新西兰four seasons 打折嘍~~~


看到很多BB MM都問這個店,正好收到打折信哦~~順便發來看看有沒有需要的哈
# K, }4 u, Y/ ?# W9 S) G有要買狗糧的速度去啦,~~~他家的會員卡可以積分下次當現金用哦~~% W( q9 `9 X' O9 i
* A* c, m" S* G" t: h* z# t+ X
This month my staff and I have some exciting bits and pieces for you… Get in quick as these are All While Stocks Last
. A0 P3 C. m" ]See my food specials on the other page!# R+ g  O, u2 s2 j9 p' I6 ~
" A2 `  i, b  c. g) S! e

/ y5 q7 d5 P+ \+ n1 k/ r3 b8 N$ O8 h, B
We also have a great selection of dog toys in our Bucket Specials in store at the moment. We have Playmates "chuckit" copies are $8.90 and receive 3 Playmates tennis balls for Free) w/ x: i( Q! K. N# Y
Dogit Poo Bags - The holders are normally $9.90 down to $5.00. The Refill bags are normally $5.90 each, now 2 for $6.00 All while stocks last!) y! d7 p+ B" z4 y2 B8 e
7 r# _5 ]9 V3 e) W9 H
We plan on having these buckets specials in store at all times so keep an eye out, there will be something for everyone….
& a1 [1 Q* K5 F# j

# y/ w9 @+ K1 P$ Z / h7 o! H+ o0 A6 r
Most exciting for me, is a brand New Cat Scratcher… For all of you with Fabulous Felines like me. The new Purr Pad is a scratcher designed for cats that like to do their scratching in the horizontal position. These have dried catnip actually made into the scratcher (it gets me all excited just thinking about it) and comparing the price to those cardboard scratchers, $39.90 seems like a steal!& A7 _/ ?  Z. [  z1 G/ E" H* @$ s8 Y
- y8 \# w0 Y2 j3 t% ?
* d% n: S2 t' W; k
We have some Chocolate Labradors in on the first weekend of March, fingers crossed, so anyone after some chocolate “lovin” should come in and check them out! The girls here are quite excited. Me? Not so much.
6 b- l* G$ U: j5 S$ k3 y6 x1 F, r/ W6 W; b& l
6 K8 {9 W+ Y( e! N" ^0 G& d
Come in and have a chat.1 [: m1 f# W; F% s

2 d; V# b! U! o" H! J
6 e: H% n$ o1 m9 v. d: _
+ b" M9 W! l! Y. G% ?/ B
Royal Canin have bonus bags on selected products for April while stocks last.* {  w% z. Q+ S2 T" ^# D
, I6 c8 a- o! ]+ v
Includes Fit, Exigent, Indoor and Intense Hairball for Cats and Medium, Maxi, Giant, German shepherd and Labrador for dogs.  }5 B( Y' X5 a  m: E

& m! r. U# S* u

/ X; O6 N5 V5 @$ R  P& U0 vHills Science are doing their ever popular Storage Bins again free with any Dog food over 15kg . These bins hold the biggest bags and are on wheels for ease of movement." i! P2 `+ g1 C8 l

+ k2 k7 s8 G% o- h4 b
" o: ]" X2 y' U, F" JProplan have Seat Covers going free with their 15kg and over bags of Dog food. These are great for keeping the dog hair  and wet bodies off the back seat.( N) b+ D, D2 \
3 U, j1 w' ^! G8 q
# O( i& F: Q1 s; R; ]3 H1 A

  l' C+ D5 V9 A* f$ F6 t5 Y& o

* H! c) t! m7 F. b/ t6 t" L( [
$ t1 C2 C( r5 M' [9 E" |( o0 E( q

2 l, p. E2 x( c" N
& v# }4 F' Z. s$ ~0 \



在137 apirana ave GLEN INNES



新西兰本人就是猫狗奴,有长达15年以上宠物饲养经验,大中小型狗和猫寄养,可提供接送服务。 2 P- ]6 b" M: ~! Y9 } 寄养时间安排灵活。% q5 `0 R% U5 Z( }: R% P' e0 J 有需要的请联系:02040095672 1 [3 ...



新西兰East Tamaki 自取 9 p) r: G- t# n $ ?4 t! d. i+ Qnbsp; vx: wojialuyi % z+ X7 n' F: R; [+ W % G2 R1 }+ L' X2 Z6 p- ~ 还剩4只 4 g5 Z3 H0 D/ k' O nbsp;^" `5 S$ ` - @% t, \; b: g! M2 h 评论 Dddddddddddddddd ...


出豆腐猫砂 好用价廉

新西兰出猫砂,原价$12一包的,现在一箱出$70(8包)纯豆腐猫砂,可以冲厕所。一包2.38kg吸水量6L。; h- g6 j$ _1 k# P' h9 R" H 奥克兰地区包邮6 H4 @) u8 H# Z* d0 k# w8 F 联系vx:lilithzhong ( M$ L( u; J# F0 Q) ...



新西兰有偿领养希望找个好人家0 s, @! Z0 d) |, ?) q9 b# Y 猫猫六周大了都断奶了猫猫性格都非常好特别乖随便摸 感兴趣➕v(x13_0523CG)) U4 S1 Q8 u' i7 \ 或者短信联系02102969881 . m4 {+ q$ t4 Z: l0 U3 ~ " i9 ...



新西兰本帖最后由 mzzzzzb 于 2024-12-8 23:48 编辑 : N# m0 g# L2 B+ J3 V 8 u: U: [) O4 B" n( Q 给宠物用最好的,才是真正的爱!% I/ T2 r3 b: U. i* R 这款宠物尿垫,吸水量远超普通产品,500ml液体瞬间吸收,表 ...



新西兰买了无人机,不会玩,想交流下。 大疆的avatar, 有兴趣的可以一起交流学习。 评论 厉害,我只有air2s 评论 一起交流下,加我 评论 sunbrotalk 评论 我也玩无人机,请加我微信yepinhong 评论 ...


走马观花看北欧 ( 多图 )

新西兰六月中旬,跟欧洲当地旅行团在北欧的丹麦、瑞典、挪威转了一圈,在丹麦首都哥本哈根上团,同一地点离团,一共九天时间,旅行团嘛,水过鸭背地走了一遍,哥本哈根的鱼美人,安 ...



新西兰纯种东德工作系小狼狗预售通知。我们的纯种东德工作系狼狗夏季的小狗将在明年初出生。提前通知计划购买东德工作系纯种狼狗的朋友们,请联系我咨询有关我们狼狗的繁殖情况。保 ...


猫咪 小猫 小橘猫

新西兰6只小橘猫(3只猫弟弟3只猫妹) 神兽出笼 可甜可咸暖糯拿捏 奥克兰东南区flat bush 取 联系电话0211343683 微信ruandonghaileon) {' ~9 {; y4 k* p / Q7 c8 t9 m9 g! P. b; O1 r 1 Knbsp;d$ B : ?) g! m9 xW; X: F) E / ...



新西兰8月23日週五,紐航,奧克蘭飛基督城,晚上8點40分起飛。 9月1日週日,Jetstar,基督城飛奧克蘭,中午1點50分起飛。 來回程都是4張票,每程帶2件托運行李。 價格低於市場價,請詢問。 ...


有没有 钓鱼群?潜水群?

新西兰一起 潜水 捉龙虾鲍鱼哈 求拉进群 评论 潜水 是指自由潜 还是水肺啊 评论 我有出海钓鱼群,加我微信hammeronboat 拉你进去 评论 thanks.................. 评论 JUST.M奥克兰全域割草,砍树,花园 ...


更换铁皮瓦屋顶 求报价

新西兰90平房子更换房顶铁皮瓦求报价 评论 铁皮瓦能只换部分吗 评论 请联系我看货报价0212941639 评论 还有需要吗? 评论 六千左右 评论 曾经看过华人、洋人家换铁皮瓦房顶的,质量差别很大 ...