新西兰Provoke grad program.(Computer science ,Btech,web/grapic des


Graduate applications are now open until Friday, 30 September 2011 http://www.provoke.co.nz/about/jobs.aspx

Kiwi stars to shine in LA               
Microsoft announces winners and finalists of 2011 Worldwide Partner of the Year Awards
By Reseller News Staff, Auckland | Thursday, 23 June 2011
Provoke has been named Microsoft’s Country Partner of the Year in the company's 2011 Worldwide Partner of the Year awards.The company won two awards in last year’s New Zealand partner competition.

"As a design-led software agency, we’ve worked really hard to build a reputation for delivering leading-edge solutions on the Microsoft platform, with an obvious niche in SharePoint 2010. Equally as important as our technical wizardry is our unrelenting goal to deliver excellent customer service, which has underpinned our successful track-record over the years," says Mason Pratt, CEO of Provoke.

"We are so very proud to have won this award, as it highlights our commitment to the industry and our customers, as well as our focus on driving continual improvement within our own business. It will hopefully give peace of mind to our current customers that they’ve backed the right horse and also encourage prospective customers to engage the best New Zealand has to offer. The recognition garnered from this win is a solid endorsement for all of our hard work," adds Pratt.

In November, Pratt told Reseller News of his intentions to establish an office in the US, close to Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington.

Ahead of its worldwide partner conference in LA next month, Microsoft has also announced Wellington start-up GreenButton as a finalist on both the BizSpark Partner of the Year and Tech & High Performance Computing Partner of the Year categories, as well as global winner of the Windows Azure ISV Partner of the Year Award.

"For us, this award is complete validation that what we do, and how we do it, is globally accepted and recognised. We are a fairly small team and we work long hours, doing the hard yards an internet start-up company has to endure – compared with big US companies we’ve done it tougher with less, which is the Kiwi way," says Vivian Morresey, chief marketing officer for GreenButton.

Morresey adds that the company hopes this award will translate into business growth. "Having an internationally accepted award like this will allow us to position ourselves as real market innovators, instead of a 'who, from where'."

NV Interactive was also recognised as a finalist in the Web Development category for its use of technologies like Silverlight, Web Slices and Pivot Viewer for live web experiences for New Zealand cricket players and fans.

"The Worldwide Partner Awards represent our World Cup, and we're thrilled to be recognised on the global stage for the wide range of innovative solutions we have delivered for New Zealand Cricket," says Matt Pickering, managing director of NV Interactive.

Award winners and finalists were chosen from nominations from around the world, with nearly 3,500 entries submitted by partners from more than 200 countries.

"Our congratulations go out to GreenButton, Provoke and NV Interactive as finalists and winners of the 2011 Worldwide Partner Awards. They have delivered innovative, creative and superior Microsoft solutions and services, and stamped the Kiwi mark on the world as a hub for technology innovation," says Paul Muckleston, managing director for Microsoft New Zealand.

Read the full Reseller News Article here.



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