要给父母办PR, 我现在的工作是$15刀一个小时,一周40小时工作时间,一年年薪是31200刀!
貌似不够要求的32000的标准,但是这个没算上我的holiday pay!请问这种情况算不算我工资符合标准了呢?
要是我要我老板写salary的合同,比如说合同写年薪是33000!那么这年薪包括了holiday pay, sick leave等了吗?还是要另算的?
年薪是包括了holiday pay, sick leave的.
建议再打一份part time工, 加起来就够了.
是对收入(income)有要求, 不限于工资.
Minimum income requirement Under Parent Category, the sponsor and/or their partner must meet a minimum income requirement to show that they can support the applicant(s), unless the sponsor obtained residence in New Zealand as a refugee, or the sponsor is aged 65 years or older.
The current minimum income figure is $31,202.08 (gross) per annum. This is based on the unemployment benefit (married and civil union rate) plus the maximum accommodation supplement as set by the New Zealand Government. This must be met by income obtained from:
- sustained paid employment; and/or
- regular self-employment; and/or
- regular investment income.
Evidence of meeting the minimum income requirementEvidence of meeting the minimum income requirement for sponsors may include, but is not limited to, original or certified copies of the following documents:
- an Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings; and/or
- wage slips; and/or
- a current employment contract; and/or
- bank statements or any other documents from financial institutions.
Questions and answers
Whose income can be counted towards meeting the minimum income requirement?
The income must be from the sponsor and/or their partner.
I do not have any income, but my partner has an income over $30,000 per year. Can I sponsor my parents if my partner has agreed to contribute towards meeting the minimum income requirement?
Yes. You will need to declare on the Sponsorship Form for residence in New Zealand (INZ 1024) that your partner will be contributing towards meeting the minimum income requirement and tell us your partner’s name.
Does the partner of a sponsor need to provide evidence of their partnership?
Can I and my partner sponsor more than one set of parents for residence (eg, my parents and my partner’s parents)?
Yes. Sponsors can sponsor more than one set of parents for residence. The minimum income figure will remain the same regardless of the number of people that a sponsor is supporting.
What types of income can be counted towards meeting the minimum income requirement?
The income must be obtained from:
sustained paid employment; and/or
regular self-employment; and/or
regular investment income.
When assessing whether the income obtained by a sponsor and/or their partner, is sustained and/or regular, immigration officers may consider, but are not limited to, such factors as the length of employment, terms of employment and the regularity of payments.
Can benefit payments, pension payments and allowances be included towards meeting the minimum income requirement?
No, benefit payments, pension payments and allowances are not considered to be income under the Parent Category.
I am less than 65 years old, and do not have any income apart from interest received from my savings in the bank, can I meet the minimum income requirement?
You can meet the minimum income requirement if the interest you received from your savings is not less than the minimum income figure.
What evidence is required to be provided by sponsors to show the ability to meet the minimum income requirement?
Evidence of meeting the minimum income requirement for sponsors may include, but is not limited to, original or certified copies of the following documents:
an Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings; and/or
wage slips; and/or
a current employment contract; and/or
bank statements or any other documents from financial institutions.
How can I get an Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings?
You can obtain your Summary of Earnings through www.ird.govt.nz/online-services/ ... ne-soe-request.html or call Inland Revenue Department (see your white pages for contact details).
There is no charge to obtain an Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings.