


Essential Skills in Demand Lists Review
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Department of Labour has recently reviewed the Essential Skills in Demand Lists – including the Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) and the Immediate Skills Shortage List (ISSL).  The Canterbury Skill Shortage List (CSSL) will also be updated.  Changes will be made to all three lists on 5 December 2011.  

Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL)The LTSSL identifies occupations that have an absolute (sustained and ongoing) shortage of skilled workers both globally and throughout New Zealand. Migrants who gain employment in one of these occupations may be granted a work visa under the LTSSL Work to Residence or Essential Skills instructions. Migrants applying for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category may gain bonus points towards their application if they have an offer of employment, work experience or qualifications in an area of absolute skill shortage identified on the LTSSL.

Several changes to the LTSSL have resulted from the recent review, including:
  • The addition of five occupations
  • The removal of two occupations
  • Changes in the requirements for several listed occupations
  • The addition of an explanatory note at the end of the list.
Occupations addedThe following occupations will be added to the LTSSL:
  • Agricultural Scientist (Farm Systems Scientist)
  • Social Professional nec (Applied Social Scientist)
  • Life Scientist nec (Animal Scientist or Bioinformatics)
  • Biotechnologist (Genetics Scientist), and
  • Environmental Research Scientist (Water Quality Analyst).
Occupations removedThe occupations being removed from the LTSSL are:
  • Secondary School Teacher, and
  • Early Childhood (Pre-primary School Teacher).
The removal of these occupations is the result of extensive consultation with industry groups, other stakeholders and relevant government agencies alongside analysis of economic, labour market and immigration data.

Employers can still recruit migrants in occupations that have been removed from the list. The employer will need to demonstrate genuine attempts to recruit suitable New Zealand citizens or residents and Immigration New Zealand will conduct a labour market test. If this test shows that there are no suitable New Zealand citizens or residents available in that location, temporary work visas may still be granted.
Requirements changesOther changes to the LTSSL are made to clarify certain qualification, work experience or registration requirements.  Full details of these amendments, and the updated LTSSL are included in Amendment Circular 2011-20 PDF [83KB].
Explanatory note addedThe following note will be added at the end of the list to clarify that a “New Zealand Certificate” or "New Zealand Diploma” are deemed to be equivalent to a National Certificate or Diploma if the levels stated are the same:

Note 5: A "New Zealand Certificate" or "New Zealand Diploma" is deemed to be equivalent to a particular National Certificate or Diploma if the levels stated are the same.

For more information see Amendment Circular 2011-20 PDF [83KB] and the Review of the Essential Skills in Demand Lists.
Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL)The ISSL identifies occupations that have an immediate shortage of skilled workers either throughout New Zealand or in certain regions. People wishing to work in occupations listed on the ISSL may be granted work visas under Essential Skills instructions if they fit the skills criteria.
Occupations removedThe recent review identified two occupations (Primary School Teacher and Early Childhood Teacher (Montessori Teacher)) to be removed from the ISSL as there are no longer shortages in these areas.  No new occupations will be added to the ISSL.

Employers can still recruit migrants in occupations that have been removed from the list. The employer will need to demonstrate genuine attempts to recruit suitable New Zealand citizens or residents and Immigration New Zealand will conduct a labour market test. If this test shows that there are no suitable New Zealand citizens or residents available in that location, temporary work visas may still be granted.
Requirement changesIn addition, the qualification requirements for the occupation Upholsterer have been amended to require a National Certificate in Furniture with a strand in Advanced Upholstery (Level 4).
Explanatory note addedThe following note will be added at the end of the list to clarify that a “New Zealand Certificate” or “New Zealand Diploma” are deemed to be equivalent to a National Certificate or Diploma if the levels stated are the same:

Note 3: A "New Zealand Certificate" or "New Zealand Diploma" is deemed to be equivalent to a particular National Certificate or Diploma if the levels stated are the same.

For more information on the ISSL see the Review of the Essential Skills in Demand Lists.
Canterbury Skill Shortage List (CSSL)The CSSL is a new temporary list that highlights occupations needed during the rebuilding in Canterbury. The list identifies the occupations in shortage in the Canterbury region.  As a result of the review of the Essential Skills in Demand Lists, the requirements for the following four occupations will also be updated:
  • Civil Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Upholsterer.
For more information on the CSSL see the Review of the Essential Skills in Demand Lists.


job offer是王道















如果是现在在读,配偶也有配偶工签了,但是明年毕业了后,自己有一年OPEN 工签,还能给配偶申请工签不?或者说明年毕业找到工作了,有工签,能给配偶申请工签吗??如果不行那不就是棒打鸳鸯吗???!!!


Thanks for answering ~


Thanks, then I know what to do now ~



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