新西兰(福利)Marketing专业申请PR的雇主调查信. 如有违


Dear XXX,

XXX has applied for residence in NewZealand and has authorized Immigration New Zealand to confirm the details oftheir employment with your company.  In order to continue processing [PAname]’s application for residence, I would be grateful if you could provide mewith the information requested below by xx/xx/201x

XXX’s current position:

Has XXX held any other positions with yourcompany? If so, what other positions and when were these held?

A description of the purpose of XXX’sposition with your company in your own words (I already have a copy of the jobdescription but also require a description of his/her role in plain English)?

When did XXX start with your company?

How many hours a week does XXX work?

What is [PA name]’s current remuneration?

What is the duration of XXX’s currentemployment agreement with your company and, if it is fixed term, is itrenewable?

Did your company verify XXX’s previous workreferences?

Why is XXX considered to be particularlysuited to the position with your company?

What is your role in the business?

If this is not a new position, who held itbefore and why did that person leave?

How did you first make contact with XXX?

Please provide examples of how XXX performsthe following tasks:

·        determining product mix, stock levels andservice standards

·        formulating and implementing purchasingand marketing policies, and setting prices

·        promoting and advertising theestablishment's goods and services

·        selling goods and services to customersand advising them on product use

·        maintaining records of stock levels andfinancial transactions

·        undertaking budgeting for theestablishment

·        controlling selection, training andsupervision of staff

·        ensuring compliance with occupationalhealth and safety regulations

I also require you to provide me with thefollowing documents:

•        Copiesof XXX’s time & wages records for last X months.

•        Yourcompany’s organisational flow chart showing your employees’ positions.

这只是某一个移民官的雇主调查 并不代表所有移民官都会用这个 仅供参考

对 Manager title



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