Spark buys into free 18-month-old property website homes.co.nz
Spark has bought a minority stake in a free website which gives New Zealand property sale histories, valuations and other information and claims about 300,000 users a month.
Few details were given about the deal with homes.co.nz but a statement from the web business said it was "in a healthy state having surpassed $1m in annualised revenue within the first year. Specific details are not publicly being disclosed, but it is a significant investment for homes.co.nz."
Ed Hyde, chief executive of Spark Ventures said the purchase was made for several reasons.
"They are well placed to make an even bigger mark in the rapidly growing area of digital services for the home.
They have a great team of seasoned New Zealand entrepreneurs and relevant international experience and we see a lot of potential cross benefits with some of our other services and customers," Hyde said.
John Holt, the website's founder and chief executive, said the deal would fund the 18-month-old business to a break-even position and allow it to grow.
"Our focus on homeowners who are not buying or selling will increase as we add a wide range of calculators and tools to help manage your home and enhance its value. Helping Kiwis plan for their longer-term property aspirations and significant projects on their current home is all part of our vision of being much more than just a property listings portal," Holt said.
When the site was launched last year, homes.co.nz's Jeremy O'Hanlon said the details of 1.2 million New Zealand residences, flats and apartments were accessible, giving up-to-date valuations on each residence and its site.
"These are all things you've had to pay for in the past," O'Hanlon said, explaining how the information was drawn from authorities including councils, which hold property records. "We've got the sales history, estimated value and we're now working with Westpac and IAG to add new data sets."
The site's computer model uses the data, historic sales and trends in each area, which is updated monthly, to give people an idea of an estimated value. Property sales history, recent sales, monthly homes estimate and rating values are on the site.
- NZ Herald
Spark也进入房地产行业了, 呵呵。
这个是为了获取第一手的新用户信息吧。。。。比如谁搬入 谁搬出,谁换了主人。需要新的电信服务。
传说中的大数据么... CT公司转型IT公司是大势所趋 不转就要死
這代表了 relab 水漲船高了
Spark New Zealand | |||||
Financial breakdown by business unit - Spark Ventures & Wholesale | |||||
H1 FY15 | H2 FY15 | H1 FY16 | H2 FY16 | H1 FY17 | |
$m | $m | $m | $m | $m | |
Operating revenues | |||||
Voice | 167 | 107 | 66 | 69 | 59 |
Managed data | 33 | 31 | 27 | 24 | 21 |
Mobile | 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
IT services | 3 | 1 | - | 1 | - |
Other operating revenue | 15 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 5 |
Internal revenue | 24 | 23 | 18 | 21 | 18 |
248 | 174 | 121 | 126 | 112 | |
Operating expenses | |||||
Labour | 9 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 |
Other operating expenses | 138 | 78 | 48 | 49 | 46 |
Internal expenses | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - |
150 | 86 | 55 | 56 | 54 | |
Share of associates' and joint ventures' net losses | - | (4) | (3) | (2) | (1) |
EBITDA | 98 | 84 | 63 | 68 | 57 |
EBITDA margin | 39.5% | 48.3% | 52.1% | 54.0% | 50.9% |
Analysis & KPI's - Spark Ventures & Wholesale | |||||
H1 FY15 | H2 FY15 | H1 FY16 | H2 FY16 | H1 FY17 | |
Voice revenue by type | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Landline only | 88 | 51 | 48 | 51 | 44 |
Calling | 73 | 51 | 13 | 14 | 11 |
Other voice revenue | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
167 | 107 | 66 | 69 | 59 | |
Local service | H1 FY15 | H2 FY15 | H1 FY16 | H2 FY16 | H1 FY17 |
Total connections (000)'s | 396 | 382 | 362 | 341 | 319 |
Landline only connections (000)'s 1 | 89 | 82 | 76 | ||
1 Comparative information for periods prior to H1 FY16 is not available. | 评论 坚持做, 好产品, 一定有市场。 评论 Managed Data means WAN, Internet Plus (premium internet, dedicated internet, higher grades than broadband) etc. it has nothing to do with big data or property data, or homes.co.nz at all. The revenue is declining because more competitors are entering the market driving the prices down. UFB fibre is also eating up the market share, as it's much quicker than HSNS copper. 评论 Thanks for that. But as per media report, it's Spark Ventures unit investing Homes.co.nz. So if, in the future, Spark generates revenue from its investment, what's the revenue category? 评论 什麼神系統都是次要,主要是有個好的sales person, 可以遊說大財團入股。 评论 Spark owns a lot of random assets such as carparks, sub leases buildings, Southern Cross cable... may fall under other operating revenue? 评论 真的啊?怪不得他们的主打越做越差。。。哈哈 评论 Spark有专门的风投部,持有的也不只是homes的股份。很多大公司都有风投部好吧 评论 希望黑羊也卖个几千万。 评论 这不是黑羊团队里Bill的老板吗?是不是Bill没跟他们说自己也是搞这个的才买了别人的系统呀? 评论 Spark转型不是近一两天的事。它从几年前开始了。 一方面随着人越来越少打电话, 它fixed line的收入是一直在减少,而且这是不可逆转的趋势。 另一方面,因为wifi和光纤的普及所带来的速度提升,人更多开始消费网上的digitial content.这也带来另一面的机遇。 这些机遇包括网上媒体,Internet of things, 还有大数据等,它已经布局好了。 比方说spark是spotify 和netfix在新西兰的合作伙伴。 不过这次入股homes, 我觉得最关键的还是某楼讲的, homes是有个好的sales person来游说spark入股,也许他么老板原来就认识也不一定。 评论 签名照片过期很久了,换个新的吧 评论 懒得换了。 没人看签名 评论 黑羊系统的合伙人之一也是spark的呀。 东区 Flatbush 可负担好房新西兰东区Flatbush 可负担联排小区 3房3卫浴 双车库 160平,带后花园 小区内门前配室外双车位,花园设备 L1 车库➕一房一卫浴 L2 客厅厨房➕室外BB Q阳台 L3 主人套➕一房一卫浴 邻居omiston mal ... 28 crossandra drive mangere 2层砖和木weatherboard海景房出新西兰Freehold地460m2室内新装修197m2.房子非常好,维护很新。4个大房,3个卫浴。3个厕。双车库。加了2个新空调。全新地毯。好区在pennisula park里。28 crossandra drive mangere,含8幸运数字。地势正好 ... 市中心好地段两室一厅公寓私售新西兰如题,位于市中心好地段的舒适两居公寓出售 公寓为复式结构,布局合理,动静分离。楼下是客厅,厨房和餐厅,带一个阳台,可以看到天空塔。楼上是卫生间和两个宽敞卧室,两个卧 ... 精品地块 x5 !Pukekohe快速增长地区之一,约180平新西兰Pukekohe带有已批准的BC Plan出售地段 * 位于Pukekohe快速增长地区之一,永久产权,约180平方米(或多或少) * 51 Taukahiwi Road位于黄金地段,靠近Pukekohe的设施、商店、咖啡馆和娱乐设施 * 便 ... 太阳能电池板和电池新西兰请教一下有人装华为的太阳能电池板和电池吗? 想知道新西兰大概价格还有那个公司在装 评论 新西兰最大的太阳能公司刚倒闭 评论 除非你是白天用电大户,或者整个价格被打下来了, ... 上市房源10年历史新高, 房价疲软新西兰只有华人中介自娱自乐,专门坑英文一般的同胞。 https://www.interest.co.nz/property/131070/average-asking-price-homes-sale-realestateconz-dropped-almost-29000-october-while 评论 这些文章论坛都发过了,挡不住匿 ... 5步轻松搞定圣诞预算,让节日更嗨更省心!新西兰圣诞节到了,欢天喜地的同时别忘了预算!掌握这5步,让你的节日更快乐,钱包更轻松! 1. 确定总预算 评论 还是国内好,股市暴涨,市场大赚钱机会多,高楼大厦灯红酒绿美女帅哥娱 ... 圣诞消费季:背后的经济学与贷款市场洞察新西兰圣诞节是观察经济活跃程度的最佳窗口。从零售销售额到短期贷款需求,消费季的表现揭示了消费者行为、市场动态与贷款市场之间的深刻联系。通过数据分析与案例研究,我们可以从 ... 《新西兰2025年房价走势:低利率是否会成为关键新西兰《新西兰2025年房价走势:低利率是否会成为关键推动力?》 随着新西兰储备银行(RBNZ)多次降息,OCR在2024年底降至4.25%,这是两年来的最低点。低利率的环境为购房者带来了机会,也 ... 新作的水泥停车场问题新西兰做好大概四五周了,还没用过,整个停车场一片白一片黑的像是大地图,很难看,像长了霉斑一样,还裂了很多长长的裂缝,也不知道什么原因,有知道为什么的吗,是水泥有问题还是 ... Offset Loan 是近年来在新西兰房贷市场中逐渐受到新西兰Offset Loan 是近年来在新西兰房贷市场中逐渐受到关注的一种贷款方式。它是一种兼顾利息节省与资金灵活性的房贷工具,特别适合那些有一定存款基础且注重财务规划的借款人。在选择 ... 2024新西兰房产市场:租金回落,房贷激增,风险新西兰2024年,新西兰房地产市场出现了显著变化。尽管租金有所下降,但房贷市场依旧活跃,同时房价也表现出小幅回升。 首先,租金方面,数据显示全国房屋租金中位数维持在每周650纽币, ... 2024年新西兰经济数据及展望新西兰2024年新西兰经济数据及展望 GDP(国内生产总值) •2024年第三季度GDP萎缩1.0%,继第二季度修正后下降1.1%,已连续两个季度负增长,正式进入技术性衰退。这是1991年以来最大的连续两季 ... 求东区各区汇总新西兰记得以前看到过一个帖对奥克兰一些区做了个汇总,希望有大神可以对东区各区作一个比较新的汇总,让大家看房的时候做参考。先谢过。 评论 一般区的中位价格可以说明好坏 主要还 ... 请教住新房的人新西兰问问住新房的,你们冬天需要开暖气或空调么?没暖气,房子能有18度以上吗? 评论 新房子所用的保温材料它自己本身不产生热量,只是起到室内与室外的保温隔热效果。也就是说:相 ... 新年展望:2025年2月OCR决议及行业影响新西兰新年展望:新西兰2025年2月OCR决议及行业影响 新年伊始,许多人怀抱着新的期待和计划迎接2025年。在经济领域,新西兰储备银行(RBNZ)的官方现金利率(OCR)决议成为新年初备受关注的 ... 总理,副总理为什么卖房?且听我分析:~新西兰你想看透任何事件的真相,最佳的方法就是换位思考,假如我现在就是这个总理,我看到的比你多,得到的真实报告比你多,我每天看到的是: 1)政府已经千疮百孔,到处缺钱,由于 ... 关于对冲账户的几个问题新西兰听说westpac的对冲账户是没有限额的,那我从别的银行转过去一笔房屋贷款,是否可以先固定半年,然后再变成对冲。然后再固定? 是否可以这么操作? 别的银行是一开始就要告诉是否 ... 请教问题,减压阀。。。新西兰如题,请教下减压阀的位置可能会在哪里?家里自来水水压一直极低。刚打开的水流毫不夸张如小狗撒尿。。。过了10来秒后能恢复“正常(开到最大水流差不多比铅笔粗细能大一圈)”。 ... 没有工业产业链,经济将 陷入 移民+房地产 的死新西兰没有工业产业链,经济无论你如何折腾最终都会陷入: 新移民+房地产 的死循环!特别是新澳加,如何摆脱这个循环?目前的政党都做不到 。 请看我之前的 贴在X party, 必须要产生一个 ... |