标签:Tester - 澳大利亚华人论坛


free prgnancy tester to give away( gone)

bought from China and now I am 32 week pregnant but still have 3-4 left. if anybody want please text me or call my cell phone. pick up at Auckland city , 021 02492451 评论 expire date is this year, October ? could not rember. i am working...澳洲华人论坛



2015-11-7 19:30 上传 下载附件 (40.46 KB) 大家用过这个maybebaby吗? 感觉论坛的mm讨论clearblue笑脸棒比较多。 想知道哪个比较好? 笑脸棒是不是只能用10次? 这个maybebaby貌似可以一直重复使用...澳洲华人论坛


Brake Fluid Tester有没有必要搞一个?

Repco的$49.99,或者还有没有性价比更高的推荐? https://www.repco.com.au/en/tool ... r-rst239/p/A5431824 Simple, easy to read LEDs Red LED change brake fluid immediately. Yellow LED low percentage of water. Check again within...澳洲华人论坛