新西兰Auckland Vs Christchurch
I have lived in Auckland North Shore and Christchurch before. Also have propertities in two cities. Therefore share my thoughts with everyone! Unfortunately, our office doesn't have Chinese typing facility. Has to be written in the foolowing:
In general, North Sore is the best amongst other surburbs, but too expensive. Those who live in Albany when their kids are young don't consider the school zone. Sooner they will move to Westlake & Rangitoto zones. Unless they still count on their rich dads to support their grandkids in private schools. House can be renovated, but locations always counts! The biggest drawback is the traffic in North Shore. There are some always neglected such as Glenfield East & Totara Vale in Westlake Zone. Those areas are much better than Sunnynook in terms of urbanscape closed to all Chinese shopping facilities. Those streets are Bruce Rd, Celeste Pl and Katheleen St. Very handy to get to Highway also shopping facilities. Bay areas except for Milford, forrest Hill, Takapuna, all too far from those facilities. Be aware about this. I am only speaking based on the experience that I have lived there. Hillcrest Westlake Zone is also very good, but as said before it is over-valued. Harbor Bridge will not be built in the coming 15 years, cos Christchurch has hijacked all national budgets and will be going on for another 8 to 10 years.
If you are not from a rich family background, this could be one of options. House in Burnside High School Zone is still very affordable. people said Christchurch Boy & Girl are the best. But recent university entrance rate Burnside beats up those two, appart from Christchurch Girl. However it is within 1%. Bear in mind, Burside High is bigger than those two. Job opportunities here are also booming. I will say if there is direct link of airways (China Southern Airways). Those houses in Burnside will be very hot and no turning back. I think it is a good time to buy. No traffic jam here as well. Taiwan China Airlines operates seasonal flights between Taipei and ChCh in Christmas and Chinese New Year. This year, I flew from ChCh to Taipei and then to China. That makes no difference. The cost in Taiwan is way more cheaper than Hong Kong. No brainer to fly other airways. Job opportunities in ChCh in general is way more better than AKL. As said before, all national budgets are here. If you couldn't afford AKL, think about good school zones, ChCh is one of good options. Better than later!
yeah, North Shore is the best!
north shore no 1.
i think lz consider other suburbs are not part of auckland and too far too rural...
southshore, you understand?
North shore is the best! 南岸人民发来贺电
If cannot afford Westlake or Rangitoto, Glenfield College is striving now due to new Principal.
I predict Glenfield College in the coming ten 10 years will be like Pakuranga College that kind of level.
As for housing affordability, Christchurch is better than AKL plus job opportunities. Many koreans sold out their houses at Glenfield and bought a nice school zone here also buying their own business.
Think about this way, selling a house at Glenfield at $750000, buy a business at ChCh at $ 150,000. Then you got a pretty good house in ChCh. That is called brainer! Otherwise you work for Kiwi Boss, in the downturn economy, you will be the first one to be laid off! Kiwis never treat us Chinese the same.
Go the South shore !
North shore is the best!
樓主標題其實應該是 Noth Shore Vs Christchurch
I had lived and worked in ChCh for around 2 years, but decided to return to AKL eventually simply because of the Job Market. There is No Way that ChCh can come even close to AKL in terms of high-end job opportunities. If you are a tradesman or business owner, the difference might be less significant. But for any professionals with 5+ years experience, there are very few jobs available in ChCh for you. Even for those few jobs, a 20% pay cut is expected comparing to what you can get in AKL. Yes, the house price is about 40% cheaper in ChCh, but the extra salary you earned in AKL can totally make up to it over 10 years . Besides, after that 10 years, the house in AKL will be worth twice as much, while you will still be on a higher salary than in ChCh. Simple math, right?
LZ 让南岸人民情何以堪。要“南争北赞”了。
新一代移民认为北岸才是奥克兰,奥克兰市中心在albany,南岸是岛毛聚集旧城区,根本不算奥克兰的,和几个新移民聊天,人说天哪Greenlane, remuera这些岛毛区是一定不能住的。。。
所以楼主标题是Auckland vs chch
No doubt! Northshore, best and only choice!
人说天哪Greenlane, remuera这些岛毛区
我是不是要被扇耳光!在奥克兰生活4多,那天到北岸看一客户。客户告诉我:“这是北岸的富人区,均价180万你可以看海景的。” 车开到那里头已经晕了,再看下密密麻麻的房子,还是觉得中区的wesley 政府的人住得舒服,那面积大,真正的田园生活。
對的, northshore is the best
哈哈 北岸快成过街老鼠了
我不酸 我就住北岸
大部分新移民都喜欢北岸是不争的事实。go northshore, go westlakers.
一样。我家住北岸。投资盘也都在北岸。 其他的区都住过,觉得还是北岸最适合居住。