新西兰Points related to Property Market in 2014 Budget
Really not many.
"We’re improving social and affordable housing:
-Temporarily removing tariffs and duties on building materials, reducing construction costs by $3,500 for a standard home.
-A $30 million boost to the Social Housing Fund from 2015/16 to help the community housing sector provide homes for high-need families.
-Freeing up housing supply."
"New Zealand cannot afford another doubling of house prices, as occurred between 1999 and 2008."
是啊 新房减3500能干嘛 市面又有多少成交的房是新房真买新房的能差这3500? 我估计这钱还是让builder和开发商自己拿了实际上
等政府发现 这个3500直接进了开发商的profit 就put it back on了