标签:Transgrid - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Hume Link Transgrid renewables electricity line cut

Furious farmers are fighting against a $4billion renewable electricity line project that is expected to slash up to 30 per cent off the value of their farms.  The HumeLink is being built by Transgrid to provide a high voltage power connect...澳洲华人论坛


Transgrid 和新州大学合作,在校园里安装

skynews: Transgrid 和新州大学合作,在校园里安装 Tesla 太阳能储蓄电池 TransGrid和新南威尔士大学已经展开了一项清洁绿色能源计划。 他们试验在大学里的一个停车场内安装了Tesla太阳能储...澳洲华人论坛