Probate is ongoing for a number of properties that my grandmother owned:
-Property 1, she owns 66% share and my father owns 33% share
-Property 2, my father owns 66% share and she owns 33% share
In her will there was a codicil which stated she wished to transfer her share in property 2 for my fathers share in property 1 so that the estate would have 100% share of property 1 and my father would have 100% share in property 2.
Do you know if this would cause any transfer/stamp duty to be paid or any CGT issues?
You have described it as a wishy washy statement in her Will which she cannot control (ie your father transferring his share of one property to her estate).
My understanding is如果她将自己的33%的股份留给了您的父亲,则不会带来转移费用,并且CGT将推迟到出售为止。如果这是一个PrecGT资产(1985年9月之前购买),那么它需要以CGT的目的和您的父亲或他留下的身份对CGT承担责任。
如果您的父亲将其份额转移到遗产上,则是的,是的,是的,是的,他将不得不转移,他将不得不付费。 CGT。 无论考虑如何(如果有),自愿转移而不是遗嘱,都会吸引CGT。
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