


Eligibility criteria
3.1 Small business owners and non-profit organisations are eligible for a grant of up to $10,000 if they:

have between 1-19 employees and an annual turnover of more than $75,000;
have total Australian wages below the NSW Government 2019-20 payroll tax threshold of $900,000;
have an Australian Business Number as at 1 March 2020, are based in NSW and employ staff as at 1 March 2020;
are highly impacted by the NSW Government Covid-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020 issued on 30 March 2020, defined as a decline in turnover of 75 per cent compared to the equivalent period (of at least two weeks) in 2019; and
have unavoidable business costs not otherwise the subject of other NSW and Commonwealth Government financial assistance measures.
3.2 While non-employing businesses are not eligible for funding through this program, they may seek support through the Commonwealth Government’s Job Seeker Payment Program.

4. How funding may be used
4.1 Grants are provided to support eligible businesses that have been impacted by the shutdown restrictions enacted by Government, due to COVID-19. Grant funds could be used, for example, on:

meeting business costs, including utilities, salaries, rent
seeking financial, legal or other advice to support business continuity planning
developing the business through marketing and communications activities
other supporting activities related to the operation of the business.
4.2 This grant must only be spent on unavoidable business expenses for which no other government support is available. For example, this grant cannot be used to pay wages for staff eligible for JobKeeper.


Note: Small businesses not listed in this Attachment A can still apply for assistance and will be required to show evidence of a decline in turnover of 75 per cent compared to the equivalent period (of at least two weeks) in 2019.

Attachment A: List of highly impacted industries

Industry categories

Accommodation and Food Services

Clubs (Hospitality)
Pubs, Taverns and Bars
Cafés and Restaurants
Catering Services
Administrative and Support Services

Travel Agency and Tour Arrangement Services
Arts and Recreation Services

Museum Operation
Zoological and Botanical Gardens Operation
Casino Operation
Other Gambling Activities
Other Horse and Dog Racing Activities
Performing Arts Operation
Performing Arts Venue Operation
Amusement and Other Recreational Activities n.e.c.
Amusement Parks and Centres Operation
Health and Fitness Centres and Gymnasia Operation
Horse and Dog Racing Administration and Track Operation
Nature Reserves and Conservation Parks Operation
Sports and Physical Recreation Administrative Service
Sports and Physical Recreation Clubs and Sports Professionals
Sports and Physical Recreation Instruction
Sports and Physical Recreation Venues, Grounds and Facilities Operation
Information Media and Telecommunications

Libraries and Archives
Motion Picture Exhibition
Other Services

Brothel Keeping and Prostitution Services
Hairdressing and Beauty Services
Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Services
Other Personal Services n.e.c.
Retail (excluding food retailing)

Car Retailing
Motor Cycle Retailing
Trailer and Other Motor Vehicle Retailing
Motor Vehicle Parts Retailing
Tyre Retailing
Furniture Retailing
Floor Coverings Retailing
Houseware Retailing
Manchester and Other Textile Goods Retailing
Electrical, Electronic and Gas Appliance Retailing
Computer and Computer Peripheral Retailing
Other Electrical and Electronic Goods Retailing
Hardware and Building Supplies Retailing
Garden Supplies Retailing
Sport and Camping Equipment Retailing
Entertainment Media Retailing
Toy and Game Retailing
Newspaper and Book Retailing
Marine Equipment Retailing
Clothing Retailing
Footwear Retailing
Watch and Jewellery Retailing
Other Personal Accessory Retailing
Department Stores
Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Toiletry Goods Retailing
Stationery Goods Retailing
Antique and Used Goods Retailing
Flower Retailing
Other Store-Based Retailing n.e.c.
Non-Store Retailing
Retail Commission-Based Buying and/or Selling

Taxi and Other Road Transport
Air and Space Transport
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate

Real Estate Services
Education and Training

Preschool Education
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Combined Primary and Secondary Education
Special School Education
Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
Sports and Physical Recreation Instruction
Arts Education
Adult, Community and Other Education n.e.c.
Educational Support Services
Wholesale trade

Textile Product Wholesaling
Clothing and Footwear Wholesaling
Pharmaceutical and Toiletry Goods Wholesaling
Furniture and Floor Covering Wholesaling
Jewellery and Watch Wholesaling
Kitchen and Diningware Wholesaling
Toy and Sporting Goods Wholesaling
Book and Magazine Wholesaling
Paper Product Wholesaling
Other Goods Wholesaling n.e.c.
Commission-Based Wholesaling







Information Media and Telecommunications也可以?工作版还在说IT不受影响


政府会Audit 申请者的资格如下
Auditing requirements
Following receipt of funds, eligible applicants may be required to demonstrate the decline in turnover was a result of COVID-19. Evidence could be in the form of, but not limited to:

letter from your business accountant
proof of reduced customer numbers
proof of changes to business operations due to implementation of social distancing rules
proof of increased costs associated with public health protection measures.
You may be audited in the future, so you will need to keep all documentary evidence related to your application, and assistance provided under the scheme, for a minimum of 5 years.

As part of an audit, you may be required to provide evidence (for example, official receipts) that you have used funds in accordance with the terms and conditions of this grant.

It is a criminal offence to deliberately provide false information. Applicants who receive funds for which they are ineligible will be subject to recovery by Revenue NSW.
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚大家好,想咨询下在建筑行业,我们公司想在一家料场开二十五万的账期,料场说需要我们签一份caveat在我老板个人的房产上才能开,请问这样合理吗,他说建筑业都是这样,会有什么 ...



澳大利亚以前好像听说一般的小生意是不能报餐费的(请客户吃饭,或者加班时请员工吃工作餐),但是最近了解到一个同行是每个季度都报一定的餐费,不知这个餐费报销是怎么规定的? 评论 ...



澳大利亚需要移动pos机,支付笔数较小,单笔金额大点,平均可能两三百元以上吧。 刚Google 一家,说月费38,信用卡1%,debit 22 cents, 这是行价吗? 有pos机推荐吗? 评论 用SUNCORP啊,目前沒月費, ...



澳大利亚请问群里 哪位是做澳洲海鲜的 要一手货源 可以跟着出海打捞的那种 螃蟹 龙虾 鲍鱼这些 谢谢 评论 跟着楼主一起出海捕鱼! 评论 澳洲资源信息难搞 评论 这种抢手的资源哪轮你上网打 ...


合伙一起经营邮局post office

澳大利亚有愿意一起经营邮局的同学吗?坐标墨尔本。 邮局颇具规模。长期稳定。适合两个家庭一起合伙做。这样可以平衡家庭和工作。 欢迎志同道合的同学给我站内信。 评论 帮你顶一下 评 ...


CBA 刷卡机的deal

澳大利亚以前 CBA有个 免半年月租的优惠活动,不知道最近有没有人还能拿到这个优惠啊 评论 用Suncorp的啊,全方位便宜。 评论 CBA的不好,我之前被要求签3年合同给个低一些rate,提前退出要收 ...


申请刷卡机送$200 GIFT CARD

澳大利亚澳洲申请刷卡机,送$200 Gift Card。 没有申请费, 取消费,cancellation fee, 没有 exit fee. 需要在2024年7月31号前填写完申请表格。 有需要的老板赶紧行动起来。 评论 什么公司 月租多少 评论 ...


合同到期不续约 还要收费?

澳大利亚租约已经到期, 中介要求重签新租约费 900刀; 鉴于生意惨淡不再续约改成 month by month 只要提前一个月通知就走人. 今天中介又发来email说支付lease preparation fee 900刀. 我们都没签订新协议 ...



澳大利亚大家好!我是从事清洁和消耗品已有三年时间的从业者。从最初接手二手活的subcontractor开始,如今已经积累了一个由30位清洁工组成的小团队。虽然自知资历尚浅,但希望在此分享一些 ...



澳大利亚这几天有不少人问我清洁加盟是不是一个好的选择。购买一个商业特许经营(如清洁服务特许经营)对于许多创业者来说是一个吸引人的选择。清洁服务是消费者的持续需求,因此客户 ...



澳大利亚房东提了一堆无理要求,我不同意就不给续租约,就没有什么机构可以制约房东吗? 评论 例如呢 评论 。。。那人家不提要求好了 直接不续租就完了 想啥呢 评论 天庭,了解一下? 评 ...