新西兰新手,想问下移民时所需的JOB OFFER 的定义是什么
新手,想问下这个JOB OFFER 有什么要求吗
IT 毕业,这个 JOB OFFER 必须要permanent的吗? PART TIME 还是FULL TIME? CONTRACT 的可以吗 如果可以最少需要多久时间的CONTRACT。
还有据说工资方面也有要求? 因为目前在找工作中,给的条件各种各样,不太能确定。还请高人帮忙解答一下。
需要是full time的ongoing的工作。contract需要至少一年以上吧。年薪不太清楚,但是估计得3w5以上吧。仅供参考
必须是SKILLED JOB 才可以,比如你学BUSINESS 必须是Manager级别的才可以
Acceptable job offers
Ongoing means your job offer must be for employment with a single employer in a job:
which is clearly stated to be 'permanent', or 'indefinite', or
for a term of at least 12 months, with an option for you of further employment after that time.
Sustainable means INZ must be satisfied that the employer can afford to pay you the stated salary or wages.
Job offers must also be:
for full-time employment (employment is full time if it amounts to, on average, at least 30 hours per week)