

各位有意向投资酒店的老板们 下午好!
Greetings to the enterprenuers who has intentions of investing in the hotel industry!

现在大陆湖北省武汉市有三处 骨灰级物业(出房率高 租金低于市场行情 肉眼可见的众多企业差旅人群)
Right now, we have 3 extinction-leveled hotel properties in Wuhan, China.

1. 光谷东生物医药园 6米层高物业(East Optic Valley bio-chemical development centre, with 6m clear height)

*租金30RMB/平方米/月   租一层得两层(因为层高6米 可以现浇楼板)算起来只要15元/平方米
Rent $6.6/m2/month    rent one floor get another floor free. So that's around $3.3/m2/month.

*物业费 低于1元/平米
Property management fee: less than 0.22$/m2/month

*每层楼950平 出房38间 主力户型套内26~28平 每层有6~8间暗房(可做采光井)
The area of each floor is 950m2, 38 hotel rooms can be built on one floor. The majority area of the each room is between 26~28 m2. 6~8 rooms will not have access to natural sunlight in each floor.

overnight rental cost per room:$6.58/room/night

*建议租赁楼层 9~10楼(共1900平)  一楼大堂租300平左右 加起来2200平酒店面积
Recommended floors: 9th~10th(total area 1900m2)  rent another 300m2 on the ground floor as lobby and buffet restaurant, that sums up the total hotel area to be 2200m2.

*建议总客房数76间  外加餐厅 大堂 会议室 健身房 洗衣房
Recommended room number: 76 rooms plus lobby;gym;laundry and conference centre.

Rent free period: 9~10 months

Free parking space for 2~3 years.

*总投资额820万RMB 以内(包含所有费用,可以自己找装修公司),回本时间2~3年以内,年利润250~376万RMB。
Total investment will be within $1.8mil(all expenses included, investor can use his/her own renovation/refurbishment company).   
Estimated time to recover all invested money via profit :2~3 years.
Anual profit: $550k~827.2k.

2.盘龙城临空经济开发区物业 (Hidden Dragon city airport economy development area)

*租金15RMB/平米 (含物业费)  若租整栋10层楼 租金能更便宜.
Rent $3.3/m2/month (property management fees included) Can still be reduced if we rent the whole building(10 floors) .

*每层面积1145平米 出房21间 主力户型35平 无暗房
The area of each floor is 1145m2, 21 hotel rooms can be built on one floor. The majority area of the each room is 35m2. All rooms have direct access to natural sunlight.

*建议租赁楼层6~10楼(共5625平) 一楼拿200平左右免租金大堂 7~10层做客房 6层做餐厅 会议室 健身房 洗衣房
Recommended rental floors: 6th~10th plus 200m2 lobby space rent-free on the ground floor.
The 7th~10th floor will be guest rooms or suites, the 6th floor will be our restaurant, conference centre, gym and laundry.

Total rooms: 84

overnight rental cost per room:$7.26/room/night

Rent free period:8~12month

Free parking space provided for all rooms at all times.

*总投资额870万RMB 以内(包含所有费用,可以自己找装修公司),回本时间2~3年以内,年利润302~400万RMB。
Total investment will be within $1.91mil(all expenses included, investor can use his/her own renovation/refurbishment company).   
Estimated time to recover all invested money via profit :2~3 years.
Anual profit: $665k~880k.

3.盘龙城宋家岗地铁口物业(Hidden Dragon city SongJiaGang subway station)

Rent $2.75/m2/month (property management fees included)

*每层面积1075平米 出房23间 主力户型28平 4间暗房
The area of each floor is 1075m2, 23 hotel rooms can be built on one floor. The majority area of the each room is 28m2. 4 rooms will not have direct access to natural sunlight.

*建议租赁楼层4~6楼(共3225平) 一楼拿200平左右大堂+餐厅(租金25.5元/平)
Recommended rental floors: 4th~6th plus 200m2 lobby and restaurant space on the ground floor(ground floor rent is $5.61/m2/month).

Total rooms: 69

overnight rental cost per room:$4.88/room/night

Rent free period:6~7month

*免费车位:无免费车位 但可以包月.
No free parking space but can get some at a very low monthly rent.

*总投资额730万RMB 以内(包含所有费用,可以自己找装修公司),回本时间2.5~4年以内,年利润200~300万RMB。
Total investment will be within $1.6mil(all expenses included, investor can use his/her own renovation/refurbishment company).   
Estimated time to recover all invested money via profit :2.5~4 years.
Anual profit: $440k~660k.

以上三个适合做酒店的物业 投资成本 租金都比在新西兰要便宜许多,不需要股东本人亲自坐在店里面进行全盘管理,我方可以委派店总经理和区总经理进行员工招聘 管理 和 客源开发。
All these 3 properties has much less investment cost and much less rental cost than the properties in NZ, and the investor will not be required to stay in the hotel and running it. Our party can arrange experienced hotel managers and grand hotel managers to occupy and run the hotel in every aspect.

联系方式: 东呈国际酒店集团 李经理
Contact: Dossen International Hotel Group  Tommy Li
13926230830(手机微信同号, wechat/phone)




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