大家好,我已经搬进了外面洗衣房的租金。 The water pressure is ridiculously low- the sprinklers barely rotate, even with the tap fully open- so you get the idea.
Can anyone recommend a washing machine that can work on very low water pressure?
Cheers Z
We Picked a F&P on the basis that the specifications included operating on a pressure suitable for our rainwater supply.
It seems such data is not目前在主要规格上,但在安装指南中。例如
https://www.fish.fisherpaykel.com 压力 max 1 MPa (150psi) min 30 kPa (4.5psi) Ensure you remove the water pressure restriction in the hose screw on tap connections.... Hi all, I ended up using the indoor tap and voila much better water pressure and a working washing machine.这只是室外水压的水压差不多。 zahira1写下... 这只是户外水压,它们的水压低得很低。 可能只需要一个新的Tap dip dap dip dap dap dap asher
Ensure you remove the water pressure restriction in the hose screw on tap connections....
washing machine hoses dont have an inbuilt pressure reducer
spartacus1098 writes...
washing machine hoses dont have an inbuilt pressure reducer
Correct, from what I've看到,这只是一个网格过滤器。 在其中打几个孔或取出。 这样做“可能”允许foriegn材料。
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