http://eepurl.com/Umbvv 《==点击这里吧 订阅了之后以后每周就在你的邮箱里啦
Total Auction | 182 | |||
Sold at auction | 59 | |||
Sold Auction Day | 3 | |||
Sold Prior | 15 | |||
Passed IN | 37 | |||
No Bid | 48 | |||
Others | 20 | |||
Address | List | Area | Result | Sold Prior |
10/ 18 Pannill Place | 521317 | Albany | SOLD PRIOR | 595000 |
25 Trotting Terrace | 521507 | Albany | SOLD PRIOR | 850000 |
26 Newbury Place | 521362 | Albany | SOLD $1,140,000 | |
40 Corricvale Way | 521410 | Albany | PASSED IN | |
23 Corricvale Way | 521746 | Albany | PASSED IN | |
6 Harvard Place | 522107 | Albany | PASSED IN | |
4 Hawaiian Parade | 519936 | Arkles Bay | SOLD $580,000 | |
633/ 21 Viaduct Harbour Avenue | 381402 | Auckland City | NO BIDS | |
8C/ 97 Shortland Street | 521203 | Auckland City | PASSED IN | |
Unit D9 320/57 Mahuhu Crescent | 521613 | Auckland City | NO BIDS | |
278 Rosebank Road | 521539 | Avondale | NO BIDS | |
107 Manuka Road | 521555 | Bayview | NO BIDS | |
58A Rangatira Road | 521287 | Beach Haven | PASSED IN | |
147 Beach Haven Road | 521297 | Beach Haven | NO BIDS | |
55A Tramway Road (also known as 2/55B Tramway Road) | 521805 | Beach Haven | NO BIDS | |
8 Wakelin Road | 520454 | Beachlands | NO BIDS | |
1/ 187 Lake Road | 521636 | Belmont | PASSED IN | |
57 Castleton Street | 521149 | Birkdale | NO BIDS | |
43 Minaret Drive | 521015 | Bucklands Beach | SOLD $811,000 | |
39 Davington Way | 521443 | Burswood | NO BIDS | |
31 Heaton Grove | 521462 | Chatswood | NO BIDS | |
9 Victoria Street East | 59969 | City Centre | NO BIDS | |
24 Callender Place | 521484 | Cockle Bay | PASSED IN | |
11 Walter Strevens Drive | 521439 | Conifer Grove | PASSED IN | |
21 Kinmont Rise | 514624 | Dannemora | NO BIDS | |
24 Lissleton Drive | 520973 | Dannemora | SOLD $730,000 | |
66a/ 2 Armoy Drive | 521116 | Dannemora | NO BIDS | |
64 Coachman Drive | 521599 | Dannemora | SOLD PRIOR | 1280000 |
12 Ballyroney Place | 521379 | Dannemora | SOLD $1,010,000 | |
15 Clavoy Place | 521533 | Dannemora | SOLD $730,000 | |
13 Maybole Drive | 522441 | Dannemora | SOLD $885,000 | |
33 Church Street | 521668 | Devonport | NO BIDS | |
8 Cheltenham Road | 521679 | Devonport | AUCTION DAY | |
17 Eastern Beach Road | 521370 | Eastern Beach | SOLD PRIOR | 936000 |
6B Ballarat Street | 520843 | Ellerslie | POSTPONED | |
9 Main Highway | 519921 | Ellerslie | SOLD PRIOR | |
27 Momona Road | 520020 | Epsom | POSTPONED | |
2B Lauchlan Avenue | 521341 | Epsom | POSTPONED | |
58 St Leonards Road | 521349 | Epsom | PASSED IN | |
25A Selwyn Road | 521617 | Epsom | PASSED IN | |
12A Selwyn Road | 521684 | Epsom | NO BIDS | |
31 Clady Drive | 519684 | Flat Bush | NO BIDS | |
2C/ 136 Stancombe Road | 520872 | Flat Bush | POSTPONED | |
25 Multose Drive | 521215 | Flat Bush | NO BIDS | |
24 Chateau Rise | 521352 | Flat Bush | NO BIDS | |
36 Murphys Road | 521333 | Flat Bush | SOLD PRIOR | 997000 |
3 LisaMarie Court | 521389 | Flat Bush | NO BIDS | |
23 Nuneaton Drive | 521685 | Flat Bush | SOLD $681,500 | |
87A Rosier Road | 521635 | Glen Eden | SOLD $415,000 | |
401A West Coast Road | 521687 | Glen Eden | SOLD $525,500 | |
11 Torrington Crescent | 521718 | Glen Innes | SOLD PRIOR | 540000 |
65 Leybourne Circle | 521884 | Glen Innes | PASSED IN | |
10 Calder Place | 521075 | Glendowie | NO BIDS | |
106 Whitehaven Road | 521450 | Glendowie | PASSED IN | |
43A High Road | 519144 | Glenfield | NO BIDS | |
39A Seaview Road | 521816 | Glenfield | SOLD PRIOR | 491000 |
6E Carlton Gore Road | 521128 | Grafton | SOLD $802,000 | |
5 Claremont Street | 521674 | Grafton | SOLD $745,000 | |
82 Avonleigh Road | 521220 | Green Bay | SOLD $736,000 | |
35 Barron Drive | 521212 | Green Bay | SOLD PRIOR | 700000 |
18 Huntington Park Drive | 521672 | Greenhithe | AUCTION DAY | |
8B Ferguson Avenue | 520767 | Greenlane | SOLD $1,550,000 | |
1 Miro Road | 521562 | Greenlane | SOLD $1,085,000 | |
3/11 Tawera Road | 521760 | Greenlane | NO BIDS | |
26 Tawera Road | 522128 | Greenlane | SOLD $1,926,000 | |
4E/ 16 Chapman Street | 521693 | Grey Lynn | NO BIDS | |
573 & 575 Laurie Southwick Parade | 520501 | Gulf Harbour | POSTPONED | |
Lot 2/ 214 Serene Place | 520521 | Gulf Harbour | POSTPONED | |
25 Glennandrew Drive | 520867 | Half Moon Bay | SOLD PRIOR | 827000 |
69 Harrington Road | 520385 | Henderson | SOLD $485,000 | |
31 Universal Drive | 520834 | Henderson | WITHDRAWN | |
P/ 7678 Edmonton Road | 521310 | Henderson | POSTPONED | |
38 Daytona Road | 521656 | Henderson | SOLD PRIOR | |
4/ 9 Clifton Road | 521695 | Herne Bay | SOLD PRIOR | 1020000 |
24 Glenshee Place | 518838 | Highland Park | NO BIDS | |
134 Aviemore Drive | 520439 | Highland Park | NO BIDS | |
37/F Uppingham Crescent | 520858 | Hillcrest | WITHDRAWN | |
12A McDowell Crescent | 521390 | Hillcrest | POSTPONED | |
3/ 11 Evelyn Place | 521550 | Hillcrest | NO BIDS | |
1/ 38 Hillcrest Avenue | 522226 | Hillcrest | PASSED IN | |
309 Hillsborough Road | 521598 | Hillsborough | PASSED IN | |
1/ 105 Olsen Avenue | 521624 | Hillsborough | SOLD PRIOR | 645500 |
1 Bleakhouse Road | 521207 | Howick | PASSED IN | |
128 Union Road | 521580 | Howick | SOLD $820,000 | |
62 First Avenue | 522259 | Kingsland | PASSED IN | |
1/ 478 East Coast Road | 522628 | Mairangi Bay | SOLD $480,000 | |
44 Peninsula Road | 521171 | Mangere | PASSED IN | |
218 Buckland Road | 521216 | Mangere | PASSED IN | |
3 Kohinoor Avenue | 521305 | Mangere | SOLD $462,000 | |
149A Wallace Road | 520684 | Mangere Bridge | NO BIDS | |
45 Miller Road | 521528 | Mangere Bridge | SOLD $596,000 | |
31A & B Tarata Crescent | 522062 | Mangere Bridge | PASSED IN | |
49 Wedgwood Avenue | 500157 | Mangere East | SOLD $445,000 | |
76 Gallony Avenue | 520835 | Massey | WITHDRAWN | |
42 Chorley Avenue | 521753 | Massey | SOLD $475,000 | |
3 Harapaki Road | 521276 | Meadowbank | SOLD $1,064,500 | |
1A Dallinghoe Crescent | 521524 | Milford | NO BIDS | |
2B Stewart Road | 521457 | Mt Albert | PASSED IN | |
1A/ 19 Fontenoy Street | 521583 | Mt Albert | PASSED IN | |
1032B New North Road | 521868 | Mt Albert | POSTPONED | |
169A Hendon Avenue | 522036 | Mt Albert | NO BIDS | |
13 Glenalmond Road | 521076 | Mt Eden | POSTPONED | |
5/ 63A Landscape Road | 521323 | Mt Eden | SOLD $520,000 | |
1 & 2/ 174 Dominion Road | 521384 | Mt Eden | PASSED IN | |
27 Windmill Road | 521563 | Mt Eden | PASSED IN | |
66 St Leonards Road | 521633 | Mt Eden | PASSED IN | |
11/ 736 Mt Eden Road | 521690 | Mt Eden | NO BIDS | |
12 Alderley Road | 521992 | Mt Eden | SOLD $1,185,000 | |
31 Paice Avenue | 521998 | Mt Eden | SOLD $1,630,000 | |
2/613 Richardson Road | 521293 | Mt Roskill | SOLD $295,500 | |
20 Ellis Avenue | 521510 | Mt Roskill | SOLD $975,000 | |
75 Penrose Road | 519558 | Mt Wellington | NO BIDS | |
46 Ferndale Road | 521120 | Mt Wellington | SOLD $661,000 | |
13F Ruawai Road | 521500 | Mt Wellington | SOLD $720,000 | |
115 Hutchinson Avenue | 522766 | New Lynn | SOLD $497,000 | |
1/ 121 Exmouth Road | 521197 | Northcote | SOLD $900,000 | |
29A Gladstone Road | 521232 | Northcote | PASSED IN | |
13A Kitewao Street | 521458 | Northcote | WITHDRAWN | |
10 Jomard Terrace | 521597 | Northcross | AUCTION DAY | |
14 Oranga Avenue | 521185 | Onehunga | SOLD $620,000 | |
12A Matiere Road | 521356 | Onehunga | SOLD $1,075,000 | |
24A Huapai Street | 521611 | Onehunga | NO BIDS | |
136 Selwyn Street | 521642 | Onehunga | WITHDRAWN | |
136A & 136B Selwyn Street | 521650 | Onehunga | WITHDRAWN | |
221G Mt Smart Road | 522162 | Onehunga | SOLD $555,000 | |
136/ 136A/136B Selwyn Street | 522568 | Onehunga | SOLD $2,575,000 | |
43 Waldorf Crescent | 518491 | Orewa | NO BIDS | |
12 West Hoe Road | 520186 | Orewa | SOLD $750,500 | |
7 Jellicoe Street | 521345 | Otahuhu | SOLD $530,000 | |
43 Sandbrook Avenue | 519026 | Otara | NO BIDS | |
2 Snell Place | 521284 | Pakuranga | PASSED IN | |
1/ 9 Ware Place | 521354 | Pakuranga Heights | SOLD $539,500 | |
2/32 Ireland Road | 521109 | Panmure | SOLD $592,500 | |
46A Caspar Road | 521489 | Papatoetoe | NO BIDS | |
290 Puhinui Road | 521995 | Papatoetoe | PASSED IN | |
292 Puhinui Road | 522003 | Papatoetoe | NO BIDS | |
290 & 292 Puhinui Road | 523055 | Papatoetoe | PASSED IN | |
4C/ 28 Stanwell Street | 521662 | Parnell | SOLD $720,000 | |
25 Jelas Road | 522614 | Red Beach | SOLD $610,000 | |
77 Maungarei Road | 520677 | Remuera | PASSED IN | |
17 Mamie Street | 521094 | Remuera | SOLD $1,830,000 | |
11 Otahuri Crescent | 521361 | Remuera | NO BIDS | |
420A Remuera Road | 521367 | Remuera | NO BIDS | |
2/ 15 Lucerne Road | 521420 | Remuera | SOLD $956,000 | |
7 Kenny Road | 521387 | Remuera | SOLD PRIOR | 1660000 |
197 Portland Road | 521592 | Remuera | SOLD PRIOR | 1690000 |
2/ 33 Monteith Crescent | 522724 | Remuera | SOLD $670,000 | |
21 Goldstine Place | 521661 | Royal Oak | NO BIDS | |
1 & 2/ 5 Hampstead Road | 521300 | Sandringham | PASSED IN | |
1849 East Coast Road | 521326 | Silverdale | NO BIDS | |
17 Sawyers Lane | 521358 | Silverdale | WITHDRAWN | |
2/ 43 Grampian Road | 521478 | St Heliers | WITHDRAWN | |
14 Towai Street | 521716 | St Heliers | SOLD $1,600,000 | |
1/ 26 Strong Street | 520361 | St Johns | PASSED IN | |
107 Norman Lesser Drive | 521087 | St Johns | PASSED IN | |
2/ 6 Lush Avenue | 521586 | St Johns | SOLD $520,000 | |
2C Thorp Street | 521889 | St Johns | SOLD $660,000 | |
213A Sunnynook Road | 519021 | Sunnynook | SOLD $500,000 | |
1/ 1 Cockayne Crescent | 521271 | Sunnynook | WITHDRAWN | |
48 Regency Place | 521366 | Sunnynook | SOLD $700,000 | |
18 Lavery Place | 521523 | Sunnynook | NO BIDS | |
3/ 44 Sunnyside Road | 521986 | Sunnyvale | PASSED IN | |
263 Porchester Road | 521446 | Takanini | SOLD $445,000 | |
18 Zabeel Crescent | 521549 | Takanini | NO BIDS | |
63 Totara Road | 521724 | Te Atatu Peninsula | NO BIDS | |
8 Gloria Avenue | 522161 | Te Atatu Peninsula | PASSED IN | |
21/ 1 Tirimoana Road | 521552 | Te Atatu South | NO BIDS | |
43 Kings Road | 520857 | Three Kings | SOLD $865,000 | |
18 Connolly Avenue | 521917 | Three Kings | POSTPONED | |
14 The Grove | 521605 | Titirangi | SOLD $901,000 | |
92 Atkinson Road | 521929 | Titirangi | SOLD $585,000 | |
40 Weatherly Road | 521534 | Torbay | NO BIDS | |
32 Carnmore Place | 521843 | Torbay | SOLD $800,000 | |
49 Ayton Drive | 521311 | Totara Vale | PASSED IN | |
1/ 32 Lambrown Drive | 521686 | Totara Vale | NO BIDS | |
5 Totaravale Drive | 521827 | Totara Vale | PASSED IN | |
98 Deep Creek Road | 521667 | Waiake | NO BIDS | |
104 Carnoustie Drive | 521879 | Wattle Downs | NO BIDS | |
8 Picasso Drive | 521296 | West Harbour | PASSED IN | |
23 West Harbour Drive | 521591 | West Harbour | SOLD $506,000 | |
19C Garnet Road | 521214 | Westmere | SOLD $681,000 | |
4 Sandwick Drive | 521407 | Weymouth | SOLD $423,000 | 评论 这周拍卖结果真差 评论 市场做的好价格捏的准还是会卖的。 评论 1/ 105 Olsen Avenue, Hillsborough CV 29.5w 卖了64.5w 很好啊 评论 521443卖了多少阿 谢谢 评论 Sold 650 你只是好奇呢还是有要买或者卖的打算呢? http://eepurl.com/Umbvv 《==点击这里吧 订阅了之后以后每周就在你的邮箱里啦 评论 好奇那个地区的价格 评论 谢谢共享!!!!! 经高人指点!终于明白为什么南岛的跌跌党突然新西兰自从妓毒撑黑历史被挂在热门推荐后,妓毒撑撸色们吓出一身冷汗夜不能寐!疯狂忽悠竞争者!避免其他买家影响自己北岛购房逃离魔窟计划! 评论 大胆!基督城卢瑟每周单单吃定存利 ... ONE ROOF吹鼓手Tony Alexander居然变成了大空头?新西兰https://www.oneroof.co.nz/news/t ... call-it-quits-45557 这个文章写的如此绝望,和他5月之前的风格是360度大转弯. 才一个月,新西兰经济就奔溃了? 才一个月,才意识到CASH FLOW的重要性???? ... 震惊!原来倒灌党全都偷偷买房了!新西兰某倒灌党大V竟然亲口承认自己已经有房了!宣传裸斩就是为了自己下一套投资房抄底!最可悲的是本打算买自住房却没主见被人当枪使最后还说声谢谢啊。 评论 刚需一直都存在,无非 ... “卖不动又买不起”!新西兰房市陷入僵局新西兰拍卖活动似乎正在进入冬季节奏,过去几周,奥克兰地区的参拍房源数量处于持平状态,流拍房源较多,整体的成交率在29%至33%之间。Interest网站统计的最新数据显示,截至5月23日晚上 ... 银行也纠错?改变短期房价预测新西兰BNZ drastically lowers house price forecast, says market had 'false start' 这个时候突然意识到了问题所在?之前不是四大行天天喊今年增长2-5% 吗? 才一个月不到就出来承认错误了? 评论 The predictio ... 求指教:关于房贷利率重新锁定新西兰谢谢了先~~ 房贷一直放在ANZ六七年了。下个月需要重新锁定房贷,请问明白人,是到期之前自己选择一个ANZ的一年期(目前好像7.14)?还是找贷款中介选一个ANZ的? 或者,请贷款中介帮 ... 有人帮忙解释这个房子CV这么高、为什么卖这么便新西兰https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/property/residential/search?search_string=31%20McClintock%20Road 评论 菜b才看cv,商场如战场,价格从来就没有一个定数,都是双方博弈的结果,附近销售状况,房产本身素质,大 ... 各位房奴兄弟,我向大家解释一下央行为啥必须新西兰1) 保汇率 欧美国家 没有工业,没有产业链,90%的产品依靠进口,汇率直接 决定了通胀率,这个与中国 相反。所以保汇率 权重很大。 2)货币超发+涨工资 印钱多了,工资高了,会推高 ... 利率不变,准备加息新西兰https://www.interest.co.nz/economy/127861/reserve-bank-has-left-official-cash-rate-unchanged-55-noting-domestic-inflation-slow 奄奄一息,仍要加息 评论 希望真的能加息,早死早超生。 评论 刁民!妖言惑众,煽乱房 ... 811个月定存涨到了6.4%新西兰另外MILFORD ASSETS MANAGEMENT还有一款旗舰产品,不是KIWISAVER, 不是KIWISAVER, 不是KIWISAVER。 是INVESTMENT FUND, 连续十年稳定增长。 10年收益164.02%, 年化收益率是14.02%。如果家里有老人的,你懂 ... 都说房价房市爹爹爹新西兰但我看基督城房市很好呀 很多再盖 wigram mall旁边已经开工 几十套貌似卖掉了大部分 评论 基督城房价低,付了20%首付以后,贷款也就50-70万,基本没有压力。奥克兰这几年买house的,随便 ... 2022/2023年买入的投资者,将在7月1日后夺门而出新西兰利润还是有的,他们要跑路了,在现在LISTING中看出门道的自然也就看出来了。2年拦不住他们,守着微薄的利润开始跑路。 评论 有利润?你把我的收了吧 评论 没有利润的,你就慢慢守 ... 请教关于City的公寓新西兰孩子要去city上学,想买个小的apartment,但是听说很多apartment都有问题啊,漏水什么的,还有产权都是租赁的, 有没有过来人分享一些信息呢,能不能买,哪个楼盘省心一些,或者还是租 ... 20182023新西兰人口增加了6%,住宅增加了9%新西兰也就是说5年间住宅增长的速度比人口快5%,作为2019年买了一个大地破房的人,看到自己的资产过去三年缩水这么多,我也很痛心,但有什么办法?经济规律不可违啊。 https://www.interest.c ... mlgb的联储和央行新西兰文中说的服务性通胀就是我们所说的NON TRADEABLE INFLATION 所有国家都这个样子,主要是中央政府和地方政府效率低下,导致地方债务常年堆积,必须涨RATES来增加营收,不然地方政府怕破产 ... 不谈房,就说说不跟风美国的日本新西兰这些东西太高大上,草民的我看不懂 评论 砖家说了 崩盘又要开始了,坐稳了 定存什么的,锁在最高点,或者找剑客买基金。 妥妥活镰刀,等危机过去,全球都是优质资产。 哈哈哈哈 ... 想不想买成功企业家的房子,入手好时机新西兰https://youtu.be/twU1eU1u8V4?si=ThufoWrUXfj6bOa4 八富老板卖自住房了,好时机入手北岸,毕竟现在3b不贵 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/KoFcMKLdZ62QACFf5uZIUQ 评论 不买,买了M基金+50年定存组合。 直接躺平 评论 ... 出租房市场也饱和了,下半年租客也不好找了。新西兰还是数据说活吧, 现在奥克兰trademe的出租 listing已经 5278了,两周前是4897,半个月多了300多的listing, 小红书上全是要出租房子的中介和房东,卖不掉的房子就转到出租市场,这样只会让 ... 怎么知道附近房子卖出了多少钱?新西兰怎么知道附近房子卖出了多少钱?怎么估算自己的房子在当前能卖多少钱?有什么网站可看吗? 评论 realestate.co.nz。找个中介最直接,因为房子之间差异很大,一般人不明白,你自己估 ... 重磅!重磅!重磅!DTI来了新西兰https://www.interest.co.nz/personal-finance/127974/reserve-bank-says-banks-will-have-comply-new-dti-rules-july-1-while-loan new DTI the banks will have to adhere to: 20% of new owner-occupier lending to borrowers with a DTI ratio over 6; and ... |