

彷徨中 不知道該用什麽簽證申請男朋友過來比較保險



就是那個culturally arranged marriage under partnership visa

culturally arranged marriage under partnership visa


嗯嗯 你有提議么 或者經歷什麽的



V3.35 Entry to New Zealand for the purpose of culturally arranged marriage

People intending to marry New Zealand citizens or residents in New Zealand may be issued with a visitor's visa authorising a permit for a maximum stay of 3 months from their date of arrival, provided that:
the couple genuinely intend to marry within 3 months of the applicant's arrival in New Zealand; and
the marriage follows an identified cultural tradition where the arrangements for the marriage, including the initial selection of the persons to be married, are made by persons who are not parties to the marriage; and
it is intended that the marriage will be maintained on a long term and exclusive basis; and
the New Zealand resident or citizen they intend to marry:
supports the application; and
is an eligible sponsor under Partnership policy (see F2.10.10 and V3.35.5(c) below); and
meets the character requirement for partners supporting 'partnership-based temporary entry applications' set out at E7.45; and
there is no legal impediment to the intended marriage. Note: For there to be no legal impediment to the intended marriage the principal applicant and intended New Zealand citizen or resident partner must:

~ both be free to marry in that neither are already married to another person, and
~ not be close relatives i.e. those relationships specified as "forbidden marriages" under Schedule 2 of the Marriage Act 1955 (see F2.15(d)).
If applicants are already in New Zealand when applying, the permit will be current for a maximum of 3 months from their date of arrival in New Zealand.
Holders of a visitor permit granted under this policy, may be eligible for an initial 12 month work permit as the partner of a New Zealand citizen or resident after the marriage has taken place (see WF2). Note: The applicant does not require an outward ticket if the New Zealand citizen or resident they intend to marry or another New Zealand citizen or resident formally sponsors the applicant using the relevant NZIS sponsorship form, and if this sponsorship includes a guarantee of repatriation. In such cases the sponsor must satisfy a visa or immigration officer they will meet their sponsorship undertakings.
V3.35.1 Evidence for people intending to enter New Zealand for the purpose of a culturally arranged marriage with a New Zealand citizen or resident

Visa or immigration officers must establish (through interview and/or documentary evidence), and be satisfied that:
there is a genuine intent to marry and that it is intended the marriage be maintained on a long term and exclusive basis; and
the person the applicant intends to marry in New Zealand is a New Zealand citizen or resident; and
the marriage follows an identified cultural tradition where the arrangements for the marriage, including the initial selection of the persons to be married, have been made by persons who are not parties to the marriage; and
the couple intend to marry within 3 months of the applicant's arrival in New Zealand; and
in the event the marriage does not take place the applicant will leave New Zealand.
The applicant must provide the Form for partners supporting partnership-based temporary entry applications (INZ 1146) completed by their intended New Zealand partner confirming that:
their intended partner supports the application; and
their intended partner is an eligible sponsor under Partnership policy (see V3.35.5); and
that their intended partner complies with the minimum requirements for recognition of partnerships (see E4.1.10 & F2.15); and
their intended partner meets the character requirements for partners supporting 'partnership-based temporary entry applications' set out at E7.45.
Substantive evidence must be provided to demonstrate that the marriage follows an identified cultural tradition where the arrangements for the marriage, including the initial selection of the persons to be married, have been made by persons who are not parties to the marriage. Such evidence may include but is not limited to:
communication between the parents of the couple and/or a person acting as a go-between or matchmaker;
other documents indicating public recognition of the arrangement and/or ceremony;
confirmation from independent sources that such arrangements and/or ceremonies are in accordance with the cultural custom of the parties concerned.
V3.35.5 Intended New Zealand citizen or resident partner must be an eligible sponsor under Partnership policy

Visa and immigration officers must consider, whether the intended New Zealand resident partner is an eligible sponsor (see F2.10.10).
An intended New Zealand citizen or resident partner will not be considered to be an eligible sponsor if that intended partner:
has previously supported or sponsored more than one other successful principal applicant under Partnership policy; or
has previously supported or sponsored any other successful principal applicant under Partnership policy in the five years immediately preceding the date the current application is made; or
was, in the seven years prior to the date the application is made, the perpetrator of an incident of domestic violence which has resulted in the grant of a residence permit to a person under the policy for victims of domestic violence (see S4.5); or
does not meet the character requirements for partners supporting Partnership policy applications set out at R5.95; or
was a successful principal applicant under Partnership policy.Note: Support or sponsorship of principal applicants under Partnership policy includes support or sponsorship of principal applicants under the Family category Spouse and De Facto partner policies in force before Partnership policy took effect.


這些我都讀過了 唯獨這一項“the initial selection of the persons to be married, are made by persons who are not parties to the marriage” 我到現在還覺得這算是包辦婚姻 但是我們是自由戀愛 而且選擇結婚也是我們決定的 所以按理來說這項不符合是不是 但是如果說是我們雖然有穩定的戀愛基礎 但是沒有那麼快打算結婚 現在是父母想我們早點成家 這算不算啊 迷糊啊











嗯哪 我也在擔心 雖然感覺資料都蠻多 但就是怕不夠 之類的





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