3年前在国内考的雅思,如今曾经的高中也在国内备战雅思准备出国留学,以下的TIPS 是我参阅了一些英文雅思网站后自己总结,写给我高中同学的,拿出来分享一下,希望对各位考鸭们能有所帮助。
以下这些英文的tips均是来自一些IELTSexaminer所述,经过仔细筛选,罗列出来。不包含一些诸如“耐心,仔细,别紧张”的空泛之谈;以及做阅读时,“underline all the important names,years and dates.”这类我认为应当属于考前复习时应当养成的考试做题习惯的做题指导。这些tips只针对IELTS临场考试时,旨在做到考试时个人的最佳发挥。
IELTS Writing tips
1. It is better to write in regular, not very sophisticated English, than to use phrases orstructures you don’t fully understand. (不用过分使用“炫”的英语用法[高级词汇,复杂句式],这样很容易有mistakes)If you need Band 6 – no needfor complex sentence structure. If your goal is Band 7 – then show a couple of advancedsentence structure, language and vocabulary.
2. Don’t write more than 260-265 words in IELTSWriting 2 task. Why? Not because you will get lower mark, but because of these2 reasons:
1) It takes moretime
2) More words =more mistake
3. If worse comes to worst and you’ve mixed the two spaces, don’t panic.First, finish writing your tasks – wherever you’ve started to write, don’tworry about the wrong places, just take care of the contents and theparagraphing as usual. After the Writing test is over you can ask staff at thetest center to affix a note to your work explaining where each task is. It willhelp the examiner locate the right task and your score won’t suffer.(我印象中雅思A类的写作答题纸的答题区排布的确是有些迷惑人的地方,小作文150单词,字体小的话完全可以用第一个半面写完。可反面的整面还是小作文的写作区域。很多人都把它当成大作文的区域,我之前也犯过这样的毛病,不得不将写好的大作文开头再重写一遍;如果考试中真的出现了以上写错区域的情况,并且时间不足以用来更改,可以向考官索要note,附之说明)
Task 1 Tips:
1. In Task 1 your job is to put numerical information or some form ofillustration into written form. The first paragraph should say what theinformation is. After that, think of the task in this way: write in a way thatsomeone who can't see the table, graph, illustration, etc. would be able todraw the important points of what you are looking at.
2. Spend 2-3 minutes really understanding the task. What exactly do you have todo? Who is the audience for your writing? Etc.
3. Remember the audience stated in the question. Often this is something like: (注意到你做report时,是一种什么样身份)
"Write a report to a university lecturer explaining the key points of thetable."
If you were writing for a university lecturer, you wouldn't use slang or'trendy' words (俚语,时髦词汇)so make sureyour vocabulary is appropriate for the task.
4. You don't need to writea conclusion in Task 1. If you have time you can predict some type of futuretrend or event based on what you have written, but it is not necessary, and fewstudents have any time to spare!
Task 2 Tips
1. Unlike Task 1, in Task 2 you aren'tgiven any information - only the question. Often the topic is related to thereading task in some way. You can take information from the reading content,but don't copy. If you do, your score will be '0' for the writing task!
2. In Task 2, you are often asked togive an opinion, or solve a problem in some way. Your opinion with 'support'(evidence your opinion is valid) is useless. Always give as many examples asyou can that support your view.
3. Before you start writing, plan whatyou are going to write (but only for a maximum of 4-5 minutes).
Always write these notes in an abbreviated form (short notes); don't waste timewriting sentences.
There are a number of ways to plan what you write. Experiment with a style thatyou are comfortable with. Whatever the style, remember: it is difficult towrite and think at the same time. If you think first and then write, you willsave time.
4. Although there are variations, thereare a set number of topics tasks are related to. These include:
a. Culture and Society
b. Education
c. Technology
d. Environment
e. A combination of the above
5. In Task 2, always spend a few minutesto really understand the question. You may receive a question: 'What are thebenefits of education abroad?' Some students look at the topic - education -and start writing EVERYTHING they know about this topic. Only later do theyremember to try and related this to studying abroad, and by that time it is toolate.
6. In Task 2 you need to write aconclusion. Always ensure your conclusion is based on what you have written.Many Thais introduce new information into the conclusion. For example:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Pollution is bad because of traffic.
Paragraph 3: It is also bad because of factories.
Conclusion: Pollution is bad because people don't care enough about theenvironment and we should recycle things.
The in the paragraphs the writer did not talk about people not caring or aboutrecycling. These should not therefore be in the conclusion.
7. Although you can use your ownexperience to answer a question, never do so to the extent that you change thequestion. For example, you might get a question:
"Traffic problems are the chief source of global pollution. Suggest apossible solution to this problem."
Some candidates see this as an opportunity to discuss traffic problems in theircountries, going on to discuss such things as public transport in great detail.Unless you make your answer applicable to the global situation, you will notget a good score.
IELTS Speaking tips
1. Speak untilthey stop you, don’t just answer the question and stop. Display you bestEnglish. Behave as if it was a driving test – keep going straight until told toturn right, left or park.
Extend and develop your answers by giving reasons: (引申与发展)
a. "I don't really like going to the cinema."
b. "I don't really like going to the cinema because it's expensive and Idon't like crowds very much."
2. It is quitepossible that you have to speak about something you have never heard of, orhave no opinion of. Don't ask the assessor what questions mean. (不要让考官给你解释什么)You can though ask the examiner to repeat a question if you arenot sure you understood it. (你可以“礼貌的”请考官重复一下问题来确定你是否能够理解,作答) If you don’t know the subject – tell theexaminer immediately, so he could ask you another question. If you don’t tell him and start trying to speak, he might thinkthat it is not a knowledge problem, but a problem.(如果遇到考官问出的一些自己不懂的或是一时无法回答出的subject,应立即告诉考官,否则他/她会认为你听不懂或是对英语的反应能力不行)
3. These tips will help:
1. Unless your pronunciation is particularly poor, don't waste time onpronunciation lessons. It is much more beneficial to spend the time acquiring agood range of vocabulary and structure.
2. This is easy to say, but don't be nervous. Think of is like this: if you arereally nervous and can't speak then your score will be poor. If you areconfident and speak freely, you will have no idea what your score will be - itcould be great!
3. Remember your job is to give the assessor something to assess - if you onlysay 'Yes' or 'No' during the interview, the assessor won't be able to give youa good score. Your job is to give the assessor as much as possible to consider.This means speaking as much as you can. Don't go off topic and don't talk aboutanything that comes into your head, but speak as much as you can. The assessorwill stop you when he is ready.
4. Remember the assessor won't prompt you to speak. If you don't say enoughhe/she will go onto the next question. If you continue not to say enough, theinterview could be very short!
5. Don't ask the assessor what questions mean. All he/she can do if you don'tunderstand is repeat the question. You can though ask the examiner to repeat aquestion if you are not sure you understood it.
6. As with the writing test, don't show off. Some candidates the interview as away of showing the assessor what you know. They use sophisticated vocabularyand difficult grammar without really knowing how to use both. The result willbe a decline in how well you speak and your score will go down.
7. Extend your answers by giving reasons:
a. "I don't really like going to the cinema."
b. "I don't really like going to the cinema because it's expensive and Idon't like crowds very much."
Phase 1 Tips
8. In the first phase of the speaking test, the assessor will ask you questionsabout yourself. Research the topic! The assessor might say "Tell me aboutyour parents' jobs." If you don't know anything about them, you will bestuck. It can be surprising how little people know about their own situation.
9. Consider this phase of the test meeting someone for the first time andtelling them about yourself. Try to be relaxed and keep the conversation going.
10. Don't worry about lying - this is not a test of if you are a good person.If the assessor says "Tell me about your hobbies and interests" andyou reply "I don't have any" then you aren't saying enough to allowthe assessor to assess you. In situations like this, lie. Make up the wildeststory you can imagine.
Phase 2 Tips
1. In Phase 2 of the speaking test. You are asked to make a presentation on atopic. It will always be something person, like talking about a holiday youwent on. After the test, many candidates suggest they didn't know about thetopic which is why they couldn't answer the question. Clearly, this can't bethe case. What they mean is they couldn't answer the question because theycouldn't think of what to say. If this is the case for you, during the oneminute you have to prepare, brainstorm your answer. For example, the assessormy ask you to talk about a holiday you really enjoyed. On you piece of paper,write down questions words:
Who with?
When you have asked the questions, answer them:
Where? Chiang Mai
When? last year
Why? celebrate end exams
What? climbed mountains / saw hill tribes
Who with? uni friends
How? bus from Morchit Etc.
If you then 'expand' (say as much as you can about) your answers you shouldfill up your two minutes easily.
2. One of the things you must do in both phases of the speaking test is show arange of grammar structures. In phase two you might be asked to talk about aholiday you had. This is the answer:
'We went to Thailand for our holiday lastyear. First we went to Bangkok and saw the Grand Palace. Then we went toAyuthya and saw the ancient city. After that we went to Chiang Mai and met thehill tribes. Finally, we went to Chiang Rai and saw the hill tribes, too." (不地道的说法,缺乏效率)
Although grammatically perfect, there are only a few sentence structures used.We could change this by changing the order of things:
"Beforegoing to Chiang Rai and seeing the hill tribes we visited Ayuthya and went tothe ancient city."
This adds another structure to the answer 'Before + Verb + ing' - this willimprove your score. Take some time now to look at the answer above and consideras many ways possible including more sentence structures.
Phase 3 Tips
1. Phase 3 is where the final score is given to a candidate. This is the partof the test where you must excel. Do the best that you can here without tryingto hard or getting yourself into problems. Although a number of sources suggestthat scores are averaged between the three phases of the speaking test, thisstage is where the 'ceiling' is established - you can't get a higher score thanyour performance in phase 3.
2. Phase 3 is much more like a conversation between you and the assessor. Herehe/she doesn't have a script and can ask you anything he/she wants. If you gooff topic, the assessor will make attempts to make sure you stay on topic -there's no point in rehearsing a speech!
3. Amongst other things, in Phase 3 you will be asked to speculate about thefuture, give and opinion, suggest a solution to a problem, or describe aprocess or procedure. Try to come up with a complete answer. If you are askedhow you would solve traffic problems worldwide, don't just talk about buyingmore buses; consider where the money for the buses would come from, explain howyou would raise the money for the buses and persuade people who to use them.This will certainly impress the assessor.
4. Make eye contact with theassessor. Although theoretically you could speak great English with your headdown, the fact is you may not come across as confident. Although there is nomark for confidence, you need to present yourself in as positive way aspossible.
IELTSReading tips
IELTS Listening tips
1. Keepthe volume of your headphones a bit loud, so that no noise, distractions or anysort of disturbance nearby could affect your concentration during the test. (调整好适合自己的耳麦音量,可以稍微音量大一点)
2. Notedown all the answers on your question papers while the recording is playing,don’t worry about the handwriting, just be quick, because once the test isover, you will be given 10 minutes transfer time in order to copy the answersto your answer sheet. (听力考试是给10分钟誊答案时间,所以听听力时记录的答案要做到迅速,把全部注意力放在准备听下一道题)
3. As with the listening test, do notdeduce the answer. This is especially true in True / False Not given questions.The answers are in the text, you do not need to work them out. For example:
"The introduction of new government policies gave people better lives:they had jobs and more money to spend."
Now look at the answer:
The introduction of new government policies had positive long-term benefits onpeoples' lives. True / False / Not given
If people had jobs and more money, surely this is better for them, and so it isnatural to consider this a 'true' statement. However, the key here is'long-term'. From the text, it is impossible to say whether the new jobs lasted20 years or one day. If you don't make assumptions it is impossible to answerquestion. As a result the correct answer should be: Not given. (关于NOT GIVEN的甄别)
4. If you really don't know the answer toa True / False / Not given question, and you want to guess the answer, DON'Tchoose "Not given" - it's the least frequent answer. (懵答案尽量不要选NOT GIVEN,如果你之前此题中已经有1-2你确信是NOT GIVEN的)
4. Remember that you are probably not going tohear the same words in the question and in the answer. IELTS questions usuallyinvolve 'paraphrasing'- using a sentence with the same meaning but not usingthe same words. For example, on the tape you might hear: (和阅读一样注意好词形变换,单复数)
很系统啊 顶啊顶啊