sleepout 和minor dewlling有什么区别吗?是一个没有厨房一个有吗?
we would like to get one done as well, so have done some research. minor dwelling 要求很多,不是想建就能建,sleepout 没有厨房,批容易。
谢谢,我听说sleepout 如果不需要可以拉走的,minor dwelling是不是就是永久的了,审批大概都需要多久呢?请问你们建了吗?用的什么公司?
last time i enquired:-
minor dwelling is about $120k + storm water drainage / council consent / inspection / power meter ( 10k-20k). extra if you need water meter.
if your house needs resource consent ( depending on size and zoning etc) :- more fees involved
On top of it capital contribution : 15k more or less.
you need to take into consideration whether by putting in a minor dwelling you have over-capitalised your house???
That is the question, i consider most of the time.
Eg, a house without minor dwelling increase its capital value $200k ( between 2010- 2013)
by adding a minor dwelling increase your rental income but not necessary increase your capital gain.
if the land is too tight, by adding a minor dwelling actually affect privacy with the main house, it might affect your quality of life and your children can't play around on the compound. If both house are for rentals and privacy becomes an issue, tenants might not stay for long or you might not be able to rent at market rent ie main house rent actually drops.
i consider if i am to spend 170k for a minor dwelling, i might well use the money ( pluse mortgage) to buy smaller unit , with its own title.
我们做过很多sleepout/minor unit 的设计与报批,可以帮你在最短的时间处理设计与报批问题.
谢谢,170K+确实超过预算了。别的方面好说,地足够大,而且建minor dewlling主要是为了以后双方父母来作移民监的时候住起来方便,当然他们不在这边的时候也可以出租,这种总比出租家里的房间隐私的多。这样子看来只能建sleepout了,只是厨房不方便,只能弄室外非法的
非常有见解,如果地很大,可以分割,也许就分割了。一般建这个的都是不能分割,到时就有个取舍的问题,也许建个sleepout 更合算