我的情况是,我和我妹妹在读书我老婆在陪读,我和老婆在一家华人超市打工两人周入1200,她做5天,我做3天半,老板不错,工作很冷,我干冻库伤身体,感觉打工没前途,父母投资40万澳币左右想让我们开店,加盟店之类的,7-11或者快餐之类的,但是经济危机之下很有风险吧?哪位大侠帮我们分析一下?到底该怎么办,最近想不开。到底该开什么店呢?NES?NANDOS?PIZZAHUT?POST OFFICE?SUSHI?.......
First, you have to ask yourself, what are your objectives for having a business? And what is your risk profile? Finally, your combined skill sets?
If your objective is simply to find yourself another job and you have a low risk profile, then yes, buy an established franchise and it will be just like another job (but you get to call yourself 'boss'.
Franchise business won't make you rich, unless you are a master franchise.
If your risk profile is high and you wish to become a real boss and to make good money, then start up from scratch and grow the business.
If you have some great skill set, then you may consider a service based business.
Whatever it may be, only you and yourself can determine what sort of business would suit you.
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