本帖最后由 jacksonzhou25 于 2009-10-14 16:50 编辑 / @% y3 [/ ~0 K9 N) f3 J% w) H
Sorry,guys.... just found this ad has already put in Feb..-___________-...# e% a8 C, Q9 h0 T8 M
got email from one of my friend, she also forward the email from other people. i'm thinking if anyone could give the two lab a good home and more love...
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the email below:
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"We are moving overseas in just 2 weeks. Unfortunately,I have still not been able to find a good home for Cookie and Coco . We ' renot able to take our beloved doggies with us and I ' ve been desperately tryingto find a home for both of them ' together ' . They were raised together andpine without each other. The Lab rescue have already said that they wouldprobably separate them, so this is my last resort. Recently I tried to takeCoco out in my car alone and she TOTALLY refused to even get into the carwithout Cookie.......!!!! She absolutely pulled back on her haunches untilCookie was by her side..
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Bothdoggies are in great health, have been spayed and have ID chips implanted underthe skin.
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Cookieturned 3 December 10th and Coco turned 3 April 1st. Cookie is my mellow-yellow,and just loves her tummy rubbed. Coco
is adorably funny andlives for her "ball." She also loves the water...... Cookie loveslots of attention. Both doggies are loyal and love to walk. They have beenraised with my 3 kids running around all over the place, and have survivedSammy ' s constant hugging and love of ' dress-up ' , so they are fantasticfamily dogs.. This is by far one of the most difficult decisions I have everhad to make, but under the circumstances I have no choice.
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Please,please forward these pics to all your friends. I want to: Z1 w4 ~. @/ A. |& ]
find a great home forthese fabulous doggies. They are just adorable and it ' s heartbreaking to letthem go. In a perfect world, I hope that we could find someone local so that wecan still keep in touch and visit them. I pray that someone,somewhere can help us keep Cookie and Coco together, and love them just as muchas we do.Thankyou all from the bottom of my heart. [email protected]2 ]2 |) p: |% k' U+ x
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好像要发到二手市场去??# Z* ]6 s0 f8 I
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