我的工作是不是一定要跟ANZSCO上面我选的occupation里面的task完全匹配?不是100%一样行不行?我之前确实听说有人被拒签,decline reason是4/9 of tasks don't match 那如果我稍微编一点儿duty往ANZSCO里面的description上套然后跟manager打好招呼行不行(我跟manager的关系还不错)? 他们了解我工作内容的渠道是不是就只有我的manager?我想自己写一封关于我position responsibility的信把自己套到ANZSCO的那个框框里然后找我manager签字,把信跟其他所有材料一起寄过去,这样做可行吗?
你的工作确实需要和ANZSCO上的非常接近,最好多准备一些材料能证明你的工作是怎样符合ANZSCO上每一条的。 你说的信什么的可以写,但是要保证尽量真实。因为immigration officer在不确定的情况下不仅会联系你的manager,也有可能到你上班的地方site visit和你的同事什么聊聊。总之你的工作真实就不用怕。
谢谢你的回答 :)
An offer of employment or current employment in New Zealand will be assessed as skilled if it meets the requirements of (a), (b) or (c) below.
The occupation is included in part A of the List of Skilled Occupations held at Appendix 6 and the principal applicant can demonstrate that their offer of employment or current employment substantially matches the description for that occupation (including core tasks) as set out in the ANZSCO and:
the applicant holds a relevant recognised qualification which is at, or above, the qualification level on the NZQF (see SM14.5) that corresponds to the indicative skill level described for that occupation in the ANZSCO; or
the applicant has the relevant recognised work experience that the ANZSCO indicates may substitute the required qualification; or
the employment is in an occupation included on the Long Term Skill Shortage List and the applicant meets the relevant requirements specified in column three of the Long Term Skill Shortage List for that occupation; or
the employment is in an occupation that requires New Zealand registration by law to be undertaken and is included at SM19.5 and the applicant holds evidence of full or provisional registration in that occupation in New Zealand.
notwithstanding (a) (ii), applicants with Skill Level One Occupations can substitute the required qualification with five years of relevant work experience.
The occupation is included in part B of the List of Skilled Occupations held at Appendix 6 and the principal applicant can demonstrate that their offer of employment or current employment substantially matches the description for that occupation (including core tasks) as set out in the ANZSCO and:
the applicant holds a relevant recognised qualification which is at, or above, level four on the NZQF (see SM14.5) (a qualification at level four on the NZQF must be a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate); or
has the relevant recognised work experience that the ANZSCO indicates may substitute the required qualification; or
the employment is in an occupation included on the Long Term Skill Shortage List and the applicant meets the relevant requirements specified in column three of the Long Term Skill Shortage List for that occupation.
The occupation is included in part C of the List of Skilled Occupations held at Appendix 6 and the principal applicant can demonstrate that their offer of employment or current employment substantially matches the description for that occupation (including core tasks) as set out in the ANZSCO and has either:
at least three years of relevant recognised work experience and a relevant recognised qualification which is at, or above, level four on the NZQF (see SM14.5) (a qualification at level four on the NZQF must be a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate); or
at least three years of relevant recognised work experience and that current employment or the position in which the employment is offered, has an annual base salary of at least NZ$45,000.Note: For the avoidance of doubt, the annual base salary excludes employment related allowances (for example overtime, tool or uniform allowances, medical insurance, accommodation) and must be calculated on the basis of 40 hours' work per week.
Where a principal applicant's offer of employment or current employment in New Zealand does not meet the requirements of (a), (b), or (c) above they may nevertheless qualify for points for skilled employment if:
their employment in the occupation will enhance the quality of New Zealand's accomplishments and participation in that occupational area because the principal applicant has an international reputation and record of excellence in that field; and
the required expertise for the occupation has been gained through relevant recognised qualifications or work experience.
哈哈 这个我快读烂了,定义还是很模糊。 它只说是substantially match
20. If comments or submissions are received that contest your or the verification officer’s assessment of whether the employment is a ‘substantial match’, do not
accept them at face value. Consider the comments and assess whether they adequately address all the concerns put to the applicant, remembering that the applicant is required to demonstrate that the employment substantially matches the ANZSCO description.
21. If the PPI letter was based on a verification report, immigration officers should consult with the verification officer who completed the report before proceeding to a final decision. The verification officer may be able to provide advice on the credibility of the comments.
22. Having considered the comments, record whether you are satisfied that the applicant’s offer of employment or current employment substantially matches the description for that occupation (including core tasks) as set out in the ANZSCO.
23. If the employment is assessed as a ‘substantial match’, despite the verification report finding it not to be, the reasons for this must be clearly recorded in notes.
24. If the employment is not found to be a substantial match, ensure that the decline letter provides detailed reasons explaining why the comments received have not adequately addressed INZ’s concerns.
wow! this is good stuff. where did you get it?
嗯嗯 准备递材料了 谢谢回复哈
是啊 找了不少 又是中介又是律师的
点到为止,good luck
我是INTELLIGENCE AND POLICY ANALYSTS申请的,里面的10条tasks有五条是针对intelligence officer的,五条是针对policy analyst的,我只满足针对intelligence officer的那五条可以吗?
Tasks & Duties
Analyses and advises on policies guiding the design, implementation and modification of government and commercial operations and programs.
• reviews existing policies and legislation to identify anomalies and out-of-date provisions
•researches social, economic and industrial trends and client expectations of programs and services provided
•formulates and analyses policy options, and advises on preferred options
•assesses the financial implications and equitable impact of policies
•liaises and consults with program administrators and other interested parties to identify policy needs
•prepares briefing papers and recommendations for policy changes
•may prepare and maintain policy and procedures manuals
•may advise managers or politicians on lobbying activities
我知道你所看到的应该是我下面发的这个。但是请参照我上面发的标准,自行评定。点到为止了,good luck。
Alternative Title:
Policy Adviser
Develops and analyses policies guiding the design, implementation and modification of government or commercial operations and programs.
Skill Level: 1
Research and Evaluation Analyst (NZ)
Foreign Policy Officer
PS: 如果我发的版本,你不能match。个人建议。。你就换工作吧。
Oh, I'm so sorry for the confusion! The one I applied in the EOI is actually 224411 Intelligence Officer. Could you please send me the corresponding core tasks for this occupation?
Couldn't type Chinese at work. Thanks so much!
你好,可以把这个标准的224411 Intelligence Officer版本发我看看吗?我想对照一下我符合不符合。
Tasks & Duties
Manages the collection and processing of data to produce intelligence for public and private sector organisations in their planning, operations and personnel functions.
• determines organisational and client intelligence requirements
•organises the collection, collation and analysis of data and develops intelligence information
•compiles and disseminates intelligence information using briefings, maps, charts, reports and other methods
•ascertains the accuracy of data collected and reliability of sources
•maintains manual and computer-based intelligence databases
•conducts threat and risk assessments
•may conduct security surveys and inspections of buildings, installations, activities and personnel
•may produce counter-intelligence information
•may participate in field work as part of an interdisciplinary team
好奇你在什么单位,政府部门?干Intelligence Officer的华人真心不多
224412 Policy Analyst 难道不符合你吗?