标签:graduated - 澳大利亚华人论坛


找工作, Graduated Student

I graduated in Bachelor of Creative Technology at Auckland University of Technology ,in my degree has covered the skill area of Marketing, Event planning, communicating and Advertising. I am looking for a job that can bring myself to a high...澳洲华人论坛


graduated work visa工签疑问

请问下列是应该传什么文件 谢谢 evidence you have met, or are able to meet New Zealand occupational registration requirements 评论 相关证书什么的 评论 有些职业需要专门的注册 比如医生 护士 律师等。 如...澳洲华人论坛


是重新读本科还是读graduated diploma?

如题,我在奥大有science的本科学位了但是想投身金融界 所以想问问是读本科好还是读graduated diploma? 本科有coop gd就没有了 本人从来没学过金融的东西 不知道选哪个好?请高人指点迷津...澳洲华人论坛


Graduated Diploma in Business Studies

有Unitec 的群嗎? 小弟會在2019年2 月到unitec 讀書, 謝. 评论 都快破产的学校 还去啊 评论 财政状况不好,但是如果是正规公立学校,政府总要出面bail out的。 评论 评论 新西兰学校的质量越...澳洲华人论坛


problem about PR

I have graduated from Lincoln university. I also have the job offer. I am going to apply the pr. Buti got record about driving under influence. In another word, i have drink driving record. Pls could you guys tell me this record will affect...澳洲华人论坛


2011年graduated dip选课问题

这个summer在 做coop,打算明年第一学期开始上graduated dip的课程,总共有5门课要选,4门level 7的,1门level 6的,现在已经选好了3门,就不知道其他那2门要选什么,希望选过的朋友门进来给点...澳洲华人论坛