Kiwi Bank, BNZ and Westpac only, and that is the most effective way for normal people to pay off their mortgage fast and save interest.
有两种,offset或者是revolving credit。我用的是rc,好处只是有灵活性。未必能省利息。rc应该是多数的银行都有的,只是名字不一样。不是大户也可以。
With offset mortgage, any amount of saving will help you reduce the loan. Even with a small saving 20K and you manage to save $500/month, your mortgage will reduce by about 5 years and save 276K interest.
If we go to a smaller saving, 5K with the same saving per month, you can still reduce your mortgage by 4 year and 3 months and save 235K interest.
可以上網搜搜drawbacks of an offset account
Of course but the disadvantage are small compare to the saving (both money and time) you can make.
With offset loan, you are paying at floating interest rate, so don't put the whole amount of your loan into offset. If you have 800K mortgage, 20k saving and can save $500/month, put 765000 fixed term montage and 35000 for offset for 2 year.
Compare to RC mortgage, offset loan have a higher payment per term and it won't reduce.
Some bank may charge you fee to set up ($100-$200) and monthly fee ($10/month). You can always ask for fee free with your mortgage manager.
Unlike RC loan, it won't make you think you have some extra money. One of the most common trap of RC loan is you will have a bank account of 20k to 100k available balance (depends on your RC amount) and people just start spending those money. If you have 20k saving with 100K RC, the max you can spend is 100K. With 20K saving with 100K off set, the max you can spend is just 20K.
The real benefit of offset mortgage is your saving is earning better return at floating interest rate and tax free when compare to saving or fixed term deposit.
Hi, ANZ can only do RC. The reason they are not popular because the Bank don't really market them. The product is complicated and even some bank staff can't explain how it works and whats the different between offset and RC.
I remember when I try to set up the loan 2 years ago, BNZ and Westpac mobile mortgage manager both pushing for RC rather than offset. In the eyes of the Bank, an RC account holder have higher chance to use that money to buy more investment property (mean more potential mortgage business) or overspend that money (mean more interest income). But Offset set up is mean just one thing, that customer is focus on paying off mortgage as fast as they can (mean less interest income).I guess the bank don't really like to push this product and only 3 out of 5 retail Bank is offer offest
However, if you do a bit of research on how to pay off loan faster and talk to some mortgage broker. You will find out the offset mortgage trick.
RC 可以随便还,还完了有需要又可以随时拿出来用。
Offset is Fixed payment and you only spend what you've saved.
any comment for table home loan and reducing home loan?
Sorry, do you mean reducing home load with a table home loan?
Yes, there is one simple trick to reducing home loan with a tablet mortgage. For example, a 800k mortgage with 4.75% and 30 years terms, your monthly payment will be $4173.18. After the payment, you manged to save $500/month. Instead of saving $500/month, how about put half of extra saving into montage payment and pay $4423/month? Your Montage term reduced by 3.5 year and you can save 93k interest payment.
All you need to do is said "I want to pay more into the mortgage."
When most people apply for home mortgage, they just accept the monthly or fortnightly payment amount from bank and think thats the absolute amount to pay. Actually that is just the minimum payment for your mortgage, you can always ask to pay more. Just like your credit card bill, the bank will put the minimum amount on the statement but most of the people pay more than that. (btw, you should always pay off your credit in full each month). You just apply that same idea to your home mortgage, pay a bit more into you repayment to reducing your home loan faster.
(Actually before you increase your mortgage payment you should pay off your consumer debt and have emergency saving but I've been going on too long now...)
Sorry, I would include the montage amount
It was based on a 800K mortgage, with offset of 20k saving and save $500,month, flating interest rate at 5.75%, you can save 4 year and 10 months and $275960 in interest.
With the same condition and 5k in saving, you can save 4 years 1 month and save 235429 on interest.
You can play around with the offset calculator with Westpac
http://www.westpac.co.nz/home-lo ... -offset-calculator/
After a further dig into this topic, this looks like a convincing product for those who can continuously deposit and genuinely want to pay their mortgage back in the given time frame.