請問在Avondale租一個房子, 7人住, 一般水、電、煤氣一週/ 一個月平均大約多少錢? 煤氣做飯、洗澡的。
7个人 一个月大概500块吧,比较保守
中區的用水聽說要繳排污費, 那一個月會要多少錢呢?
http://www.watercare.co.nz/SiteC ... s%20booklet.pdf.pdf
Water and wastewater tariffs – Auckland City
Water ChargesThe water charges, and terms and conditions, are set
by Watercare.
Volumetric charge $1.30 per 1000 litres
Wastewater Charges
Wastewater services are provided by Watercare.
The price structure for wastewater charges was set by
Metrowater. Watercare has applied a 4.5 percent increase to
the former utility’s prices for the 2011 to 2012 financial year.
For any enquiries regarding your wastewater charges please
call Watercare on (09) 442 2222.
Volumetric wastewater charges for residential customers
(excluding Waiheke) are calculated based on 75% of their
water usage, as measured by their water meter (regardless
of how the water is used). This allows for 25% of year-round
water usage for water that does not enter the drainage system
(for example garden watering).
Metered charges
Fixed service charge (charged
on a daily basis) $43.28 per year
Plus: a volumetric charge $4.056 per 1000 litres
Or: a volumetric charge
(discounted to reflect full trade
waste bylaw charges) $1.341 per 1000 litres
Unmetered charges
Fixed service charge (charged
on a daily basis) $43.28 per year
Plus: for residential customers $648.11 per year
(for non-residential customers
a charge will be applied based
on an estimated read).