新西兰Clearance rates ranged from 29% to 53% at Barfoot &
拍卖比例保持低位 - 29% 到 53%
奥克兰整体算 其实就是低于 50%,卖房比例是价格的预测指标
The clearance rates varied widely at Barfoot & Thompson's main residential property auctions last week, with just over half selling under the hammer at the main North Shore auctions and less than a third at the main Manukau auctions.
There were also big differences in bidding patterns on different properties, with intensely competitive bidding from multiple aspiring buyers on some, while a reasonable number of others were passed in without attracting a single bid.
For example there was a good attendance at Barfoot's regular weekly auction at the Manukau Sports Bowl last week, but bidding was patchy.
The Manukau auctions generally include properties from some of the least expensive areas in Auckland, such as Pukekohe and Franklin, so they usually attract interest from both investors and owner-occupiers.
Of the 21 homes offered, six were sold under the hammer giving a clearance rate of 29%, and of the 15 that were passed in for sale by negotiation, nine didn't attract a single bid.
Over on the North Shore things were a but more buoyant at Thursday's regular auction at the Bruce Mason Centre, where 18 of the 34 homes offered were sold, giving a clearance rate of 53%.
But of the 16 that were passed in for sale by negotiation, seven didn't attract any bids.
The table below gives a summary of Barfoot's main auctions last week (this excludes smaller auctions and properties auctioned on site) and you can the results for individual properties, including the prices achieved for those that sold under the hammer, on our Auctions/Sales Results page.
我再等等, 开春有大漏
我和b 家好几个大中介聊过了,急卖的房东基本上已经降了都不知道多少在卖了, 只是很偶尔会有些盘有两组疯抢很高的价格
才刚开始,太多人贷款超出自己能力,普通打工的都敢借贷上百万。利率上升,要死一批人。最关键的是中国现在锁死二手房交易,外汇管制。 很多人最后的希望完全打破,1,2年后会很精彩