标签:VOTE - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Voice No vote 倡导者 Warren Mundine 表示,由于

澳大利亚企业正排着队支持向议会投赞成票支持土著声音,但一位领先的反对派活动家声称他们是“被欺负的”。 支持宪法改革以促成咨询机构成立的大公司包括 NAB、联邦银行、ANZ、...澳洲华人论坛


Vote Compass 数据显示,澳洲人支持外国援助

中国在太平洋的影响力成为了联邦大选拉票活动的一个重点,新数据显示很多澳洲人认为政府应该在与该国打交道时更强硬。 澳广的Vote Compass 问人们是否同意澳洲在与中国打交道的时...澳洲华人论坛


NZ HERALD-Honda, Mazda, Toyota voted most reliable

If you want the most reliable car money can buy, go new and go Japanese. Consumer New Zealand has released the results of its reliability survey, which has been asking motorists to report on their past 12 months of car ownership each year si...澳洲华人论坛


PLease support and VOTE for my friend's Superhero

PLease support and VOTE for my friend's Superhero: the COCKROACH for the Design a Superhero Character for the Stan Lee Foundation Contest at http://www.talenthouse.com/cre ativeinvites/preview/acb08bf82 2ab840e936667f19cf3e523/154 The COCKRO...澳洲华人论坛


行动党进入中国城拉华裔移民选票 VOTE

网 11月7日报道 大选临近,行动党在东区中国城某中餐馆举行竞选拉票活动。 行动党党魁Don Brash、Epsom选区参选人John Banks和前国会议员 王小选先生分别讲话,希望大家投票给行动党,并...澳洲华人论坛