新西兰中介发过来的 Harcourts 拍卖结果
Just four on site auctions by our Pakuranga and Howick offices since my last update - we're about quality, not quantity. Of those, three sold under the hammer and one passed in and is now available priced at $915,000. That equates to a success rate under the hammer of 75%.
Compare that with the results at the two main in-room auctions last week - 4 sold from 15 at Bucklands Beach Yacht Club (a 27% success rate under the hammer) and just 4 sold from 31 at Manukau Sports Bowl (a lowly 16% success rate). I strongly beleive that running our auctions at the house gives us (and therefore our vendors) a far better chance of getting a result under the hammer, and usually at a much better price that those that sell in-rooms (where it feels like you are at a car auction - NEXT!)
Personally, I am currently running at an under the hammer success rate, over the last 5 years of 89%, and 100% success rate at auction or soon after.
The property market always has and always will change - it is how well an agent deals with those changes that dictates whether a property sells or not and how quickly. Serious consideration needs to be taken by vendors before choosing which agent/agency to list with. Do not choose because one is the cheapest - they could well turn out to be the most expensive at the end of the process! In life, you generally get what you pay for...
See below for our actual results:
Auction Results:
65 Bramley Drive, Farm Cove
4 Bed/2 Bath on 888sqm section
CV $1,225,000
SOLD $1,930,000 58% above CV
35 De Quincey Terrace, Highland Park
3 Bed/1 Bath on 623sqm section
CV $670,000
SOLD $9700,000 45% above CV
32 Caithness Place, Farm Cove
4 Bed/3 Bath on 1,331sqm section
CV $1,550,000
SOLD $2,520,000 63% above CV
28 Panorama Road, Mt.Wellington
4 Bed/1 Bath on 574sqm section
CV $620,000
Passed in - now available, priced - $915,000
harcourts 不好的地方是,卖了后你就找不到图片了,想看看啥样的房子,能买到这个价钱,就不可能了
Harcourt onsite 拍卖的价格都很高, 卖房找他们挺合适的, 买房就要准备出很多冤枉钱了
Harcourts 大的 agents 都有自己的助理,一个是公司listing 网页, 一个是自己的个人网页. 个人网页卖掉了以后都会有自己listing 的照片什么的.
H 家的 拍卖师都是 得过奖的, 参加过很多职业比赛的职业拍卖师,现场拍卖主要是一个拍卖有1个小时慢慢去磨价格. 而且气氛也好些 有邻居来捧场. In door 拍卖最大的问题是时间太局促了,赶场子.这个中介其实说的卖车是in door, 其实美国最早的拍卖很多是卖牲口的也是in door, 因为价值不是特别高, 现场快速拍了算.
In door 一次我带客人去Takapuna 早晨10点开始拍卖, 那天下雨交通事故,下雨堵的一团糟, 10点多堵,北岸中介都疯掉了, 她买家不够,我们的买家又没有赶到现场. 去了找不到停车位,买家拼命跑过去的.
还有就是市里面大楼里面拍卖, 就更加不愿意去了.
In door 也有些好处 这样做可以大幅度降低成本. 比如买家有的想拍好几个房,一次性如果拍不到前一个,就可以拍后一个.
B家和 R家东区的拍卖师现场感觉很疲劳,不是那种个人表现欲望很强,就是感觉在工作,有人买没有?没人撤了就----这种感觉.
B家和H家 北岸的拍卖师特别幽默,我打过很多次交道. indoor 和 on site 都可以逗的大家前仰后合.