家里移民局网站一直上不去 朋友帮忙下载了inz1016和inz1113 。
犯罪证明已经超过两年 是要国内再申请一个新的,然后要做翻译和公证然后寄原件过来吗?
然后我现在申请的应该是Essential skill work visa吗?
Post-study work visa (employer assisted)
If you are a student with an offer of employment relevant to your qualification, you may be eligible for a work visa and for a maximum period of:
two years; or
three years, if you are working towards obtaining a membership or registration from a New Zealand professional association which requires more than two years of relevant practical work experience.
You will need to provide evidence:
of the relevance of your job offer to your qualification, and
that you have successfully completed a qualification or qualifications in New Zealand that meets the Study to Work qualification requirements.
If you are applying for a three-year work visa because you are working towards obtaining a membership or registration from a New Zealand professional association (such as the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants or the New Zealand Registered Architects Board), you need to provide us with more evidence.
You must show that you need membership or registration to fully perform your professional duties.
You must show that the employment is considered relevant practical experience by the professional association. Evidence might include documentation from the professional association, or from the employer, which says how the employment meets the association’s requirements.
You must show that your New Zealand qualification meets the requirements for registration or membership of the professional association.
Your application for a work visa must be made no later than three months (six months if you have completed a doctoral qualification) after the end date of your student visa for that programme of study or qualification, unless you hold a Post-study work visa (open).
我即将面临的事情是和你一样的. 但是我已经准备齐全了. 唯一的去吧就是我填的表格是inz1015(work visa). izn1113那个是雇主需要填的跟你没关系. 无犯罪证明就是按你说的邮递过来. 顺便你再回忆一下你的体检是否到期.
啊 谢谢 那我应该选择的是Post-study work visa吗 还有就是国内邮过来的犯罪证明 除了要去做翻译以外 需要去公证的吗
我让朋友帮我顺路去移民局拿的表哥. 就那个inz1015(work visa). 我的是一年的open工签马上到期了. 然后准备递交工签. 不知道您的情况是否跟我一样. 无犯罪证明是必须公正的. 邮递过来的时候除了公证件. 原件最好也一并邮过来.