1. COVID-19 Business Grant
2. JobSaver
3. COVID-19 Micro-business Grant
1. Business Grant
- have experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the Public Health Order over a minimum 2-week period from 26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 compared to:
- the same period in 2019, or
- the same period in 2020, or
- the 2-week period immediately before the Greater Sydney lockdown commenced (11 June to 25 June 2021)
Who is not eligible for this grant?
Certain entities, including those earning passive income (such as rents, interest or dividends), government agencies, local governments, banks and universities, are not eligible for this grant.
Non-employing businesses are not eligible to apply for this grant if individuals associated with and deriving income from the business received a Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment between 26 June and 17 July.
这个意思就是说 non-employing business也可以申请business grant,包括sole trader,只是你不可以再申请Diiaster Payment.
My business opened in 2020, so I do not have any figures from 2019. What can I provide to show my turnover meets the eligibility requirements?
You need to provide one quarterly (or 3 individual monthly) business activity statement (BAS) to demonstrate turnover of between $75,000 and $50 million. The reported turnover will be annualised.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
这里annualised,指得是如果你business 经营三个月,一共收入$18,750 + GST, 那按照年算的话,turnover就是$75,000 + GST, 这样你的turnover条件就满足了.
My business opened in 2020, so I do not have any figures from 2019. How do I show that my business has had a decline in turnover because of the lockdown?
You will need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period between 26 June and 17 July 2021 compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
这意味着你可以任意选择至少2周,而不受权限于26 Jun and 17 July 2019
When your business opened in 2020 and you do not have 2019 turnover figures
To demonstrate turnover between $75,000 and $50 million (inclusive), you need to provide one quarterly business activity statement (BAS), or 3 individual monthly BAS. The reported turnover will be annualised.
You will also need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period between 26 June and 17 July 2021 compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
My business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year. What can I provide to show my turnover meets the eligibility requirements?
You need to provide one quarterly (or 3 individual monthly) business activity statement (BAS) to demonstrate turnover of between $75,000 and $50 million (inclusive). The reported turnover will be annualised.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
My business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year, so I do not have any figures from 2019. How do I show that my business has had a decline in turnover because of the lockdown?
You will need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period between 26 June and 17 July 2021 compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
When your business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year
You'll need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the public health order over a minimum 2-week period between 26 June and 17 July 2021 compared to:
- the same period in 2019, or
- the same period in 2020, or
- the 2-week period immediately before the Greater Sydney lockdown commenced (11 to 25 June 2021).
If June and July 2019 were not representative of my usual turnover, how do I show the decline I experienced during lockdown?
To show your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period between 26 June and 17 July 2021, you can use a comparable period in June/July 2018 (if applicable) or a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
P.S FY2019指的的是01/07/2018 - 30/06/2019
FY2018指的的是01/07/2017 - 30/06/2018
总的来说,申请business grant,只要你的生意在1 January 2021之前在运营,你能证明你的turnover超过$75,000, 你符合其他的一些条件,comparison period的条件是很灵活的,26/06/2021 - 17/07/2021 这个是固定的,你找得对比的2周你可以自己选择代表你真实收入的2周. 假如你的生意是2020年7月以后开始的,如果你的turnover anualised后能超过$75,000,你也是可以申请的,如果其他条件你都满足. 如果你的business不在highly impacted industries list,你就需要会计信来证明你的turnover decline
2. JobSaver
Eligible and ineligible businesses
Any business, sole trader or not-for-profit organisation with an aggregated annual turnover between $75,000 and $250 million that has been impacted by the Public Health (COVID-19 Temporary Movement and Gathering Restrictions) Order 2021 can apply for this payment if they meet the eligibility criteria:
- they have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and were operating in New South Wales on 1 June 2021
- they had an aggregated annual turnover of between $75,000 and $250 million (inclusive) for the year ended 30 June 2020
- they experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the public health order over a minimum 2-week period within the Greater Sydney lockdown (commenced 26 June and due to end 28 August 2021), compared to:
- the same period in 2019
- the same period in 2020, or
- the 2-week period immediately before lockdown commenced (11 June to 25 June 2021).
For employing businesses, they must maintain their employee headcount from 13 July 2021 while they continue to receive JobSaver payments (businesses that do not maintain the declared headcount must notify Service NSW).
For non-employing businesses, the business receiving payments must be the primary income source for the associated person. Individuals with more than one non-employing business may only claim payments for one business.
Certain entities, such as those earning passive income (rents, interest or dividends), government agencies, local governments, banks, and universities are not eligible for JobSaver
Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment
Non-employing businesses are not eligible for the JobSaver payment if individuals associated with and deriving income from the business have received a Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment since 18 July 2021.
If you have employees, they can still receive the Commonwealth COVID-19 disaster payment if you're receiving JobSaver.
Businesses with a partnership structure can apply as long as they have an ABN and meet the eligibility criteria.
New Business
Note: Businesses must have been operating before 1 June 2021 to access support.
If your business opened in 2020 and you do not have 2019 turnover figures
To demonstrate turnover of between $75,000 and $250 million, you'll need to provide one quarterly business activity statement (BAS), or 3 individual monthly BAS. The reported turnover will be annualised.
If your business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year
You need to provide one quarterly business activity statement (BAS), or 3 individual monthly BAS, to demonstrate turnover of between $75,000 and $250 million (inclusive). The reported turnover will be annualised.
You'll also need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period between 26 June and 17 July 2021 compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
If your business is in a highly impacted industry, you'll need to declare you have experienced the 30% or more decline in turnover.
If your business is not in a highly impacted industry, you'll need to provide a letter from your accountant.
注意:Business Grant要求生意必须在2021年1月1日以前开始的才行 VS JobSaver 2021年6月1日以前开始的
除了1 Jun 2021之后的生意,只要你能证明你的turnover达到$75,000, 因为comparison period很灵活,2021年的比较仍然是26/06/2021 - 28/08//2021,很容易符合条件.
要注意的是turnover不包括GST ,也不包括Jobkeeper和Cashflow Boost,而且你的turnover算法是跟你的BAS的算法是一样的,如果BAS是Cash Basis,你算的时候就是Cash Basis。
很多人都困惑如果自己生意是company的形式,公司director是自己和spouse,是否company can apply for JobSaver, 2 directors apply for Disaster Payment, 答案是可以,只要你在6月26日前lodged most current BAS/IAS上的W1 Total Wages里包括了2 directors的工资,就可以,你甚至都不一定非得转账给2 directors,你只要有Payslips或者其它记录就好.
如果是Sole trader的形式,或者company 没有注册PAYG Withholding Tax,那你就没法申请2个.
记住JobSaver不是JobKeeper,它不是政府给的wages补助,他给的补助也可以用在wages之外其它的business costs上.
3. Covid-19 Micro-business Grant
- have experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the Public Health Order over a minimum 2-week period within the Greater Sydney lockdown (commenced 26 June 2021 and due to end 28 August 2021), compared to:
- the same period in 2019, or
- the same period in 2020, or
- the 2-week period immediately before the Greater Sydney lockdown commenced (11 June to 25 June 2021)
Can I apply for this grant if I have multiple ABNs?
If you hold more than one ABN, you can only make a single application. Your grant application should be for the business from which you derive your primary income.
Who is not eligible for this grant?
Certain entities, including those primarily earning passive income (such as rents, interest or dividends) or those with an ABN registered after 1 June 2021, are not eligible for this grant.
Non-employing businesses are not eligible to apply for this grant if anyone associated with the business or who derives income from it has received the Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment.
I work for myself with no employees. Can I apply if I’m already receiving the Commonwealth Disaster Payment?
Non-employing businesses are not eligible to apply if individuals associated with the business and who derive income from it are receiving a Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment.
这个意思就是说如果你是non-employing business,无论你是以什么形式经营的(sole trader, company, trust, partnership),你只要拿了diaster payment你就不可以申请这个, non-employing business 主要就是看你是否注册了 PAYG Withholding Tax,如果你没有注册,你很难argue你是employing business,你现在去backdate注册就晚了,有可能会说你是为了拿这个grant再去注册的. 举个例子,你是director of a company, company is not registered for the PAYG(W), 然后director就只能申请Micro-business Grant了,因为申请diaster payment的时候会问你的employer是谁,如果你公司没有注册过PAYG(W),比较难以证明你有employer,然后证明你有lost hours.
My business opened in 2020, so I do not have any figures from 2019. What can I provide to show my turnover meets the eligibility requirements?
You need to provide business bank account statements for a minimum 3-month period to demonstrate turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000. Your quarterly bank statement will need to show turnover of $7,500 or more.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
My business opened in 2020, so I do not have any figures from 2019. How do I show that my business has had a decline in turnover because of the lockdown?
You will need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period during the lockdown compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
This means if your business started in December 2020, you would need to use either the third or fourth quarters to show the decline in turnover.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
When your business opened in 2020 and you do not have 2019 turnover figures
To demonstrate turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000, you need to provide business bank account statements for a minimum 3-month period. Your quarterly bank statement will need to show turnover of $7,500 or more.
You can show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the public health order over a minimum 2-week period within the Greater Sydney lockdown (commenced 26 June and due to end 28 August 2021), compared to:
- the same period in 2019, or
- the same period in 2020, or
- the 2-week period immediately before lockdown commenced (11 June to 25 June 2021).
My business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year. What can I provide to show my turnover meets the eligibility requirements?
You need to provide business bank account statements for a minimum 3-month period to demonstrate turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000. Your quarterly bank statement will need to show turnover of $7,500 or more.
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
My business was not operational for the full 2019-20 financial year, so I do not have any figures from 2019. How do I show that my business has had a decline in turnover because of the lockdown?
You will need to show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period during the lockdown compared to a comparable period during the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
This means if your business started in December 2020, you would need to use either the third or fourth quarters to show the decline in turnover.
You can show that your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the public health Order over a minimum 2-week period within the Greater Sydney lockdown (commenced 26 June and due to end 28 August 2021), compared to:
- the same period in 2019, or
- the same period in 2020, or
- the 2-week period immediately before lockdown commenced (11 June to 25 June 2021).
Note: businesses must have been operating before 1 January 2021 to access support.
If June and July 2019 were not representative of my usual turnover, how do I show the decline I experienced during lockdown?
To show your business experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period during the lockdown you can use a comparable 2-week period during any of the first 3 quarters of the 2020-21 financial year.
总的来说,跟business grant一样,选择的comparison period很灵话,而且2021年比较的period也延长到,26/06/2021 - 28/08/2021(或更长)。唯一问题就是生意必须在1 January 2021之前已经运营. 还有一个问题就是要提供的材料需要的business bank statements,如果你个人和business混在一起的,最好提供会计信来证明你的收入下降.
Micro-business Grant的钱是从6月26日开始算的,不管你什么时候申请,都会backpay给你
4. Payroll tax relief
2021/22 payroll tax waivers of 25% for businesses with Australian payrolls between $1.2M and $10M that have experienced a 30% decline in turnover, as well as payroll tax deferrals and interest free repayment plans.
NSW businesses with a payroll tax liability have the option to defer lodgement and payment of their 2020/21 annual reconciliation until 7 October 2021.
Customers required to lodge monthly returns have the option to defer their returns due in August and September until 7 October 2021.
All payroll tax customers that defer their payments are eligible for an interest free payment plan of up to 12 months.
5. Land tax relief
Commercial, retail and residential landlords eligible for land tax relief equal to the rent reductions granted to financially distressed tenants up to 100% of their 2021 land tax liability.
Available for rent reductions made from now until 31 December 2021.
6. Residential landlord grant
Residential landlords not subject to land tax can apply for either:
- a $1500 grant to residential landowners to pass onto their tenants; or
- a concession of up to 100% of 2021 land tax
- for landlords who provide at least that much rental relief, tenants must have lost 25% or more of their income available for rent reductions made from now until 31 December 2021.
7. Small business fees and charges rebate
Sole traders, owners of a small businesses and not-for-profits may be eligible for a fees and charges rebate of $1500 to offset the costs of eligible NSW and local government charges due and paid from 1 March 2021.
The rebate is available until 30 June 2022.
8. Accommodation providers
Help will be available for eligible tourism accommodation providers that have lost business during the school holiday period. Assistance will be based on the number of cancelled ‘room nights’.
How much:
- $2,000 for up to 10 room nights
- $5,000 for 11 or more room nights
- For room nights lost during the 25 June to 11 July period
- Must be able to show evidence of cancellations
Accommodation providers should first apply for a COVID-19 Business Grant.
自己一个人的公司PTY LTD,没有员工,没交过PAYG,其它条件都满足,可以申请$15000吗?
我今天看到,nsw service 更新了。可以和20年同期,或者今年疫情封城前两周的营业额对比。
请问下micro business怎么计算的 是封城期间每周750吗?
听说难申请 现在好像补贴也到了750是不是方便点就直接申请封城补贴了?
樓主 jobsaver需不需要每兩周申請一次還是說第一周收到以後後面的就自動發放呢?
自动的,会一直发到8月28日或者更长,如果lock down延长的话
这笔钱是在 1/01/2021 到 17/07/2021期间
去年也是这么说的 后面根本没人管没人追诉
很多人都困惑如果自己生意是company的形式,公司director是自己和spouse,是否company can apply for JobSaver, 2 directors apply for Disaster Payment, 答案是可以,只要你在6月26日前lodged most current BAS/IAS上的W1 Total Wages里包括了2 directors的工资,就可以,你甚至都不一定非得转账给2 directors,你只要有Payslips或者其它记录就好.
请问这里只有Director 一人,但也是员工,有PAYG和Payroller ,但BAS一年才交一次 ,那么business grant,job saver 和disaster payment 也可以都申请吗?还是只能选一个?
请问是不是最新一期bas里面W1 有报上工资的话 那么 公司的员工或者director 都能申请 disaster payment?
是的,如果能满足disaster payment 的话
the 2-week period immediately before the Greater Sydney lockdown commenced (11 June to 25 June 2021)
意思就是拿26-06-21到17-07-21 跟 11 June to 25 June 2021比较对吗?
申请Jobsaver, 如果员工有拿Disaster Payment, 公司支付2天工资, 那么作为公司还可以申请JobSaver吗?
JobSaver是公司拿的对吗? 谢谢
如果公司符合jobsaver 的条件,公司就可以申请,disaster payment 是个人去申请的
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