新西兰大家觉得 te atatu south 这个区怎么样呢?


高人指点, te atatu south 这个区怎么样,这个区的 Mc leod rd 和 Divich rd附近的街区怎么样,还有附近有没有比较好的幼儿园和小学呢





Te Atatu South is a quite good suburb in West Auckland, not many HNZs, closer to city than many other suburbs in the west, close to Henderson and Lincoln Road commercial centres, not far from New Lynn, close to decent schools, close to the water, many houses have pleasant views, close to the beautiful parks locally and those in Te Atatu Peninsula, close to motorway (currently lots of traffic at peak hours, but it will get better once the Western motorway widening project is completed).

Houses in Te Atatu South are generally good quality homes, but the prices were far behind Te Atatu Peninsula between 2010 - 2012. However, the selling price is catching up fast over the last 12 months. Currently traffic to the city is not ideal but that situation is changing and people can see the Western motorway project is making good progress each day.

Personally I think Te Atatu South is a good safe suburb for young & old families - Lots of Chinese families live there! :))

Is Te Atatu South a good place for you and your family?
The best way to find out is to GO THERE, drive around, see it yourself, talk to local agents, talk to local residents, ask them about the schools, shops and whatever you want to find out.

Good luck for your research and findings!

Mcleod Rd 往里走就有个幼儿园。 小学当然是Tirimoana啦,范围是以Mcleod Rd为界,靠近小学的那边属于Zone


那个小学很出名, 在TIRIMOANA  RD 上,房子也很容易出租。 最近那里有个四房房子在DIVICH RD 上, 正在卖, 全部全新豪华装修。 外面还有个SLEEP OUT . 四房HOUZE . 中介是JIM LIU 。价格合理, 是理想的投资盘。 DIVICH RD 的尽头是个很大的公立KINDY . 免费的。 那个小学也是杠杠的


还有一个排房, 在MCLEOD 路上的那个小区。 三房。 房子很新。是砖瓦加WEATHER BOARD .
只要三十多万, 中介是james JU , 是很好的出租物业, 你买个根本不愁出租, 小区物业也很便宜。 也安全。 但是小学不是那个出名的学校。这个房子周三AUCTION 要看就要快


Mc leod rd 和 Divich rd are decent streets. I can picture myself living there and feel proud of it!

Nui Mana Pl, Kokirist and Taitua Drive are really good streets in Te Atatu South. I have been to those streets and know a primary school headmaster and a chief financial offcier live there.

Just drive around and get a feel of it!
You will see many good quality homes well presented in a desirable neighbourhood!
I would not be surprised if you feel a bit falling love with the place!!!

If you do fall in love with the place, my suggestion is to try to buy a property with bigger land area before the price becomes too dear. I am pretty sure you will not regret it!



I have a gut feeling that I might know you. Is the CFO you are talking about a female?


The world is small, and Auckland is even smaller.

It is possible that we might have met each other from other venues, such as NZICA, APIA, business seminars etc. I have also noticed that you generally post quality replies on this site. Thanks for that!

The CFO I'm talking about is a Kiwi guy near 50 year old. :)

By the way, are you a CA?


Yes, I am a CA. I thought you were talking about my wife, she is a CFO of a large company and we live in this area.. Yes it's a very nice suburb to live in.


Hey, nice to meet you here, my CA friend!
Haha! I am a CA, too!

Yes, Te Atatu Sounth is a very nice suburb to live in. No argument on that!

Although I live in Te Atatu Peninsula, I do know the streets in Te Atatu South. Four years ago, I went to the auction hoping to get a family home in that area but was defeated by others.

Now I am happily settled in Te Atatu Peninsula. So missing out on that Te Atatu South property was not a bad thing. Looking back now, I would not think that selling price was too dear any more!

I already have 3 ex-colleagues (all from the same CA firm) currently live in my suburb. Adding you, your wife, the CFO I know and myself makes 7. Is not it interesting that we discovered 7 CAs just like this?!
Are there too many CAs living in Te Atatu area?
Or are there too many CAs living in Auckland, or in NZ?

OMG! CAs might be out of job soon!

It's very interesting that I like peninsula as well, especially the new developed area. Always hoping to buy a house there but a little scared about the plaster issues. Two months ago I was planning to buy a section there but gave up eventually as I am not an expert of construction. I think the traffic is much batter in Peninsula during the rush hours.


Yes, the traffic is much easier in the peninsula. I used to work in Parnell, usually left home just before 8.10am and arrived at work about  8.30am. It is easy to get on the motorway from this side.

I very much enjoy living in Te Atatu Peninsula - enjoy its easy relaxing life style. Living here gives me a strong sense of community bond, as people here are really friendly and connected. This is something that I missed out when I lived in the city for first eight years in Auckland. I appreciate the peninsula living a lot more after I moved in this area and get to know more about it. Thank God! I do feel lucky!

By saying that, I like Te Atatu south, too. Some of my dog walker friends live in Te Atatu South and we often meet up at the pony club beach to walk our dogs together. Te Atatu is a brilliant area for pet lovers! :))

Early this year my son had tried very hard to buy his first home in Te Atatu Peninsula but could not find a suitable property that was also within his price range. We also looked at Te Atatu South but the prices were still too high for him.

In the end he bought a bigger nicer family friendly property on a full section that we found in Massey. We are very happy with this purchase, as people will have to pay about $80k~$90k more to get something similar today. :))


Massey is an upcoming area and has lots of potential. It's a very wise choice to buy first home there. The big full section provides future capital gain and will make it easier to raise the capital if your son is planning to buy a better home in the future.


You got the point, my wise CA friend!!!

My son works as a counil consent planner and we did look at the potentials of the area carefully. Because making a wise purchase today will help him to leverage it up faster for moving into a better, more desirable home in the future.  

We are very happy with his property in Massey!



Peninsula 買房者的佳音 -



Peninsula 買房者的佳音 -



I have a house in Te Atatu South as well ,  How is cron ave ? ,  i wasnt sure about the area when i bought it three year ago , but after read your comment , i feel much confident about it now ,  lol
i d like to know how to have the chance to become a CA , not many ATO company recruiting  5555555



感觉那一片都渐渐变成中西区的 browns bay,价格看涨


I think Cron Ave is a good street.
As a matter of fact, there are not many bad streets in Te Atatu south!

Why do you want to become a CA? There are already too many of them!

If you are currently already close to getting qualified as a CA, I would say that keep working hard towards your goal of getting qualified, as it will likely give you more options in the future.

However, if you are still a long way away from getting qualified, I would say FORGET IT!
I have many CA and CPA friends. Some of them are not paid well and their jobs are very taxing!!!!!

Already there are too many CAs, and you know the implications of it!
When the supply is greater than the demand, the intrinsic value of the CA qualification is getting lower!


一个洋人同事9月底刚在Te Atatu South买了房子,估计下个月就搬过去了。


为啥是browns bay啊


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