Guaranteed lifetime minimum income
What do you mean by guaranteed lifetime minimum income? Is there a minimum threshold that you must receive the income for?
Guaranteed lifetime minimum income is stable income that you will receive indefinitely for the rest of your life. For example, a government pension.
What evidence do I need to provide to demonstrate that my pension meets the guaranteed lifetime minimum income requirements?
You will need to provide confirmation from your respective home government that the pension you receive meets the guaranteed lifetime minimum annual income requirement of NZ$27,203. If your partner is also included in your application, confirmation of a joint guaranteed lifetime minimum income of at least NZ$39,890 per annum is required. Note that the pension must be paid indefinitely.
Settlement funds
Can funds and/or assets already in New Zealand be nominated as settlement funds?
Yes they can, provided the principal applicant can demonstrate ownership of the funds, that they were earned or acquired legally and that either they:
- originally have been transferred to New Zealand through the banking system, or a foreign exchange company that uses the banking system from the country or countries in which they were earned or acquired legally, or
- have been earned or acquired legally in New Zealand.
Is there any requirement on how settlement funds must be used once they have been transferred to New Zealand? For example, placed in a bank account, used to buy a house.
No, once settlement funds have been transferred to New Zealand, you can use them how you like. Ideally, they should be used to help you settle in New Zealand.
Can settlement funds be ‘gifted’ to the principal applicant?
Funds and/or assets which have been gifted to the principal applicant unconditionally and in accordance with local law are acceptable. To demonstrate that the funds and/or assets have been gifted lawfully, you could provide copies of legal documents such as a trust document where you are the benefactor of the trust, wills, or probates, etc. You will also need to provide evidence that your donor acquired those funds and/or assets legally.
If I nominate the value of my house as evidence of my settlement funds, can I borrow against the house and transfer those funds to New Zealand or do I have to sell it and transfer the proceeds through the banking system?
If you nominate your house as evidence of your settlement funds you must sell your house and transfer the proceeds to New Zealand. You cannot take a loan out against your house.
Why do I need to transfer my settlement funds through the banking system?
We need to ensure that the settlement funds you bring to New Zealand are the same funds that you nominated in your Expression of Interest and provided evidence of in your residence application.
What is the funds transfer process?
After your application is approved in principle you have 12 months to transfer your nominated settlement funds to New Zealand through the banking system or via a foreign exchange company that uses the banking system. If you have nominated an asset such as a house, you must sell the house and transfer the proceeds to New Zealand.
The following example illustrates the fund transfer process for someone who has used the value of their residential house as their nominated settlement funds. The evidence required is also included.
Transfer process | Evidence required |
Nominated asset: residential house | Title deed, rates demand |
Valuation: NZ$650,000 | Valuation by registered valuer, not a real estate agent |
Mortgage: NZ$150,000 | Bank documentation |
House sold for NZ$650,000 | Sales and purchase agreement |
Net value: NZ$500,000 | NZ$650,000 minus NZ$150,000 |
Funds transfer from buyer to your solicitor’s trust account | Bank transfer documentation |
Funds transfer from your solicitor’s trust agreement to your personal bank account | Bank transfer documentation |
Funds transfer from your account to your New Zealand bank account via the international banking system | Telegraphic transfer receipt 评论 顶.....楼主的消息是哪里来的? 照这样看那么从换汇公司的也可以啦.....是不是啊 评论 移民局有没有一个清单说那些foreign exchange company是被承认的? 评论 那走地下钱庄的是不是也可以啊?急问,因为父母才从地下钱庄转了50万给我 评论 所有信息来自移民局网站。应该是最准确的。但目前官方只给了这么多信息。其他的就要看每个人的理解了。移民官和中介应该也是看这些资料。 至于地下钱庄,上面写道“a foreign exchange company that uses the banking system from the country or countries in which they were earned or acquired legally”。不清楚地下钱庄是否属于foreign exchange company that uses the banking system。但是有一点地下钱庄在新西兰合法,但是在中国好像不是。否则也不会叫“地下”钱庄了。 而且他还写道: Why do I need to transfer my settlement funds through the banking system? We need to ensure that the settlement funds you bring to New Zealand are the same funds that you nominated in your Expression of Interest and provided evidence of in your residence application. 地下钱庄好像是你把钱转到一个人的账户,然后在这边直接取钱。我自己的理解是这样并不能“ensure that the settlement funds you bring to New Zealand are the same funds that you nominated in your Expression of Interest“。或者如果你可以证明这一点并且说服移民官兴许也可以。 但是还是中国银行最安全了。随便找几个亲友的身份证就可以汇了。 评论 还有我的理解房租可以作为子女的收入,不能做为父母的lifetime收入。父母的lifetime收入只能是政府养老金。 You will need to provide confirmation from your respective home government that the pension you receive meets the guaranteed lifetime minimum annual income requirement of NZ$27,203. If your partner is also included in your application, confirmation of a joint guaranteed lifetime minimum income of at least NZ$39,890 per annum is required. Note that the pension must be paid indefinitely. 评论 灰常谢谢,看来我父母转我的那50万是不能用了,但是没关系,我就用工资担保了,有能力怎样都可以的 评论 看起来用子女工资担保最简单。用500k的话需要n多证明材料,材料越多,调查时间就越长。而父母的lifetime收入看起来就不适合中国人。 评论 你好,我刚刚担保我父母办了pr,昨天刚刚批下来。签证说是要担保5年的。 这种情况下我能马上在担保我老婆的父母办pr么?还是要等几年阿?我老婆没有收入。 如果可以的话有什么要求 评论 我父母有一栋商业房产在中国 年租金40万人民币。我已经问过移民局了,可以作为Guaranteed lifetime minimum income。 评论 对于新政策,同是移民局的不同工作人员也可能会有不同理解。只要没有写成文字公布都可能不准的。 移民局给的官方资料写到: Evidence of guaranteed minimum lifetime income includes: pensions that will be paid to the applicant(s) indefinitely, including during any time that they will be New Zealand residents or citizens; or other stable income paid to the applicant(s) indefinitely, including during any time that they will be New Zealand residents or citizens. An immigration officer may decline an application if they are not satisfied the applicant(s) income: is guaranteed; or is stable; or will be paid to the applicant(s) indefinitely. 建议你最好给移民局发邮件,拿到文字证据。以后如果你的CO说不行你可以找他理论。 评论 好的,我打的是call centre的电话,一个印度女人接的,很肯定得跟我说可以。我还问她因为我的租约是3年一个term的,这样可以算life time吗,她说可以,因为你是商业房产总要出租的,而且你商业房产的价值也在那里的。我觉得还是写email问一下得到书面的答复比较好,可是我找了半天没有找到移民局的email,你知道吗? 评论 我也没找到,或许他就是不想让你拿到文字证据吧。 或者你可以试一下移民部长[email protected], 他的回复说可以那么就100%可以。 评论 请问你说拿亲戚身份证汇过来,这样的话银行账单上不就显示的是亲属的名字而不是父母的,这样的话移民局会认可嘛?谢谢 评论 细节不清楚,只是听别人说的。或者让家人到中国银行打听打听。要么到外汇管理局申请也可以。 评论 谢谢啊,是说去外汇局申请就可以多汇嘛? 评论 那公司的股份终身拥有的 可以作为终身收入吗? 评论 国内打人民币,这边拿纽币的不叫汇钱,叫洗钱 评论 还是那句话,因为是新政策,只要没有文字正式发布的条文或者答疑,没有谁可以给出100%准确的答案。这里包括一些移民局的工作人员,因为他们跟我们一样都是看移民局网站上公布的文件。只是每个人理解不一样。不信你可以多打电话问几次,不同人可能给你不同的答案。刚开始就要看你碰到的CO了。有的CO可能认为可以,跟你的想法一样;有的CO可能认为不可以,认为公司可能破产,或者由于某些原因你把股份或房产卖掉了,而以后并无法保证你把得到的钱带到新西兰来。所以就看运气了。祝你好运。 或者给移民部长写信([email protected]),相信不久就会发布你想要的答案。 评论 谢谢你的回复~~~ 评论 楼主知道如果同时担保夫妻双方父母移民,我们最低要有多少的家庭收入?我一直找这个信息,可以在网站上没找到。一方是去年递交的,不打算改T1了,另外一方打算今年递,按T1递。 评论 因为移民局根本就没有提过担保两个或以上家庭的条件。所以不同人的理解有差别。当你说你有同时担保两个家庭时很多人会马上想到费用会double;但即使不double,因为两个家庭为两份申请,单独看都不违反移民局目前所提的条件。所以我目前的理解是后者。但是如果你告诉了你的CO你资助了多份申请,而他的理解恰恰是double,你对他也没辙,最多事后上诉。 我猜这个应该是移民局的漏洞。移民局一直说8月份的是试选T1。我猜想就是移民局想看看大家都什么条件,有没有自己没有考虑到的地方。当11月左右有可能会发布更多的细则。 评论 请问LZ, 目前填EOI Form是不是不需要提供任何其他附件,只要把Form寄去移民局,然后准备好Fee就行了?连income evidence都不用吗? 我看INZ1202 form上说:Do not send supporting documentation when submitting your EOI. Only include any additional sheets require to explain your answers to questions in the form. 这里指的addtional sheets具体是指什么呢? 评论 你已经知道答案了:Do not send supporting documentation when submitting your EOI。 至于“Only include any additional sheets require to explain your answers to questions in the form。”我认为意思是你认为表格留给你的位置太小,不够你回答他的问题。再加一张白纸。 评论 问过移民局和中介说国内的退休金和租房还有股票分红都算的,但是再等等细则吧,最好有文字规章写出来比较靠谱 评论 如果父母有自己的房子在这,这房子一定要卖,换成现金然后再存去银行吗?还是证明一下这房子的价值就可以了? 评论 Can settlement funds be ‘gifted’ to the principal applicant? ]4 Q1 M% N% M5 [ Funds and/or assets which have been gifted to the principal applicant unconditionally and in accordance with local law are acceptable. To demonstrate that the funds and/or assets have been gifted lawfully, you could provide copies of legal documents such as a trust document where you are the benefactor of the trust, wills, or probates, etc. You will also need to provide evidence that your donor acquired those funds and/or assets legally. 请问这个是什么意思?? 评论 了解了~~~~谢谢 评论 我打电话给上海移民局的,里面的人给我的答案是父母在在国内房产的房租不算。 评论 我现在给家人递交T2的,是不是先交个eoi 表格1202就可以了? 目前的政策t2要等多久,还有希望么? 最后,我家人在国内,我在新西兰递交可以么? 谢谢 奥克兰雅思学习新西兰请问大家,雅思高阶课程学习,有哪家机构推荐么?非常感谢 评论 您好,我们机构提供雅思小班保过班,欢迎微信加我Heidi-2014,电话咨询:021-2488850 评论 你好,可以加我微信,Heidi-20 ... 有没有一些可以part time学习西厨的学校?新西兰resident visa, 想学习西厨,最好是part time或者课时比较灵活的(可以把课时安排在2,3天full day的),求推荐学校和课程 评论 去找个西餐厅从低做起,兼职也行 评论 也想啊 但没有经验和 ... 从永久签到入籍现在需要多少时间啊?新西兰10年没在NZ,有永久签正,如果想入籍,请问一下现在需要住多久 评论 重新住满5年 评论 重新住满5年 评论 重新住满5年 评论 而且每年离境不能超过4个月 评论 回溯4年零8个月人在NZ,就 ... RV转PR的网上申请开始了吗?有谁能介绍一下办理新西兰评论 INZ 网上都有的 基本一周下签 评论 INZ 什么时候这么效率了 一周下签??!! 评论 几年前的速度,目前 4周起,让你再来个NSC就更开心 评论 论坛有人分享过了,现在R换P 差不多就 ... 在线RV转PRV申请材料问题新西兰准备在线申请PRV了,有谁知道要准备什么材料吗?我看好像就提交一个护照照片就完事了? 评论 网站申请,好像就护照和照片而已。无犯罪不需要了 评论 没特别的资料要求,主要是申 ... 国家党上台前承诺的父母付费五年旅游签没音了新西兰如题 评论 适当的时候需要组织一波请愿抗议,最好是加上印度裔,他们能闹腾 评论 都是骗子。选举是选举,上台后基本就忘了。 评论 认真就输了~ 评论 政府说移民太多了 要控制 你 ... 父母工作签证,想让孩子过来上学,需要什么资新西兰工作签,怎么申请孩子来上学。需要什么资料办理?找哪个部门办理? 评论 谢谢大家 评论 谁能办理的留下联系方式 评论 ymj给孩子办学签 找给你们办工签的人啊 评论 找中介 评论 大概 ... 请问现在申请pr的材料还需要jp签字吗新西兰最近在帮孩子办pr,自己DIY。一些支持文件,比如自己的绿卡电子签,或者一些网银的截图什么的,这些还需要JP签字才行吗? 以前都是纸质版的需要,现在都是线上递交扫描件,这种情 ... 给父母申请旅游签,结果今天说要PCC新西兰Police Character Certificate,这是无犯罪记录把 去年12月提交的,一直卡Under Assessment,然后今天8跟我说要这个材料,限期一周 现在国内都过年放假了怎么去公正+翻译。。。 评论 回封信解释 ... 请教大家,新西兰pr如果失业,福利政策是否给予新西兰比如失业后,银行的储蓄也快花光了,请问有没有可以满足基本生活的失业救济?如果有可以领多久?有其他附加条件吗?比如必须每个月必须几个工作申请或面试之类? 谢谢大家! ... 关于rv转prv新西兰昨天刚在Manukau的移民局dropbox亲身递交了rv转prv申请,不知有最近递交的嘛大概多久信用卡会扣款?多久能下来?(看移民局网站写现在处理时间90%的申请是28 weekdays,真有这么快嘛?) ... 父母团聚AIP问题新西兰父母团聚AIP下来,提交了护照上周一就收款并退回护照。大家知道evisa还要多久能收到? 评论 大概三周左右 评论 那就说的通了。 评论 收到AIP.第二周扣的学费。没有要护照。扣完学费 ... 求助帖 父母移民EOI抽到了 收到了ITA 不知道应不新西兰2020年初刚开的时候递交的EOI, 2023年10月30号抽到了ITA,给了四个月递交时间,自己的自雇工作是澳洲新西兰两边跑,收入在都在新西兰缴税,而且未入籍NZ,只是PR,没有澳洲收入,也 ... 澳洲要取消父母团聚移民新西兰澳洲既取消投资移民后又要取消父母团聚移民,他们觉得这移民对澳洲没有好处。新西兰会不会跟进呢 评论 澳洲做得好。 评论 澳洲要反滑新西兰要不要跟进呢? 评论 澳洲还关闭了投 ... 请问目前是国内执业律师,读什么课程能拿到新新西兰国内双非全日制本科毕业(非985、211),本科专业广告学(文学学士),上学期间绩点分数86(满分100)。自学法律通过司法考试,现已执业五年,想在新西兰拿律师执业资格,应该通 ... 有pr想申请奥大新西兰不太清楚具体流程 兄弟们有没有合适的中介可以推荐的 评论 可以申请清华 评论 自己跟学校联系最好,既想上学,那么提前开始学习怎么和学校打交道,入学之后需要和学校各个部门打 ... 2021 one off VISA 副申請人轉PR新西兰目前是2021 one off VISA 副申請人已獲批,請問此簽證有兩年內須住滿緊接申請PR否則簽證會過期的限制嗎?因為我看過期日是無限的,是否只要我在指定日前入境就可以無限使用簽證?我現 ... 护照丢失,出具Lost Property Report的问题新西兰中国护照丢失,已补办好新的护照。 需要把rv 转到新护照下面。 在移民局网站上提交了申请, 移民局回邮件说需要一份police report with details。 去了警察局, 给了一份 police acknowledgeme ... 现在的六分制前提是有雅思6.5吗?新西兰请问各位大神,工签,中位数,英语不好,有哪些方法取得PR,谢谢各位 评论 工作是啥,英语不好就去学英语。 评论 工签title 职业认证1-3级的基础上,中位数工资加三年工作经验 评论 ... 中领馆签证申请网站大家能上去吗?新西兰要申请中国签证,但是签证网站上不去,已经好几天了,大家可以吗? consular.mfa.gov.cn/VISA/ 咋回事? 评论 没注意过这个问题,但是你一说,我一点就上啦 评论 你被封了,反思一下自己 ... |