RESIDENTIAL HERITAGE 8 的分割地,看了一下建房有什么特别风貌保持,是具体什么要求。请大神指教。
這不是title 的問題 而是District Plan 的問題 樓主的房子在哪一區了?Heritage zone 去到8去 應該不是奧克蘭中心那4個區吧?
hill park, 但不知道这种地能不能买。 就怕房子到建的时候有什么特别要求
Hill Park 是在哪個Council 的管轄區呀?Hertiage 區的房子肯定有要求的 大意就是你不能亂拆亂建吧 做什麼哪怕是外部改建Council 也要看你怎樣設計 確保符合這個區的風格和特色吧
Manukau 的 council, 价格都谈好了就等签约。。才发觉这地跟别的不大一样。奇怪在,原本他就是一个房子的,但房主吧consent拿到了,把房子拆掉然后分割卖地。所以刚开始也没留意。 后来查一下,发觉新房也要保持什么风貌。。。。。什么是风貌
总不会他要我用会那个年代的屋顶材料,建筑用料吧。。。还是说要仿古? 不能建现在这种新开发区那类型新房?
這些都是建築師要注意的事情 大致就是這個房子的設計 材料 顏色 佈局等等都要符合Council的規定吧 和要和鄰居的地的房子看上去差不多 如果你對房子的外觀沒有什麼特別要求 應該不用太擔心 就交給建築師處理就可以了
但这些具体细节,是由设计师处理对吧? 只是外观? 原材料没有特别要求吧?
樓主會看英文的話 自己看看Manukau District Plan 對這個heritage zone的描述
c) Residential (Traditional Suburban) Heritage — where the heritage is primarily
defined by the overall pattern of traditional suburban development including single
house on single large lot, streetform, front setback, layout, status of the garden and
natural heritage (eg landform).
There may be dwellings in these areas which contribute to the heritage qualities but
they are not the predominant feature. Instead, they work in combination with other
settlement traditions to enhance the heritage quality of early suburban development.
The residential (traditional suburban) zones will help to ensure that the housing density
and layout respects the traditional suburban qualities, including the importance of open
space and gardens in these areas. There are three residential (traditional suburban)
heritage zones:
RH 6 (Mangere Bridge)
RH 7 (Eastern Howick)
RH 8 (Hill Road area, Manurewa)
All Residential (Traditional Suburban) Heritage Zones attempt to preserve qualities
associated with the original pattern of subdivision and building layout. In particular, the
800m2 – 1000m2 site areas (i.e. one-fifth to one-quarter acre sections) and building
setbacks are afforded some protection.
However, the density controls differ slightly for each zone since they have been tailored
to the particular pattern of development that currently exists in each traditional
suburban area. In particular, each area has been assessed in terms of the amount of
subdivision it could absorb without cumulatively undermining the overall qualities of
traditional suburban development.
照上面看來 重點應該是房子的佈局和和街道之間的關係等等 多於房子設計本身 你的建築師應該知道該如何做
I want to rebuild my single storey house to become a double storey house. According the Height in relation to boundary rule, if i build a double storey house i can only have 7m max height if base on my house distance from boundary. But i need around 7.3m height to modify it to a double storey house. My house is in manukau do you have any idea will the council let me build a double storey house in 7.3m height and without asking my neighbour to sign for the approval TKs for your help
對 Height in relation to Boundary control (即華人所叫的 ‘陽光角’/‘太陽線’) 的違規 相關鄰居的簽字同意基本是必須的 否則Council 只能notify 你的resource consent 申請 (將你的申請知會你的鄰居 他們可以提出反對意見 然後開聽證會(hearing) 什麼的來決定 但沒有相關鄰居同意通常都是不會批) 所以你還是先和鄰居打個招呼看看他們有沒有可能同意再決定做不做吧
Thanks for your information. As one side of my house has a long verandah (13.6m x 1.5m) with roof. To calculate the building height in relation to boundary, does the house distance from boundary measurement is from the (1) house external wall to the boundary or (2) from the verandah fence to the boundary or (3) from the house awning to the boundary.
Is the verandah (with roof) part of the house or attachment like pegoda? Can i consider the verandah part of the private open space or green area? Tks for your help.
答案應該是(2)我不清楚你(3)是什麼意思 是Verandah 外面還有awning? 方便的話發個elevation我和你看看
但簡單來說 任何建築結構(除了少過一定長度的 gable, chinmey 等外 ) 都不能超過這條 daylight indicator 的線(太陽線) 否則就是違規了
至於Verandah 能不能算成private open space 一部分 一般 District Plans 應該沒有說不可以 只要它離地面有相當高度 不會妨礙住客使用應該沒有問題 雖然如果過了一定的高度和寬度 在計算building coverage 時 這個verandah 一樣要算成建築面積的一部分