从移民局网站看到的有关tier one子女担保父母的问题:
Sponsor’s income
To meet the minimum income requirements your sponsor or their partner must earn a minimum of NZ$65,000 per annum. Alternatively, your sponsor and their partner can earn a combined income of NZ$90,000 per annum.
The minimum income requirement can be met through any one or a combination of the following sources of personal income:
Sustained paid employment
Regular self-employment
Regular investment income.
请问,如果只有我老公工作,我老公的工资要是够$65000的话,他可以申请我父母吗?另外,要是他担保$65000不够,要家庭总收入来算的话,我们的房屋租金收入可以算是income,但没有pay GST的,所以IRD不会显示我们有租金收入,但可以提供bank statement., 最后一个疑问是,家庭总收入要扣除home loan吗?这个问题非常仲要,不知道tier one的个人收入要不要扣除home loan来算。