scouring the manifest to identify what is missing.
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) General Manager of Operations Allan Schwartz said the seaworthiness inspection would help inform if, and how, the ship might be brought safely into the Port of Brisbane.
"We have received a report of some medical supplies (face masks) washing up between Magenta Beach and The Entrance.
This information has been passed onto NSW Maritime. These correlate to drift modelling of debris and are consistent with items listed on the ship's cargo manifest," Mr Schwartz said.
"No dangerous goods appear to be in the areas affected by the collapse of container stacks and AMSA is working closely with the ship's cargo agent to confirm exactly which containers went overboard."
Today, AMSA surveyors conducted a seaworthiness inspection to check the structural and operational condition of the ship following the collapse of container stacks on the deck.
"There's six or seven (containers) hanging overboard, we want to know what's in them and what we can do to make sure they don't go over on the way to Brisbane," Mr Mitchell said.
"There's no rush here, we need to get this right. The consequence of not getting this right can be quite great."
In March, during the coronavirus pandemic, health workers reported a global shortage of face masks and other equipment.
The incident which happened on Sunday had forced the ship to turn around and head toward Brisbane.
Aerial footage from above the vessel showed several containers hanging precariously over the edge of the ship.
It is estimated, at the earliest, the ship will dock in Brisbane either late tonight or early tomorrow morning.
The APL England suffered a temporary loss of propulsion during heavy seas about 75km southeast of Sydney, which caused it to roll.
A few dozen containers tumbled overboard in waters about 2km deep while another 74 were damaged, leaving nine containers protruding from the ship's starboard and port sides.
AMSA planes on Sunday searched for containers and cargo debris in the water without success.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau was also notified and will investigate.
The APL England - under different management - previously lost 37 containers in the Great Australian Bight in August 2016, also due to heavy rolling in rough seas.
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原文里说, 掉进 2公里深的水里, 估计只能放弃打捞了
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