我有一房,后门有一60平米的大平台,是水泥的,上面也有遮阳棚。房子是crosslease. 我想把20平米左右包起来当间卧室或hobby。自己会弄。如果这样的话,我是否需要审批。 如果要的话,都要什么程序,到哪儿去申请,大约多少钱?
City council吧,自己没搞过,等楼下解答
1. 房子是crosslease had to ask neighbour approve.
2. 20平米需要审批council approve
3. less then 10平米自己会弄。不用Building Consent 可能需要Resource Consent
http://www.dbh.govt.nz/UserFiles ... nce-3rd-edition.pdf
Single-storey detached buildings not exceeding 10 square metres in floor area
1. Building work in connection with any detached building that:
(a) is not more than 1 storey (being a floor level of up to 1 metre above the
supporting ground and a height of up to 3.5 metres above the floor
level); and
(b) does not exceed 10 square metres in floor area; and
(c) does not contain sanitary facilities or facilities for the storage of potable
water; and
(d) does not include sleeping accommodation, unless the building is used in
connection with a dwelling and does not contain any cooking facilities.
2. However, subclause (1) does not include building work in connection with a
building that is closer than the measure of its own height to any residential
building or to any legal boundary.
This exemption covers the construction of small buildings such as garden sheds,
cabins or sleepouts. It also includes all work relating to the disposal of stormwater.
If you are providing sleeping accommodation in such a building, note that the
facilities of an existing dwelling must be readily available and used for sanitation,
and the building cannot include cooking facilities because of the risk of fire.
If you are a supplier of proprietary garden sheds, cabins or sleepouts, we
recommend that you make sure anyone buying them is aware of the use and
location requirements of this exemption. If these requirements are not fully met,
the purchaser will need to apply for a building consent.
Note: smoke alarms must be installed in all sleeping areas