请问父母团聚类申请,我爸是副申请,体检有些指标不合格,血糖7.4,转氨酶7.0,三油甘脂 14.2,这样的结果递上去移民局会接受申请吗?还是会退回让治病或复查?或是接受到最后叫复查?这样的结果移民申请会批吗?有经验的来谈谈!谢谢
有一个人不合格, 就不会批的.
给你个连接你看看,我觉得只要不是太重的病应该都是有余地的http://glossary.immigration.govt ... ementsresidence.htm
A4.10.1 Medical conditions deemed to impose significant costs and/or demands on New Zealand's health and/or education services
HIV infection
Hepatitis B surface antigen positive, with abnormal liver function
Hepatitis C, RNA positive, with abnormal liver function
Malignancies of solid organs and haematopoietic tissue, including past history of, or currently under treatment
Exceptions are:
treated minor skin malignancies (not melanoma)
malignancies where the interval since treatment is such that the probability of cure is > 90%, e.g.: early stage (I & IIA) breast cancer at 5 years; low risk prostate cancer at 5 years; early stage (Dukes A & B1) colorectal cancer at 5 years; childhood leukaemia at 5 years
Solid organ transplants, excluding corneal grafts more than 6 months old
Chronic renal failure or progressive renal disorders
Diseases or disorders such as osteoarthritis with a high probability of arthroplasty in the next four years
Central Nervous System disease, including motor neurone disease, complex partial seizures, poorly controlled epilepsy, prion disease, Alzheimer's and other dementia, and including paraplegia and quadriplegia
Cardiac disease including ischaemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy or valve disease requiring surgical and/or other procedural intervention
Chronic obstructive respiratory disease with limited exercise tolerance and requiring oxygen
Genetic or congenital disorders: muscular dystrophies, cystic fibrosis, thalassaemia major, sickle cell anaemia if more than one sickle crisis in 4 years, severe haemophilia, and severe primary immunodeficiencies
Severe autoimmune disease, currently being treated with immuno-suppressants other than prednisone
In a person up to the age of 21 years, a severe (71-90 decibels) hearing loss or profound bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss
In a person up to the age of 21 years, a severe vision impairment with visual acuity of 6/36 or beyond after best possible correction, or a loss restricting the field of vision to 15-20 degrees
In a person up to the age of 21 years, a severe physical disability, where they are unable to stand and walk without support, and cannot independently dress, eat, hold a cup, or maintain their stability when sitting.
A4.10.2 Assessment of whether an applicant for a residence class visa is unlikely to impose significant costs on New Zealand's health services
The requirement that an applicant for a residence class visa must be unlikely to impose significant costs on New Zealand's health services is not met if, in the opinion of an Immigration New Zealand medical assessor, there is a relatively high probability that the applicant's medical condition or group of conditions will require health services costing in excess of $25,000
主要不在移民官, 移民局会会让医疗专家鉴定, 申请人是否需要进一步的检查. 进一步的检查很正常.