我家玫瑰秋天的时候就发现玫瑰主干有白白的附着在主干上的一片片的东西。。。。按照朋友说的,冬天剪枝完以后喷了两次lime sulfur,但是那些白点还在,而且那东西喷完会掉叶子。。。现在天慢慢热了,新芽都开始长了,也不适合喷那个了。。。。。有人知道要用什么那东西才会不见么?

那个东西叫rose white scale。我们家受灾不重,只不过在冬天修剪的时候,用硬刷子在枝干上来回刷,把它尽量清理掉而已。
我家去年刚搬来时也这样 喷了copper fungicide就好了 今年貌似没得
我今天喷了liquid copper,不知道好不好用。。。。。。
个人体会特别的有效 我去年刚搬来时家里所有的树恨不得都长奇奇怪怪的东西在树皮上 玫瑰我以为是死的 后来喷了这个以后那叫一个效果明显啊~~~今年玫瑰一整个冬天都是红的呢 所以我偷懒木有喷 过几天还是得去喷一下。。。
那我连续每周喷一次,喷一个月看看有效果不。。。。。不知道这个rose white scale会不会对玫瑰造成严重不良影响。。。。。还是只是影响美观而已
Rose clinic
Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for all your rose problems.
Symptoms: Tiny green 1mm long insects gathering in numbers on new foliage and buds. Leaves can become distorted and damaged. Aphids excrete honeydew that often results in the presence of sooty mould.
Diagnosis: Aphids are sap-suckers that love the new growth and tender young buds of roses. They cause stems to wilt and can transmit virus from one plant to another.
Treatment: Remove them with a gloved hand, or use a pyrethrum-based spray. Persistent infestations may require the use of stronger sprays such as Confidor or Mavrik. Use strictly in accordance with directions and follow safety precautions.
Symptoms: A white mottled appearance on leaves, browning of petals and flower drop
Diagnosis: These tiny thread-like insects suck the sap from leaves and flowers, often spreading plant viruses. If left unchecked, plant tissue becomes damaged and deformed.
Treatment: Thrip lay eggs in unopened buds making them difficult to control. They blow in on westerly winds and infest mostly light-coloured roses, then pass on to other areas. Pest presence is often short lived, but may be devastating if in high numbers. Apply Confidor at first sign of thrip to reduce pest symptoms.
Symptoms: White-crusted stems, often accompanied by sooty mould.
Diagnosis: Scale are small, sap-sucking insects with a hard cap which is difficult to remove. Scale found on roses includes cottony cushion scale, red scale and rose scale.
Treatment: Eco-oil kills all stages of scale insects by suffocation. Yates Lime Sulphur is also a useful tool in reducing the population of scale; spray bare stems after winter pruning. Best treatment is prevention – scale is commonly found on weak roses. Keep plants healthy and prune away damaged and diseased stems.
Two-spotted mite
Symptoms: Tiny insects, almost invisible to the naked eye. Silver webbing on leaves can occur if pest numbers are high.
Diagnosis: Often referred to as red spider mite due to females changing to a orange to red colour over cooler months. Mites usually have two distinct dark spots on their back. Pests can be difficult to overcome once in high numbers. They prefer hot and dry conditions.
Treatment: Insecticidal potassium soap sprays such as Natrasoap work by blocking the breathing pores and dissolving the scale’s outer covering, causing dehydration. These treatments will not harm beneficial insects and have a very low toxicity to people and pets.
Fungal disease:
Black spot
Symptoms: Rounded black spots with fringed edges. Damage can often cause leaf drop and poor health.
Diagnosis: The fungus can be persistent, especially in humid growing conditions and in plants of poor health.
Powdery mildew
Symptoms: White powdery growth on leaves, buds and stems. Can appear as spotted markings that will eventually cover plant surfaces if left unchecked.
Diagnosis: This fungus will usually appear during warm dry days that are followed by cool, damp nights. It spreads quickly and is common among roses.
Treatment: apply a fungicide once a fortnight. Spray applications should begin when the first leaves appear in spring, and continue through summer and autumn. Recommended products are Rose Shield and Eco Rose. Spray till the plant is dripping with the mixture.
Cane or stem canker
Symptoms: Canes become discoloured, turning dark drown. They will often appear sunken and withered.
Diagnosis: Fungi will cause stems to rot back, leaves become wilted and die. Spores can be observed on effected parts of the plant.
Treatment: Cut back diseased canes or stems well below the affected area. Spray Yates Liquid Copper to control cane and stem canker.
Spray: every week with Yates Rose Shield plus Eco-Guard, alternate every week with Eco-Oil plus Eco-Rose
Spray: Yates Lime Sulphur is useful in reducing the population of insects, disease, fungal spores and insect eggs, disinfecting the rose, giving it a fresh start for the coming spring season. This must be done onto bare stems, not on leaves, so is a job for just after the winter prune.
Spray: every second week spray with Yates Rose Shield plus Eco-Guard, alternate every second week with Eco-Oil plus Eco-Rose.
Symptoms: White-crusted stems, often accompanied by sooty mould.
Diagnosis: Scale are small, sap-sucking insects with a hard cap which is difficult to remove. Scale found on roses includes cottony cushion scale, red scale and rose scale.
Treatment: Eco-oil kills all stages of scale insects by suffocation. Yates Lime Sulphur is also a useful tool in reducing the population of scale; spray bare stems after winter pruning. Best treatment is prevention – scale is commonly found on weak roses. Keep plants healthy and prune away damaged and diseased stems.
这里也说lime sulphur有效。。。。为啥我喷了两次,那些scale还在。。。。我看了下,还有一种叫Yates Scale Gun,说是也会有效果。。。

Rose scale is one of a group of scale insects known as armoured scales. They attack the stems of roses growing in damp, shady places.Symptoms
White scale coating on older stems.
Bunnings, RD1之类的地方应该都有卖的。
亲 不用这么麻烦的。。。真心的。。。我统共就去年冬天喷了一还是两回啊。。。。。当然别人是跟我说要一周喷一次喷一冬天的 我偷懒了。。。要知道我们搬进来时我家的两棵玫瑰都灰黑色了 我真的以为是死的 剪了一下看见里面还有绿色才决定死马当活马医一下哈
这个药很管用的啦~~~~~养花其实是个很享受的过程 体力活一点点 其它不用担心太多哈~~
额 才想起来我跟你说漏了一个。。。。。。除了copper外还有个玫瑰药水 这会儿忘了名字了 给外头放着呢 去花店一问就行 比刷着简单有效