新西兰2011 Short Film Lab: Call for Applications!



Announcing the 2011 Short Film Lab, presented by Script to Screen & Show Me Shorts with assistance from NZFC & University of Auckland.
Application Deadline: September 9
Script to Screen and Show Me Shorts are calling for applications for the 2011 Short Film Lab.  If you are a budding film writer or writer/director and are developing ideas for short film, then you won’t want to miss this amazing opportunity to take part in our Short Film Lab.
Participants in the workshop will be mentored by experienced industry practitioners who have excelled in short filmmaking, including producer/director Paul Swadel(Poppy, Infection, Accidents), screenwriter and academicShuchi Kothari (Firaaq, Apron Strings, Coffee and Allah) and animator/director James Cunningham (Das Tub, Poppy, Infection).
This year up to six writers (or writer/directors) will be selected to workshop their short film ideas during the full-day lab on Saturday 29 October in Auckland.  The day will include group and individual sessions with the mentors. Those selected can come on their own or can bring up to two key creative collaborators along with them. Lunch will be provided.
Thanks to the support of the New Zealand Film Commission, participation in the Short Film Lab is free for all selected applicants!
Application deadline: September 9.
*Although the Short Film Lab is free, participants will need to be in Auckland for the day of the lab at their own expense.



2011 Short Film Lab Application RequirementsTo apply for the 2011 Short Film Lab you need to:
Send us the following four documents:
  • Written outlines of two to three ideas for short films. Write approximately half a page per idea, clearly explaining the concept and/or outlining the story that you want to develop.  The ideas/stories must be suitable for short films that can be shown on the big screen. The short film ideas you submit will be the films you workshop at the lab if you are selected.
  • A CV or bio
  • A paragraph on what you want to gain from the Short Film Lab
  • A completed Application Cover Sheet
Pay the $15 application fee. You can pay by credit card via the Script to Screen website or email [email protected] to organise an alternative method of payment.
All documents can be either emailed to [email protected], or posted to: Script to Screen, PO Box 147263, Ponsonby, Auckland.
Application deadline: September 9.
Although the Short Film Lab is free, participants will need to be in Auckland for the day of the lab at their own expense.
What next?
A selection panel will read all the application material and select up to 6 applicants.  All applicants will be notified and then the successful applicants will be publicly announced at the Show Me Shorts Film Festival programme launch on October 6.
Any other questions?
If you’d like any more information about the Short Film Lab or the application process, then please contact Alix Whittaker: [email protected] / 09 360 5400.

http://www.script-to-screen.co.n ... icipants-announced/

2010 Short Film Lab Participants Announced

Show Me Shorts and Script to Screen have announced the names of six up-and-coming filmmakers who will participate in their inaugural Short Film Lab on 6 November.

Selected from more than 90 applicants from around New Zealand, the participants in the 2010 Short Film Lab are: Sam Bunkall, Simon Hansen, Lauren Jackson, Kelly Joseph, Renae Maihi, and Rose McIver.

\Announcing the successful applicants at the Show Me Shorts programme launch on Tuesday evening, Workshop Manager Emma Blomkamp said, “We were overwhelmed by the number and quality of applications that came flowing in.”

“This is testament to the huge interest in short film among emerging filmmakers, the great deal of undiscovered talent ready to burst on to the New Zealand film scene, and the need to support up-and-coming writers to develop high quality short film scripts.”

During the course of the full-day lab hosted by the University of Auckland, the selected participants will work intensively to develop their ideas for new short films, with help from experienced industry practitioners who have excelled in short filmmaking, including producer Ainsley Gardiner, writer/director Mark Albiston and screenwriter and academic Shuchi Kothari.

Script to Screen’s Simon Marler, who convened the selection panel that included producer Matt Horrocks, writer/director Tearepa Kahi, and Festival Director Gina Dellabarca, says, “Selecting applicants for the Short Film Lab was no easy task.”

“The chosen six participants demonstrate excellent potential to develop ideas for short films with vision and heart.  We look forward to seeing these ideas crafted into scripts that will form the basis of great short films.”

A joint venture between Script to Screen and Show Me Shorts, the Short Film Lab builds on the success of the workshops held as part of Show Me Shorts Film Festival 2009, and is inspired by labs run by major A-list film festivals such as Sundance.  It has been made possible thanks to support from the New Zealand Film Commission.



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