新西兰求助 关于XRAY 和 无犯罪
上周帮老婆递了PR的申请,因为老婆之前是怀孕时过来的,所以体检报告时没被要求做XRAY, 现在得做,是得全部重做吗?还是只是做个XRAY就是,还有,递交了一份无犯罪公证,但是好像还要求提供一份当地的无犯罪证书?下面是原话:
* VALID CHEST X-Ray Certificate ( Less than 3 months old ) together with Radiology report as you have previously submitted a medical certificate only
* English translation done by an official English translator for the Local Police certificate from China which you submitted with the Notarial Police certificate in the Hong Kong brance
Applicants must also supply a PHOTOCOPY of the original police clearance certificate letter issued by the local Public Security Bureau or Vice Squad which is less than 6 months old at the time of lodgement WITH OFFICIAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION.
1. 只做xray就行
2. 将公安局盖章页翻译,连同盖章页复印件提交