



The planted grapes grew normally in the early stage and had normal results, but a large number of fruit cracks appeared in the mature period, which seriously affected the quality and yield of the grapes and caused great losses to the growers.

Why does this abnormal phenomenon occur?
First, the weather this year was abnormal, with slightly more rain in the early period, hot sun and drought in the later period, the temperature fluctuatingly high and low, the rains were frequent and less frequent, and the supply of water and fertilizer was severely unbalanced, causing a large number of grapes to suddenly crack; Tight, late fruit swelling and squeezing each other, causing many fruit rips; third, inadequate disease prevention, grape cob brown blight, powdery mildew and other diseases lead to late fruit cracking; fourth, continuous drought leads to calcium in the soil Grape roots cannot be absorbed, and the peel is cracked due to "calcium deficiency" during the swelling period of grapes.

To prevent a large number of grapes from cracking, the following measures can be taken.
1. Try to maintain a balanced supply of water and fertilizer.
The annual climate cannot be controlled by humans, but the supply of water and fertilizer in the orchard can be artificially improved. The specific method:

The first is to adhere to balanced fertilization, apply more organic fertilizers, and gradually nurture and improve the soil, so as to enhance the permeability of the soil and the ability of water and fertilizer retention;

The second is to combine fertilization with deep plowing of the orchard soil before overwintering to gradually thicken the active soil layer, promote the rooting of the grapes, and enhance the drought tolerance and stress resistance; the third is to implement mulching or grass mulching on the soil to reduce the erosion of the soil and high temperature caused by heavy rain The weather evaporates soil moisture, reduces the orchard soil temperature in the hot summer season, and tries to keep the soil moisture basically stable; fourth, in the grape growing season, the soil should be cultivated in time after heavy rains to keep the soil loose and airy, and cut off the soil capillary to reduce soil moisture Properly cultivate the soil to avoid bare grape roots; fifth, do a good job in the construction of irrigation and drainage infrastructure, to ensure that the orchard can be drained in case of waterlogging, and can be poured in drought; sixth, if conditions permit, further rain-proof cultivation can be adopted on the basis of bagging the ears. Measures.

2. Scientific regulation and proper retention of fruit.
To overcome the erroneous idea of "more fruit, more good for grapes", comprehensive measures should be taken to control the number of ears per plant and the number of fruits retained per ear. One is to choose grape varieties with moderately tight ears and not easy to crack; second, for varieties that are particularly prone to fruit setting, proper water control during flowering to reduce fruit setting; third, avoid excessive use of inhibitory effects during the early growth of grape shoots. Strong growth regulators (if tree promoter PBO, paclobutrazol, etc.) control prosperous growth, promote flowers and promote fruit, if necessary, use chlormequat, mepiquat, and other long-lasting products with less inhibitory effect. Avoid too tight grape ears; fourth, scientific pruning, reasonable retention of ears, and not too many ears per plant; fifth, before flowering, use gibberellin (920) to pull the ears of the grapes, and water and fertilize the grapes in time after the ears to ensure Sufficient nutrient supply; Sixth, carry out fruit thinning before bagging the ears to avoid leaving too much fruit per ear.

3. Grasp the comprehensive prevention and control of grape diseases.
The first is to select disease-resistant varieties; the second is to do a good job in cleaning and disinfection; the third is to control the application of nitrogen fertilizer and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to enhance the disease resistance of grapes; the fourth is to keep the ditches unblocked during the rainy season to avoid excessive soil and environmental humidity; the fifth is to be timely Pin the vines, cut off the secondary shoots and tendrils, and keep the field well ventilated and light; the sixth is to seize the opportunity and choose symptomatic agents for chemical control. For cob brown blight, before and after the grapes bloom, use 25.5% Iprodione aqueous solution 1000~1200 times solution, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600~800 times solution, 40% captan WP 500 times solution Use 1500 times liquid, 50% protoxine wettable powder to prevent and cure grape powdery mildew in the early stage of onset, use 24% fenbuconazole suspension 3000 to 5000 times liquid, 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1000 times liquid, 40% more sulfur suspension agent 600 times liquid spray control.

4. Increase calcium fertilizer to prevent calcium deficiency in plants.
One is to apply 100-150 kg of calcium-magnesium-phosphate fertilizer per mu with organic fertilizer when base fertilizer is applied in autumn and winter to increase the soil calcium content; the other is to apply 50 kg of calcium nitrate or nitric acid with high nitrogen and calcium content per mu before and after the grapes bloom. Ammonium-calcium compound fertilizer, topdressing of varieties with better fruit setting before or during flowering, and topdressing of varieties with poor fruit setting after sitting on the fruit after flowering, to timely supplement the demand for calcium for the vigorous growth of grapes; third, combine before bagging grapes For disease prevention and control, add appropriate amount of amino acid chelated calcium and sugar alcohol chelated calcium to the liquid and spray it directly to supplement calcium on grape leaf and fruit surface. Although the dosage is small, the effect is quick and the effect is good; the fourth is in grapes After bagging, combined with watering, apply 40-50 kg sugar alcohol chelated calcium and amino acid chelated calcium to meet the demand for calcium in the later stage of grape growth.




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