标签:started - 澳大利亚华人论坛


He started with out a $200,000 gift from his father

如果没有父母给钱,靠自己存首付的我,听到一个有200kwedding gift的人要我toughen up... 董建华对关于经济不好很多港人都吃不上米饭采访他的记者说 “为什么不吃面包呢?” Donald Trump 说他...澳洲华人论坛


Snapper season in Vic has started

For those want to get onto snapper in victoria, Snapper season has started. There are reports coming in from Ricketts and Altona where people already caught 5-6kg snappers for the last 2 weeks. Get it while it is on! PS - That mean: - boat o...澳洲华人论坛


CAP215 Workshop2 CA

I think I started to feel regret to let my table team member to do the topic I fully prepared while I have to do another. I got a feeling that I DIDN'T answer my individual working paper well today. I can do much better if i keep myself firm...澳洲华人论坛