新西兰中介对明线法则怎么说?ONE ROOF报道


Real estate agents across the country told OneRoof they had seen an increase in enquiry from stressed mum and dad investors in the weeks leading up to the rule change.

Bayleys Canterbury has two auctions lined up for investors looking to take advantage of the bright-line rule change. As of last week, six investors had signed up to sell at the first auction, to be held at the end of this month.

The properties to be auctioned at the end of July will start coming online from the end of this week and range in value from $400,000 to $3 million. “What surprised me is we don’t have too much new townhouse stock. It’s all the second-hand properties coming onboard.”

Tom Rawson, who co-owns the Ray White Manukau franchise in South Auckland, said his agents were expecting an increase in activity from both sellers and buyers as a result of the bright-line rule change.

His office already had 30 properties signed up for a large auction it is holding at the end of the month, with many of the properties on the block being sold by investors.

The properties so far were scattered around South Auckland including Otara, Otahuhu, Mangere, Takanini and Papakura, and ranged in value from early $600,000s to $1m-plus. They were a mix of new builds and older homes.

Tall Poppy Kāpiti Coast salesperson Vanessa Bond had also noticed a lot of mum and dad investors getting rid of their rental properties because they couldn’t afford to keep them.

She was selling seven investment properties at the moment and said in most cases it was not because of the changes to the bright-line rule, but because people were struggling. “It’s so hard out there for a lot of people,” she said. “They just literally can’t afford to hold onto them. They went from a profit of $500 a month and now they are paying $1300 a month to top it up.”



新手買家的理想房 自住收租都香

新西兰收租 $520 pw. 屋主可用中文溝通。賣房經理只講英文。目前空屋。房屋資料齊全。可諮詢。有議價空間。 2024-4-6 14:05:47 上传 下载附件 (174.24 KB) 2024-4-6 14:05:47 上传 下载附件 (381.64 KB) 2024 ...


Mt Albert Gladstone 小学 3 房尾座 Townhouse

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北岸好区250万买的, 现在挂189卖?

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降价快十次了 就是卖不出去

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新西兰降息潮,失业潮,钱荒,人慌 其实都是炒作,不要被中介忽悠了,扛着不卖,只能多付利息,等真降息了,也不一定有钱买房的,能买的起的人早就买了,等着降息的那部分买家,一样 ...



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