

澳洲画家Helen Bronte Boyd 在香港养育了三个孩子,把香港视为家。





“我们被震惊了。。。这种事不会发生在香港的。这是某种转折点。” 她说。














“之后一切都变得丑陋。” 她说的是随后发生的暴力以及周二航班的取消。

Wendell 说他认为抗议者开始失去中年香港人的支持。


“元朗特别依赖大陆游客。游客人数骤跌。那里的生意有时候和三合会有关的。” 他说.









她的朋友 好好的走在路上 啥也没干,就被警察扑倒了啊?
























  说的很中肯啊, 很多一开始支持游行的人现在也开始反思了








FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ ... /10157517931723518/

Everybody please be safe.
Best advise: Behave as there actually were a curfew.
Passersby, Bystanders, On-Lookers and random commuters of all kind might be arrested or beaten up without reason if at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Jan Bochenski was arrested on Sunday 04th of August 2019. He wrote a statement and would like to share.
To Whom It May Concern 6th August 2019
I, Mr. Jan Bochenski, 62 years of age, first came to Hong Kong with the Police in 1979 and served in the Marine District until 1983. After meeting and marrying my wife, Eliza, I ventured to Australia to undertake a career in aviation: resulting in 7 years working for domestic Australian airlines before returning to Hong Kong to take up a career with Cathay Pacific for 21 years. I then served with Hong Kong Airlines and Hong Kong Air Cargo until retirement in March 2019 of this year.
I have been married to Eliza for 37 years, resulting in 2 lovely children - a daughter here in Hong Kong and a son overseas. Eliza and I currently live in western Mid Levels. 
On Sunday, the 4th of August, I participated in a charity sailing race for underprivileged children in Deep Water Bay (hosted by the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club) that terminated around 5 pm. I took the MTR home. Whilst on the way home I was browsing my phone’s news feed when I noticed public disturbances in Tseung Kwan O and Wong Tai Sin, yet reading the papers that morning at the club there was no mention of Curfew. After getting home I had a light dinner and since my wife and daughter had gone to Shenzhen I decided on a walk in the evening as during my last aviation medical my doctor indicated I was getting slightly overweight and high cholesterol.
I drove down from home and parked in a side street to walk along Des Voeux rd West around 9 pm with the intention of walking along the flat foreshore of Western. I was dressed in white shorts and blue T-shirt and had a wallet , car and home keys and a mobile phone.Walking along I noticed a commotion down Ka On street by some 30 to 40 people and wondered what was going on. At the end of Ka On street on the corner of Connaught rd people were peering around the corner and looking at a squad of Police Tactical officers blocking the road. Upon enquiry with different onlookers it transpired that they the police were protecting the China Liaison office in Sheung Wan. People of all ages and kinds were curious as to what was going on.I started back down Ka On street towards Des Voeux rd west and a small argument developed that seemed not serious so I continued my walk. As I was about to round Des Voeux road West a group of PTU officers complete with shield and battens in hand came running down Ka On street from the opposite direction and pushed everyone against the wall and ordered them to squat with hands against the wall. At first the PTU officer asked if I was a tourist and I said no and that I lived in the district and was having a walk. They asked me to switch off my phone. After the police searched the group I was with , around 20 people or so, including a Dileveroo pizza boy ushered us onto a bus. As I was about to step onto the bus and officer at the bottom of the stairs took my photo and stated I was being detained for Unlawful Assembly. At no time did any officer ask what I was doing in the area or tried to inquire my motive for being there or anyone else's for that matter, as was done in my day, and ushered young and old onto the bus.Next to me sat a young polite PTU officer that put handcuffs on me , but was unable to tell me we are destined for. We moved off and I noticed we were going through the West harbour tunnel so the young PTU officer told me we may be destined for Cheung Sha Wan Police station.Upon arrival at the station there was a considerable delay getting off the hired coach and were made to line up outside.By this time I was needing the toilet and this was initially refused for sometime.Eventually we were ushered into a makeshift car park area that had recently been converted to a large holding area with blue plastic seats. At this point nothing seemed to be happening. There were many officers lingering around the compound with no one doing anything or trying to process people.A second coach arrived with more citizens of all ages and creeds.I was then given a “Notice to Persons in Police Custody or involved in Enquiries” and read it and signed accordingly.Our phones were removed and placed in a separate plastic bag as to the possessions on person.The form stated I was allowed to make a call so I proceeded to ask many officers if I could do so yet all of them stated it would happen in due course.
I also noted that the whole operation was conducted by Junior Officers so when I spotted a senior inspector I implored him to allow me to make a call. This resulted in a shouting match as I insisted as per above form that a call was allowed in addition to legal representation. The senior inspector moved off and another sergeant said he would try and sort it out. After being detained 4 hours I was finally taken up to the control room upstairs whereupon I rang my wife told her I was fine and to contact a lawyer and that I was being detained for unlawful assembly.They then moved me into a small cell initially on my own and used the toilet in other nearby larger cells that were empty.With only a light walking T shirt it soon became very cold.At 04:30 a lawyer friend visited and informed me of my rights and the right to remain silent.
I then met two volunteer lawyers that were very helpful and helped me contact my wife. They reminded me of my rights in this situation. They would also pass on to her the location of my car in Whitty St.
During all this time I had a clear view of the control room from my crowded cell and noticed the control room very disorganized and in disarray. No leadership was present with much shouting and it seemed all operations were conducted by Junior Officers. In my day whenever a crisis presented itself it would be conducted by a Chief Inspector in the very least or even a Superintendent. The control room was messy with phones and files everywhere that would never pass an inspection..
I met many good people from all walks of life and all ages.None wore a black T-shirt and some were even in pyjamas. Surprisingly was a teacher with his 65 year old mother whom Police had stripped her of her medication and advised her that if she needed it for her diabetes she could be transferred in Handcuffs to a nearby hospital, We chatted and she decided to forget the lack of dignity, at least she could have a bed and the police would have to release her within 48 hours. Another inmate was an Indian chef , in full uniform complete with hat but was concerned about lawyer fees .At this stage police were giving every excuse of being too busy in order to allow many a call or to go downstairs where lawyers and other volunteer legal staff were waiting all night to help.
It seems contact with lawyers was your only hope of contacting relatives and this was being constantly delayed by Police. We constantly asked for water as no food was present and for the unfortunate many, to make a simple call.
At 06;00 that morning, the cell that had a notice on the wall stating it was designed for enough people that could sit on the bench ie: 4 had around 15 occupants with standing room only.I asked to be moved but this was refused and then during my next visit to the toilet in the adjacent cells told the officers in the control room that I would not go back into the small holding cells and that the others were empty and why not used.This resulted in a second shouting match and finally I was moved to a larger cell in the rear with 5 others and a toilet.
I now had room to stretch out and noticed others were being transferred to less crowded cells.I now shared a cell with a 57 year old office furniture worker, a teacher of 30 years, an Indian Chef and another Indian restaurant worker whom happened to live above the site of arrest!.None of us had been harmed but all of us realized we were pawns in a larger political game to satisfy an arrest number count.Two coach loads!Now came the wait in order to make a statement. At around midday I was given a small egg sandwich as breakfast and water. At 13:30 I was ushered to an isolated room where sat an interpreter and Senior PC from the Narcotic bureau and made my statement accordingly - I have nothing to say.
However disturbingly I noticed around the small room that fist marks in the parker board were present as well as boot and shoe marks all around the room at knee level.I then went for fingerprinting and photograph.During this time other officers whom knew of my ex Police status asked for my thoughts on the disturbances and I discussed with them how is the Police ever going to restore the trust that took years to build up during the colonial times.I felt some officers knew deep down this was all an unnecessary charade and a very sad situation they found themselves in.I asked them why was there not a curfew in place and they replied it was a Govt decision . I subsequently returned to my cell and waited for the Duty Officer to review my case.At around 7 pm we were all informed that bail would be granted to all 5 of us at $500 hkd and once again asked if I could call my wife in order for her to give me the cash as I had only a $20 note for my walk.Phone call denied and now Police informed us that protesters were now barricading themselves around the station and that we would not be able to leave.We now received a lunch box of rice and glue ham as I reassured the others that best get some sleep as it will only be when the MTR closes that people will disperse and we can go home. True to my thoughts at 01:30 they began to release all of us and luckily the Indian Chef received $700 cash from a xxxx charity group? the young teacher lent me $800 cash and we shared a taxi home to Sai Ying Pun where we all live.
It is now a day later at home that I write this and looking through the paperwork realize that the location of the arrest is on the corner of Des Voeux rd west and Ka On st and not Connaught rd west as Police claim and I failed to get a receipt for my phone now confiscated at the station.
In conclusion, in my opinion, I never saw a protestor, just by-standers, no one wore a black shirt, no one had a mask or yellow helmet .There were elderly and people from all walks of life and mostly local residents.There was no curfew,.
It is disturbing however that no senior officers were visible during my 30hrs at Cheung Sha Wan Police station, that it seemed leadership within the force has broken down and the chain of command non-existent.
Junior officers have been left to pick up the pieces beyond their control.
It is also more disturbing that people's rights to make a phone call or seek legal representation is willfully stalled and avoided and that a tactic of isolating innocent bystanders from family is clearly evident.
Mr Jan Bochenski Sai Ying Pun Hong Kong
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