

不过看了AUT的creative techology degree,感觉不错。 就是想问问有在读的前辈,说说这本科学的是什么?

Bachelor of Creative Technologies, AUT University, Auckland
This page gives an overview of the Bachelor Creative Technologies.It covers entry requirements and what the qualification covers and papers.

Programme Code: AK1305
Level: 7
Points: 360
Duration: Three years full time
Venue: City Campus
Starting date: 27 February 2012


    University Entrance
    Evidence of creative ability such as portfolio or artwork (View PDF pdf icon,1 page,42kb)
    Interview may be required

A Bachelor of Creative Technologies degree gives students a wide, relevant and contemporary education in the knowledge-intensive creative industries. It is a strongly studio-workshop and project-based degree. Students operate networked multimedia studios to cross the boundaries between art and science, design and production and engineering and computing to conceive new smart products, systems and services, to build new games or web applications, to make films, create animations or soundscapes or design interactive multimedia environments. Specialist fields include digital animation and moving image production, interactive entertainment and gaming technologies and smart systems and robotics.


The defining characteristic of the student learning experience gained is in the Creative Technologies studio. Each semester’s studio will be themed and students will undertake individual and team project work, requiring an integration of knowledge from different domains. Studio methodology and learning outcomes are informed by emerging models of research and practice in the creative professions. The programme covers intellectual property, organisational theory and project management, and students will learn how to develop commercial applications for their creative ideas.

Year One
Year One introduces key skills and concepts of the creative technologies and develops these skills through studio practice. Ongoing background reading and other research is an integral aspect of studio practice.

Core papers in the first year:

    Creative Technologies Studio I
    Design Data Structures
    Intellectual Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
    Introduction to the Creative Technologies
    Mathematics and Art
    Programming for Creativity
    Theories and Philosophies of Technology

Year Two
Students identify more individual interests within the broad areas of the degree, such as digital animation and moving image, interactive environments, robotics, and new media practices.

Year Three
Students pursue more independent approaches and undertake more complex projects. Projects may be developed in consultation with industry partners. Outcomes may be public exhibitions, publications, broadcasts, web content or similar formats.


Study studio classThe aim of the degree is to produce imaginative, well-rounded and reflective practitioners who are equipped not only to engage in practice within the creative industries but who are able to manage and lead the development of this sector. Career opportunities exist in fields such as:

    Artificial intelligence
    Computer games
    Computer programming
    Digital animation
    Interactive environment design
    Mobile technology
    Sound and music
    Web development
    3D modelling


Year One
Year One introduces key skills and concepts in the creative technologies and develops these skills through studio practice - a process of thinking-through-making. Ongoing background reading and other research is an integral aspect of studio practice.

A student must complete
175001 Creative Technologies Studio I (30)
175002 Introduction to the Creative Technologies (15)
175003 Programming for Creativity (15)
175004 Creative Technologies Studio II (30)
175006 Mathematics and Art (15)
175007 Physical Computing (15)

Year Two
Year Two allows students to identify more individual interests within the broad areas of the programme, such as interactive environments, smart systems, robotic, new media practices, animation and moving image. Projects will enable students to experiment with new technologies and develop a creative response for real world situations

176001 Creative Technologies Studio III (30)
176002 Theories and Philosophies of Technology (15)
176003 Creative Technologies Studio IV (30)
176004 Intellectual Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (15)

AND 30 points from:
176005 Animation & Moving Image Production I (15)
176006 Animation & Moving Image Production II (15)

176007 Simulated, Immersive & Interactive Environments I (15)
176008 Simulated, Immersive & Integrated Environments II (15)

176009 Smart Systems I (15)
176010 Smart Systems II (15)

176011 Emerging Practices I (15)
176012 Emerging Practices II (15)

Year Three
Year Three encourages students to pursue more independent approaches and undertake more complex projects. Projects may be developed in consultation with industry partners. Outcomes may be public exhibitions, publications, broadcasts, web-based content or similar formats.

177001 Creative Technologies Studio V (30)
177002 Creative Technologies Studio VI (30)

AND 30 points from:
177003 Animation & Moving Image Production III (15)
177004 Animation & Moving Image Production IV (15)

177005 Simulated, Immersive & Interactive Environments III (15)
177006 Simulated, Immersive & Interactive Environments IV (15)

177007 Smart Systems III (15)
177008 Smart Systems IV (15)

177009 Emerging Practices III (15)
177010 Emerging Practices IV (15)

AND 30 points at level 7 from any other AUT degree as approved by the programme leader.

Enrolment in papers is subject to meeting requisite requirements and availability of papers.




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